Case closed?

But if not used by the majority, or even a minority, it isn't "a word". Ungry is greyish OD green to me! :P
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
Usually I'm not a news zombie, but knowing nothing may be really frustrating. Therefore: neeeeeeeewss ..

Now serious, I guess nothing relevant happened. My pessimistic self isn't expecting a Pyra in 2018.
Well, short status is: We're waiting for the mainboards (which are scheduled sometime in March), the cases have the fixes implemented and I'm waiting for that revision (and will post news as soon as it arrives here) and I'm totally overworked because there's so much other things I need to take care of happening right now.

Is that good enough for some quick news? :)

Sent from my XT1650-03 using Tapatalk
Well, short status is: We're waiting for the mainboards (which are scheduled sometime in March), the cases have the fixes implemented and I'm waiting for that revision (and will post news as soon as it arrives here) and I'm totally overworked because there's so much other things I need to take care of happening right now.

Is that good enough for some quick news? :)

Sent from my XT1650-03 using Tapatalk
I assume you meant May and not March?
(and yeah, that's good enough for a quick news)
Well since the last news post, I've noticed the following on the kernel mailing list:
Now I don't know what DRI3 is or exactly how this fits together, but releases from someone with a TI email address we can probably use is usually good news.
And this is about Letux OS which is not what will be shipped with our Pyra as I understand it (I call that Pyra OS) but it's a promising alternative.

There's almost certainly (hopefully) more exciting stuff happening an ED's shack, but if you're starved for news it might pass muster.

Edit: I spent so long putting this post together that apparently there's already short news from ED in this thread.
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Well since the last news post, I've noticed the following on the kernel mailing list:
Now I don't know what DRI3 is or exactly how this fits together, but releases from someone with a TI email address we can probably use is usually good news.

Thank you very much for telling us.
Well, it is quite over my head but I read this and start hoping people which use exclusively free software might eventually get 2D acceleration from GC320 (I thought etnaviv would be adapted, but maybe this is another way), even if 3D accel is not used (for my use cases that might just give good fucntionality/battery life if the 3D GPU can be made to not use power).
That said, I think there's still value in a separate X driver that uses
GC320 for 2D and SGX for 3D. I have no numbers, but I would expect that
combination to give much more performance than Glamor.


In fact it seems what I mean would be just
It's just that I learnt about its existence through a convoluted way
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Well, short status is: We're waiting for the mainboards (which are scheduled sometime in MarchMay), the cases have the fixes implemented and I'm waiting for that revision (and will post news as soon as it arrives here) and I'm totally overworked because there's so much other things I need to take care of happening right now.

Is that good enough for some quick news? :)

Sent from my XT1650-03 using Tapatalk

Board population scheduled in May (Assuming March was a typo)...
May starts tomorrow. Since this is scheduled, there should be a date - but I'm not actually concerned about exact dates. In one of the earliest board population runs you documented the process - with boards sagging from the weight of components and everything. Other than snapping pictures, I understand there isn't all that much for you to do there. So, were you planning to be present during this process? Pictures entertain us. How many boards will get populated for this prototype run? 20? 50?

After the new round of boards exists, what is the process for analyzing if, 'this is it'? That may be more of a question for @hns?

So - to my understanding:
1. Finalized samples approved. Pending another round of cases to ED.
2. Once finalized, the case molds will get hardened at the Greek plastics place.
3. Greek plastics place does a 500 case run.
4. Hardened molds get shipped to the next shop where a larger batch is output.

Of concern - the different shops will have different injection mold machines that may process slightly differently. If the molds are hardened prior to shipment, is there any chance that having the molds already hardened could prevent adjustments needed by the new case company? Molds are hardened for durability in long injection runs. 500 isn't that many in those terms. Would it potentially be better to -not- harden the molds or maybe push that out to post-validation at the new company?
What did „Mainboards“ mean ??
CPU / Display/ The big board whit the Keyboard Contacts and the UMTS Module etc on it??

I understand that the Population of the Boards is pretty quick but to ace the traces takes lots of weeks..

So how long will it take to make the first MP Units after the Prototypes are good ??

My Plan was to take my Pyra whit me on the 3 Day Unimog trip mid June, but seems like it’s will still be the Pandora..
I was expecting this, but I’m still optimistic that 2018 will be the year of the Pyra
Of concern - the different shops will have different injection mold machines that may process slightly differently. If the molds are hardened prior to shipment, is there any chance that having the molds already hardened could prevent adjustments needed by the new case company?
Perhaps of more concern is that the first five hundred will be made using simple clear polycarbonate, but the remainder will be made with opaque polycarbonate that's got inclusions for strength (I forget if they're little lengths of fibreglass or carbon fibre chains, but it probably doesn't matter for this discussion). That might affect the flow rate and viscosity, but to a certain extent that's purely the problem of the plastics manufacturer (it only becomes EDs problem when it affects deliveries, but since he hasn't actually committed to a date yet AFAICR that's probably no biggie).
What did „Mainboards“ mean ??
CPU / Display/ The big board whit the Keyboard Contacts and the UMTS Module etc on it??

I understand that the Population of the Boards is pretty quick but to ace the traces takes lots of weeks..
Well it won't be the display PCB, and to my understanding it's the big board with all the keyboard contacts on one side and the LTE module and most of the ports on the other side. The CPU will be on a daughterboard which attaches to this.

IIRC the mainboard is a common all garden 4 layer job, so shouldn't take long to assemble. The CPU board at last count had 12 layers though, so will likely be a bit more of a mammoth task to assemble with all the vias of different lengths, but I guess they've got machines for all of that.