Gp32 As A Joypad?

hmm nice idea with a long USB Cable ;)
control your PC lying in the bed with a gp32 would be a nice idea :D
you could port some of those clients, forgot the name, which a for Remote control, and then run the server on your pc... sure not easy ;) but a cool idea...
@Deleted User, Have you tried calibrating the GP32 in the (not sure what it`s called in ME) game options, Joypad setting etc, In control panel.

Worth a try.

MY idea with a second screen was, to play a game on PC, while doing other things on GP, like controlling Media player, watching a download or looking at a chat while playing.
project-2501 posted on Aug 15 2004 at 02:17 PM said:
wow that's pretty good, it's also a good way of seeing if your diagonals are a bit dodgy in controller properties, I now know mine definately are <_<
Mine are as well. The GP32 joystick sucks ass in my limited experience.
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Firefly: It would be nice if you could find a way to make the GP32 use the power that comes out of the USB port when the fxe is loaded (with the GP32 plugged into the USB cord).
Zero3K posted on Aug 16 2004 at 04:42 AM said:
Firefly: It would be nice if you could find a way to make the GP32 use the power that comes out of the USB port when the fxe is loaded (with the GP32 plugged into the USB cord).
correct me if I'm wrong but the GP32 USB is unpowered & thus it's impossible in his current form to apply that... sorry !

btw congratulation Firefly :) it's really an awesome idea ;)

oh and concerning using the GP32 as a second display I think it's also totaly impossible ;)
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oh and concerning using the GP32 as a second display I think it's also totaly impossible
Not totally impossible, but the easiest way would require a game specially written that would run on both the gp32 and the pc. Simply make the processing on both versions identical, but have them display a different screen (ie, pc shows game, gp32 shows map).
trooper posted on Aug 15 2004 at 09:28 PM said:
@Deleted User, Have you tried calibrating the GP32 in the (not sure what it`s called in ME) game options, Joypad setting etc, In control panel.

Worth a try.


I have treid many combinations, but the comp thinks its in the top left position :(
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Works absolutely brilliantly with everything I've tried. But to be honest dont think I'll use it that much. That crappy joystick is just too fragile! I wonder if there is a way of making it more robust.
I was playing on Neo Geo emulator and was actually scared to try and pull off some of the specials.

I IMHO think the gp32_console joystick is great for gba emus I play on the pc and with fighting games can pull off special, maybe not aswell as with a d-pad, fine.
woogal posted on Aug 16 2004 at 07:21 AM said:
oh and concerning using the GP32 as a second display I think it's also totaly impossible
Not totally impossible, but the easiest way would require a game specially written that would run on both the gp32 and the pc. Simply make the processing on both versions identical, but have them display a different screen (ie, pc shows game, gp32 shows map).
hummm I see.... like a GBA & a Game Cube :)
but of course display a true clone of the computer screen would be impossible, no?
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woogal posted on Aug 16 2004 at 07:21 AM said:
oh and concerning using the GP32 as a second display I think it's also totaly impossible
Not totally impossible, but the easiest way would require a game specially written that would run on both the gp32 and the pc. Simply make the processing on both versions identical, but have them display a different screen (ie, pc shows game, gp32 shows map).
I could be possible to port a VNC viewer on gp32linux... There would still be a problem concerning USB data transfer...
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Yes! Now I can play SOM (Secret of Mana, in case you didn't know) with nobody scrunched up on the keyboard!
I have a problem with build6 and linux 2.4.26. Never tried another usb gamepad before, nor another build.
I followed instructions about USB HID gamepad. When I do a cat /dev/input/js0 there is 10 time a "character". When I move the pad or button, nothing happens. I need to do another 'cat' and then the 10 characters change.
Looks like it doesn't work as expected. I tried to make it work with qjoypad as well.

In syslog:
hub.c: new USB device 00:02.0-2, assigned address 2
input: USB HID v1.00 Gamepad [GamePark GP32] on usb1:2.0

If someone can help...
Errabes posted on Aug 22 2004 at 02:33 PM said:
I have a problem with build6 and linux 2.4.26. Never tried another usb gamepad before, nor another build.
I followed instructions about USB HID gamepad. When I do a cat /dev/input/js0 there is 10 time a "character". When I move the pad or button, nothing happens. I need to do another 'cat' and then the 10 characters change.
Looks like it doesn't work as expected. I tried to make it work with qjoypad as well.

In syslog:
hub.c: new USB device 00:02.0-2, assigned address 2
input: USB HID v1.00 Gamepad [GamePark GP32] on usb1:2.0

If someone can help...
I sometimes find that it won't respond if you try and access it too quickly. I tend to run the fxe, wait for about 5 seconds, plug in the usb, wait for about 5 seconds, then test with jstest /dev/js0. It might be worth trying a lower build too (I can't remember if build 6 worked for me, but on kernel 2.6.1 I find that build 5 seems the most stable).
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I tried to wait quite a lot, and tried with build 5 as well but it's still the same.
Don't know what's wrong...
Too bad I cannot try with another USB gamepad or something to be sure how it should work.
I think I'll try a 2.6 kernel on this computer soon...
well i'm pretty useless at such stuff but couldn't it be really simple like it just takes constant screenshots + just sends them 2 a constantly updating image viewer on the gp32 (reverse webcam ! data wise) + if the mouse thing was incorporated couldn't you contrl it aswell it would be great even if just an image a second this would be a great use for me for playing mp3s in my room without having 2 turn my monitor off when i go 2 sleep ( it has no power saving features its like 12 years old )

Or maybe just get it 2 be those media player buttons so you can control windows media player with it that would be great.... Especially when playing cs or like those lcd screens get it 2 display whats playing .. This is all so very far fetched but would be awesome