What's Your Religion?

What's your religion?

  • Christian: Orthodox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian: Catholic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian: Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian, but not really practicing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judism: Orthodox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judism, but not really practicing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Islam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Animism (Native Americans, Shintoism, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Small or New religion, like Scientology)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Agnosticism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheisism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something, but not really practicing

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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pubjoe posted on Jul 23 2004 at 10:47 AM said:
Agreed. This is an interesting and educational thread. Everyone with a viewpoint has respectfully given an intelligent and well thought out discussion.

Thank you to ALL participants.
...Well it was. :rolleyes:

A bit of respect goes a long way.

If your respectful in voicing your opinion then you might find that other, equally respectful, people will listen.
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loz_the_guru posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:43 PM said:
Can anyone out there prove there is no god? No? Can anyone out there prove there is a god? No? So surely all we have here is a matter of opinion. Statements like "How could there possibly be a god" are made by people who are ignorant. People throughout the years have debated this question for their entire lives, and most of them were much smarter than me and you. Im not an athiest, neither do I belong to any of the 6 major religions, or any other named religion. My own 2 cents are that very few peoples views can fall in line directly with the teachings of a religion, especially one as oppressive as Christianity. Religion is akin to brainwashing. Everyone makes up there own set of rules, so you are either brainwashed or lying if you say "Im Christiant/Buddhist/etc...
Why does there have to be a God? It's just something that's been brought up and people like debating it. People only believe in God to make them feel safe. I believe in everything I've seen and had good genuine proof of. Why should I believe in something from a work of fiction?
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kknd_cf posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:31 PM said:
Dozer posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:24 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:03 PM said:
To be fair its not as bad as people telling athiests we are going to Hell for what we believe :P EVEN MY GRANDMAS TOLD ME THIS!!!
It's just what the person who says it believes. If you're an atheist it won't affect you anyway will it? :blink:
lol you can laugh at the asshole saying it though :D
Man, you are such a cock.
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Such christian bashing here, personally I don't like christians in general, there are some decent christians out there, but most of the decent ones aren't what you would call full believers. Anyway, on to the rest of the post, myself I am a modern Satanist, the idea behind it is that you follow human nature and do what you wish, that's pretty much it. (no, we don't sacrifice animals or babies, no, we don't suck blood, no, we don't take part in black(not skin tone black, black hoods) masses.)
Rico posted on Jul 23 2004 at 08:20 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:31 PM said:
Dozer posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:24 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on Jul 23 2004 at 06:03 PM said:
To be fair its not as bad as people telling athiests we are going to Hell for what we believe :P EVEN MY GRANDMAS TOLD ME THIS!!!
It's just what the person who says it believes. If you're an atheist it won't affect you anyway will it? :blink:
lol you can laugh at the asshole saying it though :D
Man, you are such a cock.
Wouldn't you be annoyed at someone if they told you that you were going to "live" an eternity in the most awful place imaginable for not follwoing the same belief system as they do. :blink:
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This is what's called a "hasty generalization". Problem with bashing any religion is that it can apply to yourself. So some christians are morons and hypocrites, and downright plain evil. We can all agree with that. By the same token, some atheists are morons, hypocrites, and downright plain evil. I think we can also all agree on that. The definition of "some" is debatable in both cases - are there more idiot christians or more idiot atheists? We really don't have the statistical data to back up a comparison of the number of idiots on either side, we can only say they exist (from what I call the Universal Policy of Idiots, where we all agree the world is full of idiots of all types and colours).
generalnmx posted on Jul 23 2004 at 08:56 PM said:
This is what's called a "hasty generalization". Problem with bashing any religion is that it can apply to yourself. So some christians are morons and hypocrites, and downright plain evil. We can all agree with that. By the same token, some atheists are morons, hypocrites, and downright plain evil. I think we can also all agree on that. The definition of "some" is debatable in both cases - are there more idiot christians or more idiot atheists? We really don't have the statistical data to back up a comparison of the number of idiots on either side, we can only say they exist (from what I call the Universal Policy of Idiots, where we all agree the world is full of idiots of all types and colours).
Agreed the only Christians I don't like are the ones Pinkspider mentioned. I know lots of Christian people irl and they're great.
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Yea... I know a christian and he is ok.. Pimpin Brown.. never thought id see him drunk until I saw the Pimpin Brown Dance.. and him dressed as a Punk in spiders wasted shouting Anarchy, now i go into the shop he works drunk and shout anarchy... hehe.

Although he did tell me all gay people are going to hell and I have a few gay friends :s
PinkSpider posted on Jul 23 2004 at 09:01 PM said:
Yea... I know a christian and he is ok.. Pimpin Brown.. never thought id see him drunk until I saw the Pimpin Brown Dance.. and him dressed as a Punk in spiders wasted shouting Anarchy, now i go into the shop he works drunk and shout anarchy... hehe.

Although he did tell me all gay people are going to hell and I have a few gay friends :s
There are different views on gay people in the Christian world though. Catholics are much more strict on it in general.

Gay people will not go to hell just for being gay though, any Christian who knows what they are talking about would tell you that.

The only thing that you could go to hell for his not recognising that Christ died for sins.

That's the Christian point of view anyway, don't shoot me :rolleyes:.
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He is Church Of England... his views do piss me off tbh... cant stand homophobes/ racists etc. My Grandad is a strict roman catholic (hes italian) yet he has less strict views on gays.... I told him i was in a gay bar once (i was there with my girlfriend before anyone asks) and he told me to find a nice guy :s
I don't totally agree with the 4.5 billion figure though as most evidence for anything beyond about 100 thousand-5 million years seems to farfetched to me.

