Another Oggvorbis Player


Certified Guru
May 4, 2004
Hannover, Germany

I'm right in the middle of coding my own OggVorbis player. If anyone wants to test it, here's a quick usage guide.

  • up: previous track
  • down: next track
  • left / right: move artist / title border
  • select + up: move current track up
  • select + down: move current track down
  • select + start: lock
  • L: rewind
  • R: fast forward
Known bugs:
  • noice when too much screen output
Soon to come:
  • configfile that allows to set a lot of options, like setting colors, paths and cpu speed.
Some views behind the scene:
  • about five seconds after playing a track the playlist (which also contents status information) is written to the smc
  • in the lower left corner "Playlist" shows that the writing is taking place, you should not turn the GP32 off until the message is replaced with dots
  • the moving bar in on the bottom just tests a timer interrupt
  • on the lower right corner the total of the playlist is shown, as well as the actual playing frequency.
Greetings from Germany,
hye just wondering wat processor power does this use,, i am thinkin i need the best ogg player for the battery life rather than anything else,, i use Yogg at the moment is this better???,, downloading as we seek... OGG kick ass
D'oh! I posted an old version, here's the right one.
Can it support 22050 mono/stereo ogg files ?
It's in the source, but untested.
What clock speed is this running at btw please?
It's running at 136MHz, so that sound is closest to 44100Hz, but it's also possible to run it at 114MHz, that should be settable via configfile that's coming soon.

Wow gr8 program not 2 sure about the layout etc,, but gr8 work,,, i like the tag usage well done,
It's intended to listen to, not looked at ;). I wanted something that plays music as soon as I turn it on (I have the new beta firmware).
Right now I'm using it as a walkman replacement.

Why not look at the yogg sources and maybe combine the 2 to make a super player at 60 mhz?
Both Yogg and my player are using the same OggVorbis library called "Tremor" (The GP32 port of this, which was originally done by Yoyo and got a cleanup as well as some enhancments from myself, will be released independantly soon), whose primary target is the arm architecture. I also use a stripped down version of Yogg's playroutine (BTW: Sourcecode's available on request.). Once the parsing of the config file is done, you can set the cpu power yourself and find out what suits you best. Or take the library and code your own player.

Greetings and good night from Germany,
i got one request: make playlist making and editing fast and easy, and implement it asap :)
don't want to sound demanding or so, it's just that the two ogg players atm are great, but in yogg making a playlist takes ages, and the gpamp ogg version doesn't even have playlists
all i really want is to be able to quickly put all my songs in a playlist that i can shuffle with the program, that would already be a huge leap for the ogg players on the gp32, being able to quickly (not as in yogg where after adding a song you got to wait a second before you can selecht the next one) make, edit and save playlists is good for later on, but a simple way to throw all your files in a playlist and get them randomized should not be too difficult to implement and would be awesome!
and good luck on your program, it's a great project, i'll be following it closely, i love ogg :)
SvOlli posted on Jul 1 2004 at 09:46 PM said:
(BTW: Sourcecode's available on request.)
I'd certainly be interested an a peek. Though I must say I doubt I'd have much to contribute, I would like to root through your sound output code just in case I can offer any tweaks :)

I tried to do my 'bit' to promote the use of Vorbis a while back, but a combination of internal struggles and changing jobs meant it didn't amount to much. Then fired Emmett and I didn't hear much else. Ho hum. I couldn't even find the Tremor source on their site the other day, which was weird.
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Somehow, a while back there was a gpogg v2 program that played ogg files and only ran at 66mhz.

I don't know what happened to this coder, but the app plays, i think it had some problems and an ugly interface, but ran at 66mhz.

The programmer originally posted it on the forum hosted by that guy who did Super Plusha Plusha. Google first gp32 forum or something like that for the forum.

I wish somehow one of these nice players would get back to those speeds, so I don't eat my batteries. Maybe he would donate his code?

great works!

but i've got a question :
why make a player who read only ogg files?
why not a mp3/wav/mod/ogg player?
Because ogg is better than all those other formats. But yeah, a unified player would be nice (most of my music is mp3, but all new stuff I get ripped to ogg).

