
It's a bizaar subject. There's no right or wrong answer. The world is perceived so differently by people that there is no general law that can apply to everything. Pedophilia can not just be determined as wrong. I'm sure pedophiles think its right. Homosexuality is considered wrong by a ton of Christians, but it's becoming more and more normal and integrated into our society. Homosexuality isn't as wrong as it was. Still, I don't see pedophilia reaching the level of homosexuality, simply because of maternity.
mattmagoo posted on Aug 11 2004 at 08:08 PM said:
Kop_007 posted on Aug 11 2004 at 07:42 PM said:
Mark posted on Aug 11 2004 at 06:13 PM said:
finty101 posted on Aug 11 2004 at 06:05 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on Aug 11 2004 at 04:48 PM said:
Read "Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore. It may just change your mind.
I did. I hated it.

But even in the states in america where there is no death penalty, you can be put inside for the rest of your life, this is another thing I dont agree with.
Some states have the death penalty, some don't.

And Kop, you're a Christian, but say people should be totured?

And you say Micheal Moore's a hypocrit.
Aye, it might seem like that, HOWEVER:

The bible, like any other good book, is full of loopholes, like I said before, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'. The torture should be proportionate to the crime.

Doesnt change the fact that Michael Moore is a big hypocrite.

what the fuck, LAW is about loop holes, religion is about what you believe, not finding your way around something so you can save your faith
Faith is different for everybody. This is the way I perceive my faith.
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oxygene posted on Aug 11 2004 at 10:25 PM said:
Kop_007 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:22 AM said:
We dont kill fat peope because they are fat? Hmm. Last time I checked, being obese was NOT a crime. I dont even know how you can equate the two.
last I checked, being a pedophile wasn't a crime either, being a child molester otoh was.. maybe that changed in the meantime, but I doubt it.
Someone mentioned it's different in Germany, but being a paedophile (not thinking it, actually acting on those thoughts - photgraphs etc), is against the law.
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Kop_007 posted on Aug 11 2004 at 10:22 PM said:
What?! Having a sexual fetish towards children is out of a person's control?

That really doesnt seem right. RoboJoe32 said it best.

You simply cant compare being black or Jewish to being a paedophile. That, my friend, shows complete ignorance to the world around you.

Killing someone because they comitted a crime and killing someone because of their race is certainly not the same thing.

We dont kill fat peope because they are fat? Hmm. Last time I checked, being obese was NOT a crime. I dont even know how you can equate the two.
We are clearly thinking on different levels. You DO realise that fetishes are out of your control right?

Some people like feet, some people like bondage, some people like Asians... do they choose this? Do they get a little checklist before they are born that they can fill in?

Do homosexuals choose to be gay? No, it is genetic.
Do pedophiles choose to be sexually attracted by children? No, it is genetic.
Do black people choose to be black? No. It is genetic.

Now just because you can't get past the mental barrier of 'well, gays don't commit crimes, but pedophiles do, so the two things CAN'T BE COMPARED' doesn't mean I'm ignorant. It means you make stupid arguments that don't make logical sense.

Please, tell me why I can't compare being black to being a pedophile to being straight to being English to being stupid. They are all genetic or environmental traits. They are passed the same way.

Oh, and as many have pointed out, mere pedophilia is NOT a crime. THAT is what I am comparing.
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Kop_007 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:45 AM said:
Someone mentioned it's different in Germany, but being a paedophile (not thinking it, actually acting on those thoughts - photgraphs etc), is against the law.
in this case, that's a violation on the production or possesion or trade of pictures of nude children in sexually oriented poses - illegal in germany, too..

you don't need to be a pedophile to make such images (being money hungry is enough), and not every pedophile owns/makes/sells such images - means, there's no correlation..

we could of course have a prejudice against every adult human being for the property of being a potential rapist, that's about the same thought pattern... is that ok?
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Rico posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:49 AM said:
Do homosexuals choose to be gay? No, it is genetic.
Do pedophiles choose to be sexually attracted by children? No, it is genetic.
I wouldn't bet on such issues being "genetic" - they can be genetic, childhood influences, some trauma in adult age, any combination thereof..

I agree that attraction to other people is usually nothing that's proactively chosen..

at least, I never heard of a gay whose story started out like 'I woke up next to this woman, it was wonderful last night, but well.. let's try the gay route for a while, even though I never found men attractive' - of course those could exist
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Kop_007 posted on Aug 11 2004 at 10:45 PM said:
oxygene posted on Aug 11 2004 at 10:25 PM said:
Kop_007 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:22 AM said:
We dont kill fat peope because they are fat? Hmm. Last time I checked, being obese was NOT a crime. I dont even know how you can equate the two.
last I checked, being a pedophile wasn't a crime either, being a child molester otoh was.. maybe that changed in the meantime, but I doubt it.
Someone mentioned it's different in Germany, but being a paedophile (not thinking it, actually acting on those thoughts - photgraphs etc), is against the law.
I never said that. I said that fantasizing about having sex with children is perfectly legal and I have no problem if people are doing it. Of course possession of child pornography is illegal in Germany. But if you act out your paedophile fetish, you are a child molester - so that is what I differenciate. Maybe I'm wrong.
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Rico posted on Aug 11 2004 at 10:49 PM said:
Kop_007 posted on Aug 11 2004 at 10:22 PM said:
What?! Having a sexual fetish towards children is out of a person's control?

