Driving Tests....

eh, i've driven before on the road in las vegas at night when no ones around. the only hard part i thought was accelerating and not going over the speed limit or driving to slow, just incase a cop was near by. They need to have more digital speedometers i've only seen them in like two cars. but i'm sure it's a lot different with people around.
Passed first time when i was seventeen. don't know how i pulled it off but i was so nervous that my legs were spasming..luckily my test was in henley and spent most of it driving round quiet country lanes.. still i was nervous wreck and was sure i

Yeah driving on your own pretty hairaising especially when having first passd your test, take your mums car and accidently take a wrong end up on the motorway that same day on your own having not driven before.

A week later driving to school and while waiting to turn right i was invollved in a 5 car pile up cause someone had come whizzing down at 60mph got blinded and boom...

Got my car stuck in a ditch in the woods while going for some after school herbal remedies, took us 3 hours to get the bastard out and it had gotten damn dark.

Rear tyres blown out at 80mph when coming back from a club, car became unsteerable, brown trouser moment for me and my mates as it weaved between several articulated lorries, luckily i slowed the car down through the gears rather than slamming on the brakes...

finally forgot to put my hand brake on at the top of a hill and my car rolled down hill into someones house :rolleyes:
sorry to hear that Axeman :( Im learning myself right now and wouldnt be surprised if wont pass till the 3rd or 4th time early next year
... Well i'm only 15 (i could take drivers ed now but don't want to).

EXACTLY!!! Here in florida we have geeeeezers. they either drive really slow with the blinker on or they can't see over the steering wheel or something so F****NG
RETARDED THAT THEY SOMEHOW ALMOST SCARE YOU TO DEATH!!! oh and stupid teens too. :lol: :) and I know I'm a teen but at least I'm not on the road. :D
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Ive failed my test twice and i cant be arsed doing it again.
But i use my mums car when parernts go away on business which is well dodgy but bothered.
Also the driving examiner on the last test has also made "The List".
If i fail all my exams and shit then im going to become a hired gun and take all those pricks on the list out with a silenced HK PSG-1. BOOOOOM!!!

so nervous...
legs spasming.. 
nervous wreck...

accidently take a wrong end up on the motorway ...

5 car pile up ...

stuck in a ditch in the woods while going for some after school herbal remedies...

Rear tyres blown out...
car became unsteerable...
brown trouser moment ...
several articulated lorries...

forgot to put my hand brake on ...
car rolled down hill into someones house...

...remind me not to drive in london :P :P :P
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so nervous...
legs spasming..
nervous wreck...

accidently take a wrong end up on the motorway ...

5 car pile up ...

stuck in a ditch in the woods while going for some after school herbal remedies...

Rear tyres blown out...
car became unsteerable...
brown trouser moment ...
several articulated lorries...

forgot to put my hand brake on ...
car rolled down hill into someones house...

...remind me not to drive in london :P :P :P

hahaha, you cant drive in London even if you want to

you get charged a fiver for the pleasure of sitting in a bloody car for 2 hours edging forward with the clutch
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