Just In Case

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La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Thew topic in the LOL files doesn't really make sense it's a good thing I took some screenies to explain.
1. I mock his sig:


2. His sig mysteriously changes.....


Just had to claer that up, cos with his different sig the joke makes no sense...
50 cent aint my homeboy I put it on cuz I thought it waz funny to have a rapper on my sig cuz the majority of the pple on the board hates hip-hop with a passion and its funny to hear pple give thier retarted comments about rappers and hip-hop. I do like rap but its not the only thing I listen to I listen to rock and techno also mostly just rap and rock tho fav rock band hoobastank and Linkin Park B) .
there is lot of corny rap songs but their are some real good ones too. Im sure IF you try to listen to some you'll find out that it aint all that bad :P . I like to listen to rap while I work out. Its sumthin that gets me hyped up. Theirs sum rock songs that can get you hyped up too like Headstrong by trapt but I prefer rap while I lift weights tho B) .
Nah... rap in itself isn't gay. Its actually pretty impressive, at least in terms of how many words can be crammed into such a small space. Very much not my style of "music" though...
Nah... rap in itself isn't gay.

Very much not my style of "music" though...

Isnt everybody style of music different so who is to say what is gay or not gay who cares just listen to what you like. All that matters is that you like it.

:o EDIT: My bad Tobriad I thought you said it is gay, sorry I read it quick
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Nah... rap in itself isn't gay.

Very much not my style of "music" though...
Isnt everybody style of music different so who is to say what is gay or not gay who cares just listen to what you like. All that matters is that you like it.
There's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion...
Exactly so why is that when I say I listen to Fifty I got flamed in the other thread!! Im sure everyone has seen that thread by now. Then later on I waz just jokeing and pple said that Im trying to be gangsta all I said is that the mods are not gangsta enough to change my sig again jokeinly but DID I EVER SAY HOW GANGSTA I WAZ!!!! pple are so quick to assume shit!!! Did have a good time with the heavy bag at my gym that day B).
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It's funny how people respond to certain nonsense threads, but what I found is that is you are radically different from the majority of the population, you usually get flamed, laughed at, ridiculed, or made fun of. :D
It's funny how people respond to certain nonsense threads, but what I found is that is you are radically different from the majority of the population, you usually get flamed, laughed at, ridiculed, or made fun of.  :D
Not really just when I put the 50 cent sig on is when the board turned on me. Most of my friends listen to the same thing I listen except rock but I dont hear them tellin me how gay rock is but on this board If I you have a rapper on your sig or just into hip-hop music pple just go mental.
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Don't look at me, I don't like most mainstream music. Music is part of your artistic taste buds. It's like getting all worked up over how bad they feel lobster tastes. I think the thing people like to make fun of is the Rap community. You can easily put all people who listen to rap as gansta-wannabe's who probably smoke cannibis in their room all day. Just like all the people who listen to rock are devil worshippers, and all people who listen to heavy metal ARE the devil. People play on these generalizations to aggrevate others, and since people at least subconsciously know of their stereotypes (whether they conform or not), they can easily get defensive and therefore pose "more entertainment".

Edit: Awwww, why'd you change my tasteful edit? <_<
Very true I totally agree with generalnmx. There was this kid in my school who like Metal and everyone made fun of him they called him a devil worshiper a crack head. The majority of my school listens to hip-hop btw. My school is like 70% black and 30% Latino since im half puerto rican I always hanged out with the Latinos. Well this kid got made fun of beat up at school just because he listened to metal even girls wouldnt even talk to him Im surprised he never transfered. Well its fucked up how pple sterotype pple just because what they listen too like what happened to me on this board just cuz I like hip-hop doesnt mean Im trying to be gangsta or tryin to act or watever.
Very true I totally agree with generalnmx. There was this kid in my school who like Metal and everyone made fun of him they called him a devil worshiper a crack head. The majority of my school listens to hip-hop btw. My school is like 70% black and 30% Latino since im half puerto rican I always hanged out with the Latinos. Well this kid got made fun of beat up at school just because he listened to metal even girls wouldnt even talk to him Im surprised he never transfered. Well its fucked up how pple sterotype pple just because what they listen too like what happened to me on this board just cuz I like hip-hop doesnt mean Im trying to be gangsta or tryin to act or watever.
whoops, just read this, im jus gonna keep my opinions to my self from now on
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yeah were all allowed to voice our opinions.
Personally I hate cRap... :lol:
I think the music is utter shite but if people want to listen to it fair enough. I just think that someone that's been shot in the face and still hasn't grown up and stopped risking his life and taking drugs (well risking his life :P) is a bit of a moron and he deserved some rippage. None was intended at you dm ;)
Since were on the topic of music here B). I waz just trying out the mp3 player from the Gp32 bios and it didnt play most of my MP3's does'nt seems like it can hack high bitrates. Well I started looking around for mp3 player apps on this site and came across media player 0.5 its description says it plays mp3's,ogg's,and wma,but I couldnt download it can anyone verify that it works and if not can anyone suggest anything good so I could listen to my mp3's on the Gp32 be cool to have one app that does all that tho. I heard before on this board that Oggs are better than mp3's for the GP32 if so whats the best ogg player for the GP32?

Go to GP32eu.com and get the GPMad MP3 player from there, it plays more bitrates than the one with GPbios.

As for OGG, it can compress to a smaller size while staying the same quality so yes it is better, the best player right now would probably be the one that uses the skins from winamp and uses the best players sources for playing the OGGs, it was in the GBAX2004 so you can find it on the download page there.

EDIT: Your signature has fowl language and makes me cry, change it or I will cry.
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