That really doesnt seem right. RoboJoe32 said it best.

You simply cant compare being black or Jewish to being a paedophile. That, my friend, shows complete ignorance to the world around you.

Killing someone because they comitted a crime and killing someone because of their race is certainly not the same thing.

We dont kill fat peope because they are fat? Hmm. Last time I checked, being obese was NOT a crime. I dont even know how you can equate the two.
We are clearly thinking on different levels. You DO realise that fetishes are out of your control right?

Some people like feet, some people like bondage, some people like Asians... do they choose this? Do they get a little checklist before they are born that they can fill in?

Do homosexuals choose to be gay? No, it is genetic.
Do pedophiles choose to be sexually attracted by children? No, it is genetic.
Do black people choose to be black? No. It is genetic.

Now just because you can't get past the mental barrier of 'well, gays don't commit crimes, but pedophiles do, so the two things CAN'T BE COMPARED' doesn't mean I'm ignorant. It means you make stupid arguments that don't make logical sense.

Please, tell me why I can't compare being black to being a pedophile to being straight to being English to being stupid. They are all genetic or environmental traits. They are passed the same way.

Oh, and as many have pointed out, mere pedophilia is NOT a crime. THAT is what I am comparing.
Firstly, being gay or a paedophile is not genetic. That's just un-founded argument for people without a case.

I did not say gays cannot commit crimes. So this 'mental barrier' idea of yours is flawed from the beginning.

You said:

Killing someone because they have a sexual fetish towards children is IDENTICAL to killing someone because they are black or because they came from a Jewish family. All three of those are predetermined and out of the person's control.

My original point was, you cant compare a racist killing with capital punishment.

If you have a fetish and it is out of control, you get help, you dont use it as an excuse to commit a crime.
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it's not genetic, as in you get it from your parents, but imho it is something that runs in your blood... I mean some men like skinny girls, some men like fat girls, some men like kiddies!

I'm from Belgium, the country of Dutroux, every belgian is quite an expert on paedophily because, well, since 1996 (the Dutroux year), our government has been hunting down paedophiles :P kind of sick actually

anyho: paedophily is sick. that's all I can say. and in my honest opinion, it's a disease too. I read far too much on Dutroux, watched far too much trials and interviews with ppl from the matter (2 girls survived), and I can honestly say it's sick.

P.S.: if you don't know about Dutroux, you should google.
Well, even if they just fantasize and don't ever hurt children physically..... They are still supporting child porn and exploitation in some way or other aren't they?

If you buy real snuff videos, you're supporting the people killing.

If you buy pedophelic pornogrophy, you are supporting the exploitation of children.

But this is on the notion that every pedophile views pornogrophy, Which could be wrong. But there ARE those who view it, How else would it be such a disturbingly large illegal industry?
RoboJoe32 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 08:36 AM said:
But this is on the notion that every pedophile views pornogrophy, Which could be wrong. But there ARE those who view it, How else would it be such a disturbingly large illegal industry?
that's why production and sale of such material are illegal (and ownership, too, which seems to be all they try to hunt down on razzias: consumers of the material, at least I've never seen a report that producers were jailed. might make for a problem for those with the then-legal magazines from the 80s)

so, why should being pedophile be illegal? we already have laws against such pornography.
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so, why should being pedophile be illegal? we already have laws against such pornography.

The word Paedophile simply relates to one who is sexually attracted to children. In the eyes of the law, this is like thinking about robbing a bank. You're not breaking any laws, but you are of concern.

Yes we have laws against the sick porn these people may chose to view and yes if they download it, they are breaking the law, but not for being a paedophile, but for supporting the abuse of children. There is not one instance that I can think of that simply being a paedophile would get you arrested - it is the actions above this that get you arrested. The term paedophile is a blanket term that covers such people, not for the eyes of the law but for the psychologists that love to tag people with names and for the hoards that would lynch them given the opportunity.

I guess you have to ask yourself is someone a paedophile without acting on these feelings? I’d say no. Why? Because how many of you have caught a girl in the corner of your eye smiling at you, to turn smile think “Wow” before realising she may only be 14? If you’re honest I’m guessing most males here. What does that make us? Paedophiles or human? Surely thinking about sex with underage ‘people’ is merely an extension of this – where is the harm? (not that I’m justifying it).
FFA_bruno, You put it best.

They may not be doing anything NOW. But it's still a cause for concern...

Would ANY of you here, honestly feel that your kids are SAFE around a pedophile? Even if he's never acted on any urges or fantasies? It's easy to dismiss other people's feelings of un-easiness and fear when you don't have to deal with that situation.

It just irks me because pedophiles are treated as unfortunate victims of something they can't control, And not another case of scarred children and or kidnapping waiting to happen.

