Gpmadmp3 V1.0 Released


Certified Guru
Feb 18, 2003
I've just released GpMadMp3 v1.0 available at none other than the usual place, RobertsWorld!

Whilst there are a few important bug fixes in this version, new feature highlights include a new semi-keylock feature, gpdrive support so you can transfer mp3s without leaving the player, playlist is now scrollable and lets you select a track to play, plus most importantly it has help screens!

Any significant bugs will be fixed ASAP, unless they aren't recreatable of course. Otherwise I'm off to start a new GP32 project. :)

Change List

* GpDrive built in so now you can transfer mp3s from windows without leaving the player
* Scroll through playlist and select track
* Now saves currently playing track to the config file
* Help screen (Hold down B for a few seconds)
* All graphics are now compressed for smaller executable
* Remembers seek tables of previous tracks in memory to save rescanning (memory limited)
* Semi-Keylock just disables track forward and backward, so most other features such as pause remain accessible
* Can now seek with by minutes with up and down
* Can cancel seeking with the Start button
* Disabled seeking and pausing when overlapping to the next mp3
* Fixed seek table giving wrong track length bug
Thanks RobertJ, definitely a cool update! and I can't wait to try it out!

Have a good day and thank you!
Great release specially with the GPdrive built in. I just have this isntalled and it both plays mp3s and allows me to connect my Gp32 to my comp!
RobertJ posted on Aug 10 2004 at 12:01 AM said:
I've just released GpMadMp3 v1.0 available at none other than the usual place, RobertsWorld!

Whilst there are a few important bug fixes in this version, new feature highlights include a new semi-keylock feature, gpdrive support so you can transfer mp3s without leaving the player, playlist is now scrollable and lets you select a track to play, plus most importantly it has help screens!

Any significant bugs will be fixed ASAP, unless they aren't recreatable of course. Otherwise I'm off to start a new GP32 project. :)

Change List

* GpDrive built in so now you can transfer mp3s from windows without leaving the player
* Scroll through playlist and select track
* Now saves currently playing track to the config file
* Help screen (Hold down B for a few seconds)
* All graphics are now compressed for smaller executable
* Remembers seek tables of previous tracks in memory to save rescanning (memory limited)
* Semi-Keylock just disables track forward and backward, so most other features such as pause remain accessible
* Can now seek with by minutes with up and down
* Can cancel seeking with the Start button
* Disabled seeking and pausing when overlapping to the next mp3
* Fixed seek table giving wrong track length bug
Cool but why didn't you include a real seeking option like wma_mp3 player by omega5?
The post is here :

You can download wma_mp3 player here :

I still prefer wma_mp3 player by omega5 but good work anyway. :)

EDIT : Oh ok seeking option works in fact but a bit too slow I think. :(
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cool work, but at which clockspeed does this run? it would be awesome if someone could beat the 66mhz from the offical mp3 player, since thats the one im still using on tours because my batteries live longer then.
1) It does NOT play WMAs, it never has played WMAs and it never will! triksR4rabits, you didn't see that on Fox News by any chance? :P

2) Seeking is a bit slow because it has to build up a seek table first (that grey line under the time counters), which is the only accurate way of doing it.

Yes you can take educated guesses with CBR files (although VBRs will always be way more innacurate) for seeking based on moving the file pointer around and looking for the next frame, but the nature of mp3 is that it was never designed with seeking in mind.

There isn't any way in an mp3 file to tell if it is even VBR or CBR without scanning the entire thing and checking every single frame header.

However, maybe in a later version I can add an option for a quick and dirty averaging system for seeking.

3) It runs at 66Mhz or 133Mhz if you turn the equalizer on (or up the clock speed yourself to improve the building of a seek table)
RobertJ posted on Aug 10 2004 at 06:42 AM said:
1) It does NOT play WMAs, it never has played WMAs and it never will! triksR4rabits, you didn't see that on Fox News by any chance?

My appologies- it seems someone has converted some of my WMA's into mp3 format on my computer so I assumed these songs were still in WMA. Who the hell changed them is the question... anyway, sorry about that. Cool program
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My Idea:

s it possible for u to add an option that turns off the screen, to save power?
PinkSpider posted on Aug 12 2004 at 02:03 PM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:54 PM said:
My Idea:

s it possible for u to add an option that turns off the screen, to save power?
Apparently that could be bad for the gp32.
why? :huh:

Turning on and off the GP32's LCD controler while running the rest of the GP32 is running is not good for the LCD over long periods. That's what the specs say ;).
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Does anyone know where I can get drivers so that gpdrive will work under windows 98? Or how to get gpdrive to work under linux?
DJWillis posted on Aug 12 2004 at 07:52 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on Aug 12 2004 at 02:03 PM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:54 PM said:
My Idea:

s it possible for u to add an option that turns off the screen, to save power?
Apparently that could be bad for the gp32.
why?  :huh:

Turning on and off the GP32's LCD controler while running the rest of the GP32 is running is not good for the LCD over long periods. That's what the specs say ;).
well , would it still save power if u made the display show, say, one black dot?
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Deleted User posted on Aug 12 2004 at 09:06 PM said:
DJWillis posted on Aug 12 2004 at 07:52 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on Aug 12 2004 at 02:03 PM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 12 2004 at 12:54 PM said:
My Idea:

s it possible for u to add an option that turns off the screen, to save power?
Apparently that could be bad for the gp32.
why? :huh:

Turning on and off the GP32's LCD controler while running the rest of the GP32 is running is not good for the LCD over long periods. That's what the specs say ;).
well , would it still save power if u made the display show, say, one black dot?
But then what would be on the rest of the screen? You can't just turn one part of the screen on, and leave the other part off.
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