New Taiwanese LCD GP2 with White Bars


seawolf ... no bars .... ok
cavecopter ... bars ... non-ok

in both games the last 240th row is the 1st one ... (but it is minor problem in comparison with white bars, but it's there )
PiNa1971 posted on Dec 10 2004 at 09:37 PM said:

seawolf ... no bars .... ok
cavecopter ... bars ... non-ok

in both games the last 240th row is the 1st one ... (but it is minor problem in comparison with white bars, but it's there )

Okay, now we know how mirko's sdk behaves in two different clock speeds. Maybe this'll come handy during the hunt for the reason... thanks!
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I've emailed them twice now, still no answer - and i'm wondering if my new sets have been shipped to me yet. They were supposed to be on their way on the 9th from Korea but UPS have said nothing so far.

As soon as i can get a new unit i can get to work on some experiments.


diabolic pong has the bars

SNES doesnt work for me, it boots and then asks for ROMs, I put some to GPMM/SNES but they are not shown, and hitting A/B reboots it. But there are no bars as far as I can tell.
From what I've tested, not yet mentioned... Elflogic works fine, except that the music is annoying. ;)

GPMania, the tetris-clone with Oh my Goddess! graphics has that top-lines at bottom problem.

SidMachine has bar, as does nsfplayer by Kuwanger.
GPengine, I think there was the topline at the bottom problem, need to check...

DrMD and FCEU work fine. As do SMS32 and LittleJohn.
OSnes9xgp32 bar, no worky... :(
OC tester bar, no worky either.
GPCinema works fine, regardless of Mhz.

I think that's about all I have tried, for now.

Hum, yup. Frodo has the bar, too. :ph34r:
as far as i know its at 20mhz and mircos sdk, snes9x is official sdk and 166mhz.
strange that seawolf works and diabolic pong not.
seems like its not only sdk/clock related but maybe also compiler?
VTexT 1.1 - white bar

Giana's Return - around 2cm on the right end of the screen is periodically overwritten.

I noticed the same artifact in !reader when srolling down ...

Hmmm it's getting more and more complicated :(
And lots of application simply start and then reboot immediately - U-Book 0.2b and other. fGEN32 starts fine, loads ROMs that are reported to be working without any problems, but after a few menus in the game, reboot. It's damn bad.
I getting more and more tempted to send my GP back to LS, tell them to hold on to my money, and send me a PSP when available. Of course I'd have to pay a bit additionally, approx. 40€, but hey.
I have this feeling PSP's from Lik Sang will be VERY expensive.

I have already been quoted prices by a couple of similiar stores, in the range of $400-600. :unsure:
heh I DOUBT it will go for less than $200. Not right away.

On ebay, average price is $300-400.

Local game stores around here that import are looking at about the same price.

HOWEVER, when they FIRST started selling presales for the things last month on Ebay, there were a lot of guys selling them for less than $200. I preordered one for $180 including shipping :D Usually I procrastinate like a mofo but I had this feeling if I wanted to buy one without selling my kidney, I'd have to jump on it.

I can't believe Goldenshop HK is gonna be asking high $500's for them....
The status for the BLU-paket at Lik-Sang changed to "Usually ships within 1 week ".
So it seems to get moving - lets hope their new batch does have fully working LCD
godammit, and I was just about to buy a blu off liksang. Is there a chance that they will go back to the way things were, I must have this system! Anyone wanna sell thiers?? :P

(another thing, i have a few friends that are damn good with soldering, could someone point me to somewhere that tells me the procedure for the mhz upgrade)

Thanks, James.
pea posted on Dec 12 2004 at 03:46 AM said:

Nice mod site. Although I don't know why you say to dissasemble the GP32 completely to do a glass screen replacement. I just pulled the grey frame off and switched screens and left my GP32 intact. Other than that it has some good info.
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