Web Browsers

Which web browser do you use?

  • Internet Explorer (PC)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Internet Explorer (Mac)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Internet Explorer derivative (based on IE, eg. MyIE)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Netscape

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Firefox / Firebird

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Opera

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AOL (*)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mosaic (!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Konqueror

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Galeon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other KHTML based

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other Gecko based

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Opera "Simply the best Internet Experience", Brought and paid for :-).

Won`t use internet explorer POS. Nuff said :D .

I can not get on with firefox`s interface (the opera wannabe), A lot of its ui seems illogical. Plus it ends up being bloated after installing all the NEEDED plugins to bring it up to opera`s usability.

Firefox on windows (although im using IE on this crappy beast). I will use firefox on my mandrake box aswell.

note: also using Konqueror to test my html on mandrake box :)
@all the firebird/fox users, remember setting it so that it says it is mozilla or something, couse standart is ie what sucks couse it makes false stats on website hits.
btw: opera/firebird here
Actually Vimacs, it defaults as Mozilla (Gecko) and you need an extension to make it spoof IE instead. So yeah, don't install that extension. document.all support is coming to Mozilla soon so 'IE-only' sites will work just fine on Mozilla - you have no reason to switch.

Oh, and Firefox here. Although I have about five browsers installed to test with.
In regards to this thred, can anyone tell me if firefox/bird is user-friendly enough, or similar enough to IE for me to install so my family can use it without too much trouble.

Also, can anyone tell me if it's a problem to have IE installed for the other users, and firefox installed for myself.

And also, whats the difference between firefox, firebird and mozilla then?

...And also, whats a good email client to replace outlook with?

Sorry for all the stupid questions.
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Firefox is userfriendly enough that you could make the IE icon on your desktop point to it and your family wouldn't notice. In fact, many people do just that.

For the less deceitful user - it works just like IE. It's a box with back, next, reload, stop and an address bar. You can get the Googlebar extension installed which is identical to the PC one except for pagerank. Bookmarks are handled exactly the same way except you can have seperators and it's called 'Bookmarks Toolbar Folder' instead of 'Links'.

And of course there's the security, pop-up blocking, adblocking, tabbed browsing, mouse gestures... but they are either optional extensions or transparent to the former IE user.

As far as I know, when installing Firefox you choose either 'All users' or 'Just for me' and can set the default browser as Firefox for you alone. If you can't, it's more likely a problem with XP because the developers would have added it.

Mozilla is an open-source project that transformed the old Netscape 4 source code into a much better browser. However, mail, chat and other features got incorporated, plus tons of misc. options. It became bloated. It's still incredibly useful for web developers but it takes too long to load and too much memory for some users.

So Phoenix came out - a cut-down version of Mozilla, for Windows, which dispensed with most of the unneccessary fluff and made it leaner, smaller and faster. It has no mail client, chat or address book- just the browser. Then the name had to be changed for legal reasons to Firebird. However, there was an SQL server project called Firebird - although it wasn't a legal requirement, in good faith they changed their name once again to Firefox. So all three names are the same project. It's been Firefox since 0.8 and will probably continue to be in the foreseeable future.

As for a mail client, well, Gmail requires no mail client :) But for POP3/IMAP, Thunderbird is a good project. It's identical to Firefox in that it takes the mail part of Mozilla and cuts it down to run faster and on its own. Get it here.
Gruntfuggly posted on Sep 6 2004 at 10:04 AM said:
What about Safari?

Also - I notice that the 'reply to' icon on this board has been ripped from Safari's 'snapback' feature...

Which is just a rip off of Opera's quick back funtion.

Btw Opera here I paid for it and I love it it certainley is the best thing I have on my PC
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The figures on this site are amusing.

I'm a firefox user and was previously a Mozilla user. IE is the third choice on this poll, but I have yet to meet someone in "real-life" who uses an alternate browser.
Even the small number of Mac users I know use IE.

It just show how cool we are as a community. B) But i suppose the people most likely to/ most interested in voting in this poll are people who dont use IE.

Does anybody know what the figures for the wider world are?
I would imagine IE dominating heavily.
from my apache log files form my sig on gp32x from the threds ive poste in over the last few days.

1	Others      5,859	1,556	50.10%	
2	Internet Explorer 6.x    2,277	684	22.02%	
3	Netscape 6.x    	1,713	555	17.87%	
4	Opera      	1,373	191	6.15%	
5	Internet Explorer 5.x    236	70	2.25%	
6	Netscape 4.x    	58	17	0.55%	
7	ProxyScanner    19	15	0.48%	
8	Netscape 7.x    	10	6	0.19%	
9	Netscape 3.x    	21	6	0.19%	
10	Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600	2	2	0.06%	
11	Netscape 5.x    	24	2	0.06%	
12	HTTP4GP32/0.1a (GP32; ARM9; U) [en]	2	1	0.03%	
13	NBSP/1.00 (Windows; U; 32bit)  	1	1	0.03%	
Total	11,595	3,106	100.00%

place 12 is intresting, not? :-)