It may be a memory issue (all these decoders need an area to store the decoding part of themselves, which takes away from the space to perform it's conversion).

mp3 and ogg together would be nice (I see no point to mods or wma). Mods are easily converted to mp3 (and are usually rubbish anyway), and MS hating is so prevalent on the net, hardly anybody uses wma.
make playlist making and editing fast and easy
Well right now there's some playlist editing in there already, but it's not as fast as I'd like to have it. Right now I'm not sure on how to do it. Another idea I had: how about a small Windows/Linux program for playlist creation/converting and stripping down the filenames to 8.3?
all i really want is to be able to quickly put all my songs in a playlist that i can shuffle with the program
Shuffle could be done with the next version., but the playlist will always include all files on the smc. I could include "remove this ogg from playlist"-button, but the next time you switch the GP32 on, it'll be detected as a "new" ogg.
why make a player who read only ogg files?
why not a mp3/wav/mod/ogg player?
Because an ~96kBit OggVorbis sounds better than an 128kBit mp3 and I want to how the player as small as possible. This way I'm getting 3 hours of music (44100Hz, stereo) on one smc. The other cause is that the OggVorbis decoder Tremor runs better that libmad as far as I can tell from my experiments. And converting from mp3 to ogg is easy: take five minutes to install foobar2000 and oggenc.exe from vorbistools. After a onetime configuration on the "recode" option, I'll take just a click on the right mouse button and selecting "conversion" from the menu (I suggest using the "quality q=2" option), and voila, you've got an ogg file that fits the gp32 better than the mp3 ever could.
I couldn't even find the Tremor source on their site the other day, which was weird. but there will be the release of "GpTremor" soon (I hope I can get all the work needed for the release done on this weekend).
Somehow, a while back there was a gpogg v2 program that played ogg files and only ran at 66mhz.
That's something I'll believe when I can take a look at the sourcecode as well as the compiler flags he's using. I'm using 136MHz right now, because the drawing of the playlist is rather cpu consuming. Best thing to handle this (and better editing of the playlist) would be to have two modes: one for playing and one for playlist editing in which playback would be stopped.

Hint: "Project Bluescreen" is just a working title. I'm still thinking about a "real" name for the player... ;)

Anyway, off to work now... Greetings,
Well right now there's some playlist editing in there already, but it's not as fast as I'd like to have it. Right now I'm not sure on how to do it. Another idea I had: how about a small Windows/Linux program for playlist creation/converting and stripping down the filenames to 8.3?

That would rule. I love Yogg, but since it has no playlist file support at present, I find myself having to 'prep' the files I want to play every time I turn my GP32 on. I'll be walking down the street and have to stop to enqueue the files I want to listen to, it's a bit of a pain. I'd much rather be able to do it at my computer than on my Gamepark.

My other suggestion would be to have the A and B buttons be used for stopping and starting playback. They don't seem to be used for anything at present, and sometimes you just need to stop listening for whatever reason. That, and the playlist support would make this by far and away my OGG player of choice. Yogg is great [especially the version with the corrected clock speed] but has no playlist support. GPAmp supports Winamp skins, and I loooove my skins, but has no clock speed fix or playlists yet. With the PL/Stop-start additions, this would be the one OGG player to rule them all... I can live without Winamp skins. In fact, I sorta like the low-fi look, it reminds me of my old C64. :lol:

Keep up the good work - as betas go, this is pretty great!
So another release is almost complete, this one will introduce random play and config file.

But before I can release this, I need your help. This thing now needs a "real name of it's own".

Suggestions anyone? (Remember next release will be after a name has been picked B))

These are just a couple of suggestions off the top of me head.
So some of them maybe crap. :P

OggBox (A play on musicbox or beatbox :P )
OggAmp (Speaks for its self)
V.A.M.P (Vorbis Audio Media Player) :rolleyes:
Y.A.O.P (Yet Another Ogg Player) Yes, I know this ones crap. ;)
OggPlay (No comment ;) ) They do get worse, But i think this may have already been use. :unsure:

Thats it for now, More to follow, Maybe.
