Do you love or hate the GBA?

  • Love

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • Hate

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Make love:)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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Feb 17, 2004
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So do you love or hate the GBA?

I hate it, because most of the games are crap and over priced, and I spent £90 on it :angry:
Well I dont really want to buy any as im selling my GBA soon, but when I emulate them I dont like them. This may be due to the fact that im emulating them though :)
the GBA is gay. I wasted my money on it and a few games years ago.

the games where overpriced and the screen (normal gba) was so damn dark it was pointless playing anyway.

I hate it :)
Well, I've gone for love, mainly because there isn't an indifferent option. Its a good machine with a few flaws - its just outclassed by our little puppy :)
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i rather liked golden sun and advance wars, the marios were good for some porta fun. the max payne remake was pretty good and the silent scope game was brilliant!

if flash carts came down to about £50 for 256mb i'd probably pick one up off ebay as they go for about £35!
I clicked make love because the smiley made me laugh :D

I like my GBA. There are a bunch of great games for it. Castlevania, Advance Wars, Sonic Advances. I'm happy with it.

That DS system looks like an abomination though...
Another vote for love. I don't think there's enough love in the world. Lets all hold hands and sing.

Okay I love Snes relaunches (unlike most it seems!!). Basically I'll vote for any system with a Zelda game on it.
I hate it because it for little ass kids! All the games are ports of old games, which the little kids don't realize, making them think that SMW, LTTP, etc. are new originals just for the GBA. I hate that they (little kids who play the GBA) are so ignorant of this fact. The console it clearly for kids beacuse just look at that movie player that came out. What are the movies that are available for it? Saturday morning cartoons! If it's not just for kids, if it's for teens too, where the hell's Family Guy? Or Futurama? Or some of the cartoons that non-kids actually watch.
I hate it because it for little ass kids! All the games are ports of old games, which the little kids don't realize, making them think that SMW, LTTP, etc. are new originals just for the GBA. I hate that they (little kids who play the GBA) are so ignorant of this fact. The console it clearly for kids beacuse just look at that movie player that came out. What are the movies that are available for it? Saturday morning cartoons! If it's not just for kids, if it's for teens too, where the hell's Family Guy? Or Futurama? Or some of the cartoons that non-kids actually watch.
cuz family guy and Futurama are not for kids ;) I hate those cartoons there are corny not funny and just annoying. People dont love Gba for the gay cartoons they are realeaseing for it they love it for the great games they currently have for it like the FF tactics,Metroids, and Golden Sun titles to name a few. Its a cool lil portable I dont regret buying and the Sp screen is awesome it so clear and bright compared to my Gp32 Flu plus the sp looks cooler sorry had to say it but its true B)

you gotta give credit where credit is due Nintendo is awesome!!!
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