Pocket Uae

Azure you need to get yourself an amiga and extract a kickstart rom image. (Amiga OS)

Obviously you'll go buy an Amiga 500 and extract a 1.3 rom image from that and an Amiga 1200 and extract a 3.0 or 3.1 rom image from that.

You could also buy Amiga Forever which is an emulator with legal kickstart rom images.

There is a third option but we don't talk about that on this board ;)

EDIT: UAE is a hell of a complex emulator for anyone not used to an Amiga but I'm sure there are plenty of us here that can help with configuration files etc.
I would thoroughly recommend anyone in buying an Amiga, i have had nothing but good memories with mine. The brilliant games for the machine are unlimited. I am also running Workbench 3.9 on my stock A1200 with 2MB RAM - Playing an uncompressed mp3 (aiff) file! :)

As someone mentioned earlier i think it would be best to polish off CaSTaway (maybe include the Cyclone?), and make Lemmings run on it properly! before mastering Amiga emulation. Even though CaSTaway is already very good. Just my opinion.
Shirohagen posted on Jul 24 2004 at 07:51 PM said:
I would love an Amiga emulator even with no sound as I would finally be able to play Colonization & Alien Breed on my GP32!

I might seriously have to get a Pocket PC one of these days...

Got it on my x30 626mhz PPC, its really spankingly and this along with the PSX emulator is all the reason you need 2 buy yourself one - (specially since u can get a x30 ppc for £150, pretty much same price as a GP32..............)
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Might have to start checking out the PPC scene then as it sounds great and it will also look like I'm doing something productive on the tube!

if u want a ppc get one at dell.com - £151 for a 324mhz axim x-30,its got a rockin processor givin better speeds than the older 400mhz model - It really does kick ass - I`ve got grand turismo 2 in my hand! how cool is that

(not that i dont love the gp32 too of course)
timeslip posted on Jul 26 2004 at 04:46 PM said:
if u want a ppc get one at dell.com - £151 for a 324mhz axim x-30,its got a rockin processor givin better speeds than the older 400mhz model - It really does kick ass - I`ve got grand turismo 2 in my hand! how cool is that
Just looked it up on the dell website - looks funky. How do the controls hold up mate?
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Depends on what your playing - They`re not as bad as everyone else says but they not as good as the gp32.

With arcade games at least

With rpgs and strategy games (Age of Empires!!!) they kick ass using the stylus it a hell of a lot easier
Memnoch posted on Jul 26 2004 at 06:03 PM said:
timeslip posted on Jul 26 2004 at 04:46 PM said:
if u want a ppc get one at dell.com - £151 for a 324mhz axim x-30,its got a rockin processor givin better speeds than the older 400mhz model - It really does kick ass - I`ve got grand turismo 2 in my hand! how cool is that
Just looked it up on the dell website - looks funky. How do the controls hold up mate?
It`s been said before by numerous other people on numerous ppc forums, And i will say it again here. The Asus Mypal A620 and possibly other Asus Mypal models have the best gaming button setup of any current pocketpc. So there :P.

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trooper posted on Jul 26 2004 at 05:22 PM said:
Memnoch posted on Jul 26 2004 at 06:03 PM said:
timeslip posted on Jul 26 2004 at 04:46 PM said:
if u want a ppc get one at dell.com - £151 for a 324mhz axim x-30,its got a rockin processor givin better speeds than the older 400mhz model - It really does kick ass - I`ve got grand turismo 2 in my hand! how cool is that
Just looked it up on the dell website - looks funky. How do the controls hold up mate?
It`s been said before by numerous other people on numerous ppc forums, And i will say it again here. The Asus Mypal A620 and possibly other Asus Mypal models have the best gaming button setup of any current pocketpc. So there :P.

It has the better controls but the x-30 has the by far better hardware
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centrlink posted on Jul 25 2004 at 03:02 AM said:

Alien Breed 2

I defy you not to be excited after that :P
SWOS .... Alien Breed 2.... WOW MY GOD :rolleyes: hummmmm sooooo Yummy!!

& if you add The Settlers then you got surely the 3 best games in this universe imo ;op & they would become even more attractive "on the way" on our lovely gp32_console

Amiga got soooooo many extremly great games ;p

I got a PPC Asus A620BT & I definitly hate the control in game situation :( it's really poor & never really playable like a true handled like the GP32 (imho)
PPC will never be a game machine in my mind... all the "at less little action" games should be forgotten in this case... lol I remember that I were soooo excited to try Vagrant Story on the MyPal .... beurk I come back on earth really fast thanks to the f****'up controls ;)

It's like the Japanese Cellphones actually... they got extremly well made games on it (in 3D etc...), but it's soooo shity to control...

maybe some reflexion games & some RPG (but not ARpg) can be really playable by such machines, but definitly no arcade games at all ;)
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timeslip posted on Jul 26 2004 at 05:26 PM said:
SWOS aint fit to clean Kick Off 2`s boots!
KO2 even FW version become more "old" & "cheap" now compare to SWOS who keep all his fun & special & all his interest even in 2004 :)
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I still play kick off 2 to this day - got an a1200 especially for it.

Kick Off 2`s a game of skill, SWOS was designed as a kick off 2 rip off (sensible softwares own words) for people who cant handle the speed and dont have the necessery skill for KO2
timeslip posted on Jul 26 2004 at 05:38 PM said:
I still play kick off 2 to this day - got an a1200 especially for it.

Kick Off 2`s a game of skill, SWOS was designed as a kick off 2 rip off (sensible softwares own words) for people who cant handle the speed and dont have the necessery skill for KO2
We've had this discussion before and everyone agreed that SWOS was infinitely better.

KO2 was great for it's time but was improved upon by the genius of Sensible Software, who were of course the Amiga's greatest ever development team. They also made Microprose Soccer for the C64 which is also better than KO2.
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Player Manager was also better than World Of Sensible Soccer
(ok maybe not management wise but PM got the matches perfect, only a shame it used KO1 engine as opposed to KO2)
thebluenewt posted on Jul 26 2004 at 06:39 PM said:
They also made Microprose Soccer for the C64 which is also better than KO2.
statements like that show u for the fool that u are :rolleyes:
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Antiriad posted on Jul 26 2004 at 07:41 PM said:
oh dear the KO2 vs Sensi debate....dont start or it will consume this discussion board!
:D wE wont as long AS every1 agrees with me :D
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