And how many SUCCESSFUL cases have there been where a pedophile has been reformed through counseling and mental treatments? And if it is in fact, genetic. These variables wouldn't change anything to begin with.
RoboJoe32 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 10:24 AM said:
It just irks me because pedophiles are treated as unfortunate victims of something they can't control, And not another case of scarred children and or kidnapping waiting to happen.

And how many SUCCESSFUL cases have there been where a pedophile has been reformed through counseling and mental treatments?  And if it is in fact, genetic. These variables wouldn't change anything to begin with.
how many pedophiles that were never identified as such (due to lack of action) are there?

and don't you think that every kid that bullies around his class mates is a murder waiting to happen? just get him in jail for the whole 15 years + security arrest afterwards for the good of the society!

oh, wait.. nevermind..


there's always some kind of risk assessment and a trade-off of freedoms vs. security. is it an acceptable risk to let muslims live freely, or do we expect each of them to hijack a plane next week and bomb out some city?
under those circumstances, is it an acceptable risk to let plane fly next week? (and what about the week after that?)
those people we think are "pedophiles", but didn't do anything yet, is it an acceptable risk to let them live freely, or should we ban them around 200m from the kindergardens?
what about cars? they're a risk to kids, too - let's ban them..

it's all trade-offs, and I'm happy to report that - as far as the law is concerned - I'm still living in a reasonable country, where people are innocent until proven guilty (which also means that they must have done something to make themselves guilty), and means of transportation aren't forbidden for fear of accidents (though there might be other good reasons to restrict them severily).

if only the people in this country would be as reasonable as the law..
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RoboJoe32 posted on Aug 12 2004 at 06:36 AM said:
Well, even if they just fantasize and don't ever hurt children physically..... They are still supporting child porn and exploitation in some way or other aren't they?
No, they are not. There are a great many people that to my mind would have really deserved to be pushed slowly through a barbed-wire fence headfirst, but I do not think violence should be something we actually consider.

OK, let me give you something to think about. For the sake of argument, I will picture myself molesting a ten year old.
(Hey, this is harder than I thought)
OK, now tell me: Did that change anything now? Is there a ten year old who suddenly feels uncomfortable? I am sure I still could not hurt children, especially not for sex.

Buying pornographic material of this special fetish is what I consider acting it out. People know here are real children being violated in those movies, and accepting that, using it for your pleasure, is definitely something I object to morally and should be prosecuted.

Most of the other things I agree with you though.
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While paedophilia CAN be genetic, it can also be the results o heavy infuences on them in childhood, as can the lack of a father increase the chances of homosexuality.

It's still not a choice.
If I saw a girl I was sexually attracted to, and she was sexually attracted to me, I'd pork her if we both wanted to. Yeah, even if she was only 15.99999 years old :o . Now I've thought about that, I should be put into jail.
is it an acceptable risk to let muslims live freely, or do we expect each of them to hijack a plane next week and bomb out some city?

Yes as not all Muslims believe in bombing westerners, only the extremists believe this and these people are being hunted as they do pose a threat to others.

you think that every kid that bullies around his class mates is a murder waiting to happen?

No. I was a ‘minor’ bully at school. I was small, got picked on, then got big and could do the picking on – so I did. I never hurt anyone badly (just jabs to arms etc.) and I have gone on to never be in a fight. These things are not directly linked. Some would argue sexual urges are governed by more than thought processes and thus are harder to break the ‘link’ between thoughts and action…

but didn't do anything yet, is it an acceptable risk to let them live freely, or should we ban them around 200m from the kindergardens?

Like you say innocent until proven…. Thus we cannot ban them from anything. They may get off in their mind on this sort of thing, but until they act it out there is nothing anyone can do. At the end of the day how many people do we walk past each and every day, do we speak to each and every day, work with every day that have these thoughts? I have no idea, neither will anyone else. All most of the people here are saying is that the potential is there, therefore they are of concern.


If I saw a girl I was sexually attracted to, and she was sexually attracted to me, I'd pork her if we both wanted to. Yeah, even if she was only 15.99999 years old . Now I've thought about that, I should be put into jail.

LMAO – if you met a girl that was 15.99999 I would hope that by the time you got her clothes off and said hi etc. She would be 16. After all that is only 5.256 minutes. I think we can let you off! :P
LHC posted on Aug 12 2004 at 11:23 AM said:
If I saw a girl I was sexually attracted to, and she was sexually attracted to me, I'd pork her if we both wanted to. Yeah, even if she was only 15.99999 years old :o . Now I've thought about that, I should be put into jail.
That's different to paedophilia. You weren't attracted to her because she was (in the eyes of the law) a child.

RoboJoe-and how does keeping the molester in prison help? The tax-payers money keeps him alive indefinitly, couldn't this be better used to help him?
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I think it's the minority that are a threat. I mean, there's the fittest twenty something woman who lives down the road, but I'm not going to go rape her :S.

I suppose we just don't know how many people are attracted to kids but just don't do anything about it.