Nintendos New Return Policy...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Just thought someone here might like to know.

I bought my DS on release day (two actually, one for me and one for my wife). My DS came out of the box with two dead pixels on the top screen. I was pissed. I asked if I could return it, but Blockbuster, where I bought, had no more to exchange for. Since then, I keep checking with them, but their second shipment sold out in hours, I missed it, and they got no more since.

So I called Nintendo... fully expecting them to say how I need to send mine in to them to check out and all that, get it back in two weeks or whatever.

well... was I wrong.

Seems about the same time they released the DS, they started a new return policy. Basically, if you call them and tell them your system is defective in whatever way, and it's a DEFINATE defect (like dead pixels on the screen) they will do an "advance exchange" which is just what it sounds like. Basically, they ship you out a new system... well technically remanufactured, but I was told that remanufactured is WAY different than refurbished, in that remanufactured means they make it so you basically can't tell in ANY way that it's not new (not that this applies to me... since they have not even produced any remanufactured DS's, I was told they would simply send me a brand new one). Anyways, they ship you out a new system, and included with that is paid postage (UPS) to return your defective system to them after you get the replacement.

I told them about my dead pixels and the rep admitted this was a known problem and very common on the first shipment of DS's (always pays to be the first with a new system eh?) but it has been eliminated now. So, they shipped me out a new DS already, SAME DAY, with email updates every step so far, and they didnt' cheap out either, sending it via UPS 2nd day air. So, I get a new DS in 3 days time, and with no inconvenience other than dropping off the return package for UPS to ship back.

They give you 21 days from the day they ship it, to recieve your exchange. Also, they do take a credit card number, but DONT charge it or put a hold on it or ANYTHING. But they take the number in case you decide to just keep both systems :)

Anyways, just thought I'd share this info with you guys... didn't know if there were any other guys out there with dead pixels or whatever wrong with their DS's.
cool. Now just to set up a PO box and a fake credit card number........

Will they ship all the way to the UK?

P.S. this is going to kick sony's ass! I just have no dead pixels as far as i know. I got hit round the head badly earlier.

PIXELS....... he he he funny pixie word!
sam fisher posted on Dec 21 2004 at 03:58 PM said:
P.S. this is going to kick sony's ass! I just have no dead pixels as far as i know. I got hit round the head badly earlier.

PIXELS....... he he he funny pixie word!

ROTFL :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Mine came with no dead pixels either, I guess most of us importers got lucky.

You keeping the DS now bast?
sam fisher posted on Dec 21 2004 at 03:58 PM said:
cool. Now just to set up a PO box and a fake credit card number........

Will they ship all the way to the UK?

P.S. this is going to kick sony's ass! I just have no dead pixels as far as i know. I got hit round the head badly earlier.

PIXELS....... he he he funny pixie word!

....moron :P
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the ds is so exciting
dark fader has apparently broken some kind of encription already
and they are building/already built an already very advanced card reader

and then there is wifi hacking

it's like a new breakthrough everyday
well I"m still holding on to mine at the moment. I've been loving my GP32, which has also been very exciting with new stuff every few days.

I have to admit, nintendo replacing my DS so easily, kinda does discourage me from wanting to sell it... but it still doesn't solve the fact that there is almost nothing good to play on the thing now or any time soon. Ridge Racer came and everyone says it sucked. And yeah Wario will probably be good but if anything like GBA Wario will be over in a day or two.

I will say, now that they have 'cracked' the DS so quickly (really wasn't expecting that) I'm also a little more hesitant to just sell the thing off... part of the reason I was so ready to sell was because the early word on the thing was that it was heavily encrypted and stuff like a flash cart and emulators probably werent' going to happen.

So... I'm still very much 'wait and see'.
Yours were shipped from inside the UK, so of course you didn't have to pay, and anyway even with import tax mine probably cost less then yours.

Oh and I'm not gay, I'm a paedophile, he is only 12...
eww you peedo, btw th reason I haven't post aboot this yet is cos I forgotted to come on this topic.
finty101 posted on Dec 22 2004 at 03:39 PM said:
Yours were shipped from inside the UK, so of course you didn't have to pay, and anyway even with import tax mine probably cost less then yours.

Oh and I'm not gay, I'm a paedophile, he is only 12...
of course you are we all new that. lol

Goity posted on Dec 23 2004 at 12:17 AM said:
eww you peedo, btw th reason I haven't post aboot this yet is cos I forgotted to come on this topic.
so your being harrassed in derbyshire? lol
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Got my replacement DS yesterday... though it had no box or anything, just bubble wrapped and in a small shipping box, it certainly looks to be a new one....

I'm afraid to touch the thing. Props to Nintendo for such a great return policy and service... having a replacement system in two days was really great of them.
I was told to send them back EXACTLY what they sent me. Which is basically just the DS system with one stylus. No box, no AC adapter, no wrist strap.

Hell I could probably keep the extra stylus and they wouldnt' even say anything but I believe in karma so :P

or maybe they'd charge me $1 for it I dunno *shrug*