Sorry Folks. It Had To Be Done.

Right. As Goity has been a very naughty Goity and has Spammed the whole of GP32x to death during the last day or two I have decided to ask you, the readers of "The mystery of the Blu Plus" whether he should be replaced by another character as a punishment. I'll review the thread in 24 hours and make a decision based on the votes received.
Right. As Goity has been a very naughty Goity and has Spammed the whole of GP32x to death during the last day or two I have decided to ask you, the readers of "The mystery of the Blu Plus" whether he should be replaced by another character as a punishment. I'll review the thread in 24 hours and make a decision based on the votes received.

and the winner is..... goity z :P

btw go easy on sam as he hasnt spammed today, i think hes being a good virtual person,

btw named one of my sisters fish after u sam, hes salled sam fish(er)
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Right. As Goity has been a very naughty Goity and has Spammed the whole of GP32x to death during the last day or two I have decided to ask you, the readers of "The mystery of the Blu Plus" whether he should be replaced by another character as a punishment. I'll review the thread in 24 hours and make a decision based on the votes received.

and the winner is..... goity z :P

btw go easy on sam as he hasnt spammed today, i think hes being a good virtual person,

btw named one of my sisters fish after u sam, hes salled sam fish(er)

Keep goity in it.
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Goity is a terrible Spammer on these boards... However he makes a good character for the story, so you should keep him in, or change his name to Goity Z...

Or you could have him get killed... That would be fun too! :D
but he can pronounce blue plus, you could do that.
btw. the cheat: you mean british accent? mark and gip are british (I think)
So I take it Goity has survived the voting process at present. :) hehe. TBH it'easier for me as chapter 4 and 5 are already written.

I will check back here at 8:19 pm ( 24 hours up) and if the Goity situation hasn't changed I'll post Chapter 4 shortly after that. (Personally I'd miss the little chap too ;) )
Chapter 4. Comments welcome.


"Ding Dong"

"Blimey I'm stuffed." said Craig.

"Ding Dong"

"Biscuit?" offered Reesy.

"Ding Dong"

"Go on then just one more." said Craig. "It's a good job this isn't a waffer thin mint or we'd be in trouble."

"Ding Dong"

"I couldn't eat another thing." said Skeezix. "Well maybe some strong coffee and a few proplus I've got some coding to do tonight."

"Ding Dong"

"Aren't you gonna answer that?" asked Craig.

"Ding Dong"

"Answer what?" asked Reesy.

"Ding Dong"

"That Phone." said Craig.

"Ding Dong"

"What phone?" said Skeezix dodging crumbs.

"Ding Dong"

"That phone" said Craig.

"Ding Dong"

"It's not mine." said Skeezix.

"Ding Dong"

"Nor mine." said Reesy

"Ding Dong"

"Shit it's the doorbell." said Craig


"Bloody hell they're out." said Mark

"Shit." said Goity.

"Should have gone before we left." said Spam who was probably grinning but it's difficult to tell as he's still wearing his paper bag.

"Shut the fuck up Spam" said Gimp.

"Yeah quiet Spam we've done that joke to death." said Toxibunny.

"Ok" said Spam his eyes blinking back the tears behind their little cutouts.

"crackle crackle" said the tree Mark was standing next to.

"Er... hello...hello." said the tree.

"Thank God. said Mark. "Hello guys it's Mark. We need to come in we've got a problem."

There was a tremendous grinding sound and a section of the hedge rolled back to reveal a long driveway up to a small non descript cottage.

Mark climbed back in the car and drove up the driveway. He parked outside the cottage and the team bundled out of the car.

The door to the cottage opened and out came Skeezix, Reesy and Craig.

"Baby." cried Craig and ran to his car. He flung himself across the bonnet (hood for those of a US persuasion) smothering it in kisses. "I've missed you so much."

"Easy Craig." said Skeezix.

Craig wasn't listening. With a glazed expression he continued to caress the car stopping only to begin to remove his shirt.

"CRAIG!!!" shouted Reesy.

Craig snapped his head up his eyes losing some of their faraway look.

"Er... Shit... sorry." he said buttoning his shirt.


"Cor these biscuits are nice aren't they?" said Toxibunny to no one in particular.

Several crumb laden positive replies sprayed across the room.

"So. There you have it." said Mark who had let Goity and Gimp fill in the coders. Goity was getting quite good at it but his knuckles were hurting a bit.

"Cheap screens eh?" said Craig. "The bastards."

"Yeah and they didn't even let anyone know about it either." said Toxibunny.

"Yeah, the first we knew about it was when Mr Bluplus swapped our old GP32s for spanking new units." said Goity.

"Yeah we should have known you never get something for nothing." said Toxibunny.

"You can get free ipods off the net." said Spam.

"Shit! Don't be such a fucking dick Spam." said Gimp.

"You can." said Spam. "Kermit the frog got one. You can get anything if you're a muppet."

"Did he bollocks." said Mark.

"He did." said Spam quietly to himself.

"What I don't understand is what Mr Bluplus wants with the old GP32s?" said Skeezix.

"I reckon he's going to save them up and flog them to the highest bidder." said Mark.

"You may well be right." said Craig. "I bet the bastards going to deal with Lik Sang."

"Fuck me." said Gimp. "Not Lik fucking Sang the notorious fucking underground games dealer? shit man"

"The very same." said Craig. "The very same..."

"I sang the last time someone licked me." said Spam.

"What are you whittering about Spam?" said Goity.

"Nothing Goity." said Spam.

"Bring Bring."

Craig scooped up the phone "Hello" he said.

"ah hah."



"Shit no."


"That's too far."



Craig slammed the phone down. "That was Octavious. I'm sorry to break it to you guys but we can't get anymore biscuits until Thursday."

"Shit." said Reesy. We've only eaten thirty three packets since yesterday.

The room fell silent for a minute.

"Well what are we going to do about this problem." said Mark.

"I could go to the shops for you." said Spam.

"I meant what are we going to do about the GamePark, Lik Sang, Mr Bluplus screen thing Spam."

"Oh Sorry." said Spam.

"Don't appologise Spam." said Craig. "That's an excellent idea. Ride down to the village on Reesys bike. It's only 15 miles and from there you can catch a bus to Frogmuffin. Our shopkeeper tells me they stock out favorite biscuits at the Frogmuffin corner shop."

"Ok." said Spam and headed for the door.

"The shop'll be shut by the time you get there so you'll have to wait until 7 in the morning for it to open and there isn't a bus back from Frogmuffin tomorrow so you'll have to walk back to Munchmuff, pick up the bike and then have a leisurely ride back here ok?"

"You have got some money haven't you Spam?"

"Aaargg." said Spam and slammed the door on the way out. "Me and my big mouth."

Tune in soon for more hilarious adventures. Will Spam find the Shop? Will Goity still be in the story? Will Gimp have an expletive free line?