took the words right outta my mouth >=]
yes! what he said. if you have a version 1.0 - 1.5(pretty much any box made before april of this year i think) you can easily do a tsop flash. however, this isn't a real 'softmod'. softmods are the software exploits that don't need a mod bios to run unsigned stuff. and while exploits are more advanced and whatever now, it's better/easier to just run your shit from a hacked bios. again, read up at the xbox-scene forums^
exploits are the only alternative to buying a chip for the latest xbox version(1.6) though. and getting a chip isn't really that bad, especially if you plan on getting on live(most chips have multi bank switches so you can boot from retail mode and get on lvie undetected...same can be done on a 1.0/1.1 box but is bit more troublesome for newbieS)...
anonther advantage to getiting a chip would be that you can do the tsop flashing process w/o any of those games like mechassault or 007. just temporarily drop it in, arrange temp exploit files w/ bios.take chip out, and turn on and flash. rinse & repeat. <- having a solderless chip makes tsop flashing a breeze.
its 4am and i can't sleep

. in any case: go to like the UP^ guy said
ftping with raincoat isn't really neccessary. you know about the eurasia flash disk right? it's raincoat on disk so you don't need to ftp that. you can pretty much just rip the iso of that disk, exploit sign its .xbe, and launch it from evox if you can't flash those damn bios chips with evox that only raincoat can. you're gonna need to put the bios file on a disk however.