New Baldurs Gate site with countdown clock

Potentially interesting. But I don't see the point in speculating about it. I'll check back tomorrow :)
If true then it's almost assuredly going to be POV-style 3D, which means they'll spend more time on the graphics and less time on the map design, storyline, voice acting, etc.

Will buy if they even hint at capturing the same engagement as the original series, you know, the kind that makes people mod it for a decade+. But what new game (past two years) has accomplished this?

SWTOR was in a similar boat IMHO... you have foundationally strong games like KOTOR, Battlefront, and Tie Fighter to clue you the game designer in on what will make it a sellout... and they go and instead carbon copy WoW (according to everything I understand and have heard from fellow players who have played both games, I've never played WoW though). Sad, but not really surprising... something like corporate-level decision making is probably what causes these mismatches to happen.

As always, we'll see what happens.
And Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition was announced. It will be a must-buy for me, but I was still hoping for a brand new installment to the series...
I never did play the first one. I started to play the second but wanted to wait until I had a chance to play the first. That never happened.
hum, if it's not one of thoses shitty 3d game that just focus on the visual but trully a remake it will have a major drawback compared to the original game... the ability to play them on various support using gemrb...