Release CASIO SW-10 Daemon


I wrote a midi sequencer that I intend to use on the pyra. I was wondering about soft synths and this helps. I love Casio, best watches.
This is a really great work!! Also a great addiction to the Pandora and Linux community! Thanks

I never used a softsynth so i found this little guide that maybe help others, to setup and use under Linux and work also on Pandora with some little changes.

This guide is mostly based on the use of TiMidity++ but i changed using this Casio SW-10 and it worked good.

Basically you need the ASeqView pnd from @cube48 this is needed for the "aconnect" program that is not available on the Nand (don't know if it is still downloadable from Angstrom repo), and i used also Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard pnd from Canseco to test the Casio SoftSynth.

Once you have installed correctly the needed rom file for this Casio Daemon, run it and open a terminal.
Now follow the first steps of the guide linked but use /mnt/utmp/aseqview/bin/./aconnect to find the aconnect program.
So type /mnt/utmp/aseqview/bin/./aconnect -lo
Next i installed the Virtual Midi daemon ( sudo modprobe snd-virmidi )
Now another /mnt/utmp/aseqview/bin/./aconnect -lo to find the correct client to connect
skip the TiMidity part.
and now connect /mnt/utmp/aseqview/bin/./aconnect 24:0 128:0 (change with you correct client numbers) and it wil be connected.
Now i run VMPK (virtual midi piano keyboard), go to "Edit" menu and change the "MIDI Connections" to the one you have before when you made the connection.
Now try to press some keys or use the mouse or stylus to play (on the tiny keyboard).

Do you plan to release a Pyra version ?
You only need the Virtual Midi daemon if an application doesn't want to connect directly to a softsynth or if you want a more complicated setup (e.g. sending midi data from one input to two outputs, ...). Otherwise you can skip it. You don't need it for Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard.

Do you plan to release a Pyra version ?
When I get my Pyra.
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Yes but also started by the boot process so always running and able to service requests. MIDI softsynth always running = good. But atypical I would think. It makes the pyra a synth server. Hell yes.
You only need the Virtual Midi daemon if an application doesn't want to connect directly to a softsynth or if you want a more complicated setup (e.g. sending midi data from one input to two outputs, ...). Otherwise you can skip it. You don't need it for Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard.

Thanks for correcting, just tested and you are right...:)
Yes but also started by the boot process so always running and able to service requests. MIDI softsynth always running = good. But atypical I would think. It makes the pyra a synth server. Hell yes.
I can stop and start deamons, and if I don't enable them, I need to start them instead of them starting at boot or shortly thereafter. A server is a different thing and usually requires and open port for other devices to connect to.
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It registers with alsa as a midi device listening on a particular midi channel for midi messages.

But I doubt it's an actual daemon.
In my opinion, any process which runs without interaction with the user via normal means is a daemon. So things like proxies, graphics renderers and disc cache operators are all daemons, even if they're normally referred to as those I've listed there. But daemon is a kind of catch all term for stuff that does stuff without user interaction. The only argument I could use against that here is that it outputs via the sound chip which is a form of user interaction, but evidently that's not considered something that stops it being a deamon by the OP here, and I'll abide with that.
Hi,i do not understand that completly.

Is this for a USB Midi Keyboard to make Musik on the Pyra from it?

I do read Sequencer and other things i do not know..
...but i own a Midi Keyboard and it would be Fun to make Musik on the Pyra with it:)

Ah i look like the older Windows95 Yamaha XG Software Synthesizer..right?
In the older Final Fantasy 7 was this Midi Software included and there was a very very better Midi Sound then.
Hmm, yes, it dos say seuencer. A sequencer isn't a deamon. I assume then this is designed to be used with that sequencer rather that with any kind of external midi device, though if it could be used liek that I can't rule out.
Yes you could connect your midi keyboard to your pyra.

And thanks for mentioning FFVII:

I want to play these through an analog synth!!