Best Looking Handheld?

Which is, in your opinion, the best looking (just on pure looks and sexyness!)handheld in this poll?

  • PSP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zodiac

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N-DS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GP32

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The psp is thicker than the gp32. Considerably thicker. And who cares wat the graphics look like. Thats why the ds will be so successful. Because even though its N64 graphics some of the best games ever made can be ported for the ds so more people will buy it for the variety of games. Plus the ds is only going to be £100 and the games will be less than £40 whereas the psp will be £400 and the games will be over £50 because of the new discs.
Am I the only one who thinks the Zodiac looks as bland as a PDA?

The psp is thicker than the gp32. Considerably thicker.

Uhh...where do you get your information from?

PSP dimensions: 170mm x 74mm x 23mm
GP32 dimensions: 147mm x 88mm x 34mm

It's only longer, not thicker or wider. Half of its appeal is that it's so damn slim and slinky looking.
And has a big ass screen which is good for nothing. No way will it play vice city and even if it does vice city had crap graphics so it wouldn't be hard.
thebluenewt posted on Jul 17 2004 at 12:45 PM said:
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 11:26 AM said:
And has a big ass screen which is good for nothing. No way will it play vice city and even if it does vice city had crap graphics so it wouldn't be hard.
Urm, surely a big ass screen is good for games?
Looking at his signature explains a lot.
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Huxley posted on Jul 17 2004 at 01:47 PM said:
thebluenewt posted on Jul 17 2004 at 12:45 PM said:
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 11:26 AM said:
And has a big ass screen which is good for nothing. No way will it play vice city and even if it does vice city had crap graphics so it wouldn't be hard.
Urm, surely a big ass screen is good for games?
Looking at his signature explains a lot.
Ah, good spot.
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Huxley shut the F up. If im just a nintendo supporter then why have i got both playstations and an xbox? huh? Your such a stupid cunt. The big screen may mean better gameplay but doesn't nessecarily mean better graphics. And anyway atleast nintendi have the right idea because graphics mean nothing now that the games industry has become wat it is. Its bout new ideas. Innovation.
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:00 PM said:
And anyway atleast nintendi have the right idea because graphics mean nothing now that the games industry has become wat it is.
Didn't you dismiss GTA because it has (in your opinion) crap graphics?

I'm torn between the PSP and the Zodiac in terms of looks. The DS has a retro game and watch look which is okay and the GP32 is ugly and cheap looking. Sod it i'll go with the PSP. Tough call though.
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is it confirmed that nds will have 64 mb graphics?
i heard some talk it would have 128

i like nds for next generation handhelds because it seems like homebrewn is feasible on it
but i may not even buy the next handhelds
if snes on gp32 gets really goods thats all i'll ever need

edit: and i agree with rico
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:00 PM said:
Huxley shut the F up. If im just a nintendo supporter then why have i got both playstations and an xbox? huh?
Because you're one of those rich, spoiled kiddies?

Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:00 PM said:
The big screen may mean better gameplay but doesn't nessecarily mean better graphics.
A true enough statement, but last time I reflected upon LCD history as LCD's got bigger so did the resolution which resulted in *surprise* better graphics! *shock and amazement* It was not until just recently that Samsung and other such LCD companies have been experimenting with high resolution smaller LCDs since it has now become a possibility though large higher resolution LCDs will always remain more efficient (albeit in size). Also, funny thing to note, the DS does have the specs to have the better graphics of the two handhelds (DS and PSP) but with nearly half the resolution of that of the PSP it will be hard for the average gamer to analyze which game is more graphically intense than simply choosing the one with the clearer picture (meaning that with the larger resolution)

Nintendo DS: 256x192
Sony PSP: 480x272

Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:00 PM said:
And anyway atleast nintendi have the right idea because graphics mean nothing now that the games industry has become wat it is. Its bout new ideas. Innovation.
If anything, Nintendo's proven that that's NOT what the games industry has become what with their loss in sales to both PS2 and Xbox. I will honestly be surprised if the Nintendo DS beats the PSP in sales after the first month since while dual screens is a 'neat idea' its just an impractical and inefficient use of space in a handheld. And one last thing to note about the DS vs. PSP topic: the PSP [obviously] wins [by a long shot] in terms of size of games (can be seen as quality in equal terms of sound and graphics and gameplay) with 1.8GB (medium: UMD) and the DS trailing [long] behind with 128MB (mostly due to backwards compatibility so best hope they decide to keep that; Medium: Cartrage). But keep on inovatin' Nintendo. Y'might just get something right again one of these day.

PS: Sorry, I couldn't resist seeing how all of his points were easily rebuttable. :D

And as for best looking handheld, I'd say this one below definitely conquers all! (PH34R THE M0MA!!) :P
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Gah! Why the hell is everybody calling the DS the N-DS or NDS! You don't see people calling the PSP the SPSP. When I first read the poll options, I thought the N-Gage was on there... :lol:
The ds'd disc's are actually 1Gb so its not far behind the psp's disc space. And final specs haven't been released for the ds so things could change. Wonder what the gizmondo will be like? Anyone actually seen pictures of it playing games?
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:00 PM said:
Huxley shut the F up. If im just a nintendo supporter then why have i got both playstations and an xbox? huh? Your such a stupid cunt.
So What? I have an Xbox and I still hate Microsoft. Owning a rival's console is not proof that you're unbiased, which you clearly aren't.

The big screen may mean better gameplay but doesn't nessecarily mean better graphics. And anyway atleast nintendi have the right idea because graphics mean nothing now that the games industry has become wat it is. Its bout new ideas. Innovation.

A) The dual screen is not a new idea.
B.) Neither is the touch screen.
C) Have you actually seen any PSP screenshots? This thing trounces the DS in terms of visual quality. Not only is the screen reportedly much nicer, the graphics are more PS2 than PS1. And you can scream from the rooftops that graphics mean nothing, but I'd wager that if the DS had graphics of this quality it would be a different story.

Oh, and you think I'm a 'stupid cunt', huh? Very polite. Try arguing your point without resulting to childish insults and maybe you'll look a little more respectable there.

And if you really wanted to prove that the DS is SO much greater than the PSP (which you seem intent on doing for some reason...but then, you couldn't possibly be bias because you own a Playstation...oh no), then you might have pointed out that the PSP's battery life is alegedly around 3 hours depending on the disc usage. And that's far too little for my tastes.
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2 hours on disc usage. No i haven't seen screen shots of games running for one reason. I saw the E3 thing with the psp's that were "playable". They were on a stand which was connected to a box below which had a projector type thing projecting the images onto the psp. So after seeing this, i really couldn't be bothered with it. And how'm i bias? huxley your as bias as me with your "yeah psp is so azaming. Its gonna kick ass". Im not bias towards other companies.I actually enjoy playing my playstation 2 and xbox as much as my gamecube and i listen to all the news for each. So i takeall views into account. So I think u, huxley, are wrong. :P