Passed My Driving Test

well done axeman,, i failed mine on 10th 1 major 2minors,, he rekons i didnt look out my back window on paralell park,, fukin liar how can i do a paralell park perfect witrhout lookin out there idiot did he not see me lookin out the back so i didnt hit the car i was infront of,, well rebooked for 4th jan..
Axeman posted on Dec 12 2004 at 11:33 PM said:
I've got an old 1.5L diesel Corsa.

Nice and cheap, nice and economical, and insurance at only £550 fully comp...

nice.. Im guessing thats on your own insurance... with you being an old man at about 25 :P and me being only 17 I have to go onto my Mums (Or Dads) Insurance because of the price... On my own, it would cost me around £1,200 for a 1.2 Corsa :(

Costs £800 to insure the maverick, but it only costs me £500 (As it costs my Mum and Dad £300 to insure the maverick themself)

Will be funny pulling up at school when everyone is in there little 1.0 - 1.2 Corsa etc and I pull up next to them in a big 2.7 Turbo Maverick :P hehe
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Mark posted on Feb 10 2005 at 10:35 PM said:
My test is finally booked for the 25th Febuary. I cannot fucking drive.

isn't about time you learn't then.. its easy when you know how a bit like riding a bike, only you have 3 pedals instead of 2.
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Steve-O posted on Dec 12 2004 at 02:44 PM said:
I might get a 1.3 Mini Cooper Limitied Edition

hmmm, minis are my fav. i'm gonna get one when i get my licence one of the originals only problem is there are no air conditioning in the ones older than 95 (at least that's what i heard) problem for las vegas. My uncle wants me to get a volkswagon rabbit though.

i haven't taken drivers ed yet but i can take it anytime i want, but i'm gonna wait till i move to las vegas, which will be soon, maybe. any tips i should take.
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