Release Neko Puzzle


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Neko Puzzle, a puzzle game from Lexaloffle

The game use box86 and gl4es to run. Also, I needed to hack the binary a bit as it used a statically linked SDL2 library. The hack was needed so SDL2 recognize Pandora keymap. Game use GLES1.1 backend and should run on all Pandora model.

History log

Build 02

  • remove hack and use external SDL2 instead
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Binary hacked to make pandora keymap works
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Also, I needed to hack the binary a bit as it used a statically linked SDL2 library. The hack was needed so SDL2 recognize Pandora keymap.
There is a way to override statically linked SDL2 library with dynamic SDL2 library (unless the statically linked SDL2 library was compiled without this option). See docs/ for details. This would allow box86 to use native SDL2 library and you wouldn't need to hack the binary.
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There is a way to override statically linked SDL2 library with dynamic SDL2 library (unless the statically linked SDL2 library was compiled without this option). See docs/ for details. This would allow box86 to use native SDL2 library and you wouldn't need to hack the binary.
Oh, awesome, I didn't knew that. I tried and it worked. I'll update the PND soon. Thanks!