*$#@ You Bt!


what is this
Feb 17, 2004
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Bt decided to put a limit on our connection, it isnt starting till january but im pissed off. Its 15GB a month for my connection, the ass wanks.

Come January im either going to upgrade to 1MB , which has a 30GB a month limit, or change ISP, what do you guys think I should do?

BTW is anyone on BTtogether broadband? Are they doing this too, cause im just on BTbroadband.
bringoutthegimp posted on Jul 5 2004 at 09:01 PM said:
man i hope they dont do that to me. are they doing it to everyone or a select amount of people?
They are doing it to every one. I recieved the letter today, Im so upgrading, or changing. I would love a 1MB connection.

EDIT: The letter I got was from NI department, but the website for BTbroadband has that stuff on it.

EDIT2: They gave this URL in the letter www.bt.com/broadband/prices
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£30 for 512?? For the same amount you can get 768 from Blueyonder. These guys are yet to send out a single C+D, in fact they ignore pretty much any request for legal action, and have no bandwidth caps.

That'll probably change when the leeches from BT et al. join in their droves because of the new transfer caps popping up everywhere. Thank goodness for contracts to delay things somewhat.
But the problem is I live in a small city of about 4000, so I cant get connected to every thing :( .

Ill change as soon as the caps are activated though.
Im with Pipex... £21 a month (I think) for 512kb No Limits... I think its £30 a month for 1mb connection with Pipex...

15GB of downloads a month is still quite alot... but still its anoying seen as you are paying what is it £30 a month for 512kb...???
If you are not happy with BT changing your contract then make sure that you go to some other ISP, certainly don't upgrade to 1MB and reward them for messing you around. (I might have misunderstood what you wrote, but make sure you go to a different ISP)

I think I'll look into Pipex deals myself.
I saw a poster today advertising a BT broadband service for £19.99 per month.

Then I read the smallprint and it said there was a 1gb monthly download limit!
1 measley gb.... I would easily need more than that in one day.

Well my month would be gone :(
hmmm nearly got plusnet but it only comes in, in 2005 so i've just gone 1 megabit + well i usually use about 20gb a month as p2p is so dependant on upload so as i see it the 30gb limit on the 1megabit connection is fine as my upload doesn't increase at all so i doubt i'll be downloading much more