Why is it farfetched? How do you think mountains, countries even continents form? It takes hundreds of millions of years. Geologically speaking the time humans have existed is almost nothing.
thebluenewt posted on Jul 23 2004 at 10:21 PM said:
I don't totally agree with the 4.5 billion figure though as most evidence for anything beyond about 100 thousand-5 million years seems to farfetched to me.

Why is it farfetched? How do you think mountains, countries even continents form? It takes hundreds of millions of years. Geologically speaking the time humans have existed is almost nothing.
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nerd of nerds posted on Jul 21 2004 at 02:44 AM said:
see at sinning doesn't condemn us to hell...the price has already been paid (by jesus who died on the cross) so if we believe that jesus died for our sins then we get to go to heaven...
That is ridiculous! It just doesn't make any sense. Think about it.

Who is the "better" person:

1) A Christian that is kind of an asshole most of the week but believes in God and Jesus and goes to church every sunday. He does this because he is expecting a "great reward" when he dies and doesn't want to go to hell.

2) An Athiest who doesn't believe in a God at all but is a good person and does good things because he is simply good and not because he is afraid of burning in hell.

- SO according to your arguement the Christian asshole will go to heaven and the good athiest will burn in hell.


It seems God really isn't as concerned if you are good or bad to people in life, but really just wants you to constantly praise him and believe in him as that is what really "wins him over".

CONCLUSION: God is a very egotistical, jealous, and insecure deity! One that throws temper tantrums and wipes out thousands of people (floods, famines etc.)when they don't kiss his butt! ;)

See how stupid this really is?
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Anyway I am going to believe what I want to believe as you are going to believe what you want to. There is no point in saying have an open mind about it if you are a christian or atheist because you either believe there is a god or you don't. And you talk about christians who say you are going to hell because you don't believe in a god. Well it's just as insulting to say that christianity is bullshit.
*sigh* when did this discussion turn to bashing people's beliefs on something that you don't have any evidence to back up your claim (the existence/nonexistence of God)?

Although I agree with the logic of DaveC said 2 posts ago (God can't be all-good as the Bible says yet at the same time banish people to hell who may be very good people, but are not Christians), let's try to have a calm discussion about this, shall we? Instead of yelling at Christian people "see how stupid this is!" (which will make them disregard your whole post), try saying it a little more nicely, in a very polite question, and see if they care to respond. If they ignore your post THEN, then you can consider your point to be made ;)

Anyway, I didn't come into this thread to bash people's beliefs on unprovable things; I came in here with the intent of showing people FACTS, not opinions, that contradict parts of their religion (some things in the Old Testament of the Bible are easily proven false to anybody who will listen with an open mind). You can't argue or get offended with verified facts without losing credibility. :rolleyes:

In response to SephirothIce, I would not get offended if someone called my beliefs bullshit if they had ample evidence to back it up (which means gathered and verified facts). If the evidence that they presented was better, I would accept that and become a convert.

It's not a matter of opinion; it's a matter of correct and incorrect. If you don't think that you can be wrong, you're fooling yourself.

(Of course, there are some things for which there isn't enough evidence either way; for these I try to reserve judgement on which option is right. That's why I'm an agnostic; I neither believe nor disbelieve in God)
SephirothIce posted on Jul 24 2004 at 12:37 AM said:
Anyway I am going to believe what I want to believe as you are going to believe what you want to. There is no point in saying have an open mind about it if you are a christian or atheist because you either believe there is a god or you don't. And you talk about christians who say you are going to hell because you don't believe in a god. Well it's just as insulting to say that christianity is bullshit.

You also can't pick and chose what you like and don't like, or believe or don't believe from the Bible. If it is the Word Of God then you must believe all of it.

I figure if you can prove a part of the Bible wrong then it is all bogus. Because if it is supposed to come from God then there must be no errors in it, after all God doesn't screw up right?


A. The Bible is either truly the Word Of God, which means everything it says is true fact.


B. It was made up by people, therefore filled with errors and inconsistancies, hence totally bogus.

So since parts of the Bible HAVE been proven wrong (like the age of the earth for instance) the answer must be - B. totally bogus.
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Or a scientific error? Anyway I know their is a god by the way I feel. It's hard to explain, but you know when he is talking to you and I have had miracles performed. Doctors told me my back would never be healed and now it is 100% healed. And my brother's acl was torn and they were going to perform surgery on it. However, before they operated they said that it had already healed and the Dr. could not explain how. If there is no god then how can the miracles be performed.
SephirothIce posted on Jul 24 2004 at 04:57 AM said:
Or a scientific error? Anyway I know their is a god by the way I feel. It's hard to explain, but you know when he is talking to you and I have had miracles performed. Doctors told me my back would never be healed and now it is 100% healed. And my brother's acl was torn and they were going to perform surgery on it. However, before they operated they said that it had already healed and the Dr. could not explain how. If there is no god then how can the miracles be performed.
Sometimes the body can heal when it is not expected, the body is still not totally understood. But thanks to science we are making progress. Sometimes the doctors diagnosis is not truly accurate and thought the condition was worse than it actually is too.

Miracle? no just not completely understood by those doctors. I know of MANY people who have had terrible illnesses some terminal and were dedicated Christians. Everyone they knew prayed constantly for them, but guess what, it didn't work - no "miracles" The person either died as was expected or continued to suffer with the disease. So God likes just you and your brother? But doesn't like millions of others that suffer with diseases? That is not logical.
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I havn't been following this thread; but I really dispise the Christian religion and how it's forced down my throat every two minutes. People can obvouisly do what they want, but I mean, when God KILLS someone for 'spilling his seed' on the ground, what kind of God is that?

I'd dare to argue that most Christians are scared of death, and need to believe in an afterlife.
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