GP32 Shrink-wrapped Gp32


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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I remember being told by a friend that cars are often not painted but shrink-wrapped into their design - especially police-cars and taxis. I was just wondering how plausible such an idea might be in terms of creating designer cases... anyone got any experience in shrinkwrapping designs onto things?
Basically, yes. You'd think there might be probalems with, say, the screen and the buttons, but then if cars have it done to them, there must be ways round (a measured transparent bit, perhaps for the screen, and a knife for the buttons, or holes?). If the idea is sound, and anyone has access to this kind of thing, it could theoretically open up a whole new market for GP32 accessories - i.e. you could buy one of many different coloured wraps for your GP...

Though the heating bit, I imagine, could be a problem; it'd depend how hot it actually needed to go, I suppose.
Are you sure cars are heat shrink wrapped??????????????????????????????????? :huh: :huh: :huh:
Rubbish. the signs you see on Police cars, ambulances etc, are either sprayed on (for large flat colour sections), or are easily applied vinyl stickers (complicated shapes, badges etc).
MegatronUK posted on Sep 1 2004 at 07:36 PM said:
Rubbish. the signs you see on Police cars, ambulances etc, are either sprayed on (for large flat colour sections), or are easily applied vinyl stickers (complicated shapes, badges etc).

Yup, thats how they do them, They dont heatshrink wrap a whole design onto a car :P hehe

My Dads Ford Maverick was a Ex Cop car and its got now Heatshrink wrap on :D (The Vinyl stickers are removed though)

I think you should give your friend a spanking for telling you silly things :P hehe
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No, he's right. There is shrinkwrap foil for cars. They shown that on TV recently. It's used as a cheap alternative to painting the whole car, and IMHO it looks crap. ;)
But they don't use one foil for the whole car, they're various parts, so it probably is of no use for the GP32.