

La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I think a PSP thread could be a new idea ;)
What possible releases are you most looking foward to?
Since the PSP will obviously just make lots of remakes/ports just like the DS has.
Here's the games that I'm extremely excited about:

Medal of Honour (it'll probably be based on the most recent released)
Any Crash Game
Any Spyro game
Final Fantasy (this one's already in the making :D, but all we've got at the moment is a trailer which contains no in-game footage.)

So what about you?
Im not sure If I should say anything.. I might get yelled at lol
anyways, Ill buy any good FPS game that has 16 person multiplayer and headset
but, It wont be untill the PSP price comes down, moving is expensive and Im upgrading my computers right now

im most excited about wipeout pure, ridge race, need for speed, grand turismo, psp racer... ok racers genrally and the rpgs

o and here is a good site for psp information
Final fantasy7 + 4-6 hours battery power (lower during the FMVS).

to me that doesn't add up.

are you thinking of this? advent children. Because that is just a final fantasy 7 based movie on umd for the psp, which would probably warant the low battery life.
GOD DAMMIT!!! Why do they only ever show the movies parts and not the actual game.
lol, that does seem to be a recent development in gaming, fair enough this is an advertising "teaser" (meaning it's just made to excite and tease the potential customer) but now they're even used when the games out for example the Harry Pottter ads :P

As it happens Paul that's the only PSP footage of gamespot that is just an advert with no gameplay lol.
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I thought the only FF7 thing for the PSP was the movie FF7: Advent Children. Scazw gave me the impression that there was gonna be an acutal FF7 game for the PSP, not a movie. :o
I thought the only FF7 thing for the PSP was the movie FF7: Advent Children. Scazw gave me the impression that there was gonna be an acutal FF7 game for the PSP, not a movie. :o
it is?
Oh bollocks.
EDIT: just read up, it is. :(
but they put this:

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Publisher: Square Enix | PSP | Role-Playing

but it doesn't matter since now there's:
Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII (working title)
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All they need really is to make a remake considering...
Crisis Core
Dirge of Cerberus
Advent Children
Before Crisis
All FFVII related

I don't know what console to get Theres a few amazing looking games for each
But the psp has loads of ports, MediEvil which I look forword to
189 USD i believe
and go to here for lots of movies of PSP in action here
also, like I always say, where are you going to be in one day where there isnt power near by that you are going to play a game 4-6 hours straight??
answer that before you say anything about battery life

No where really, but we all are a bit lazy, so it is nice to not have to put it on sometimes.

I'm not really that biased in the whole war thingy, I will be getting both, I just favour the DS a bit.
ive recently come to realize , there shudnt be a PSP vs DS war , there both aiming for diff target audiances , there bot setting to accomplish different goals, and in some way or other , there both accomplishing it.

the DS is coming forward with innovative ways to bring in new technology to the handheld scene , and the PSP is bring much nice graphics,

the DS is lacking in the amazing PSP graphics , and the PSP is lacking in inovation and battery life.

some people may feel the PSP is the same old stuff with better graphics , other may think the DS is a gimmic.

its all about opinions.

im mainly heading for the DS, for a while now ive been complaining to friends that the games idustry is getting a tad dry, companys only moving for graphics , so the DS is big news for me ^_^. it also gives me a medium to play my GBA games on ^_^

my 2 pennys


about that 4-6 hours thing , if im playing in bed the plug sockets are on the other side of the room , and there usualy full , or maybe at weekends when i goto my moms in a 5 hour car ride. or during the day when im doing 7 hours at college (lets face it , nobody works at college XD)

theres also thefact , its not just about playing for 4-6 hours , its the random usage, maybe your moving around all day and cant stay sat down with it plugged into a wall.

or if one night you dont charge , the next day your out of usage, same for all hand helds.
I get a feeling they may wait awhile before doing a full on RPG because it's one of those things you can easily play for more then 4 hours in a stretch.

Also if I recall correctly Before Crisis is actually an exclusive cellphone game.