Locations And Languages


Startled By Midgets
Nov 3, 2003
Newton, UK
Visit site
Any chance we could make the 'location' field of the user details compulsory?

This may seem like a strange request but I am sick of seeing people getting flamed for improper use of english. It hardly seems fair having a pop at someone for their use of grammar when they may only speak english as a second or third language.

People should also remember that the tone of a post could well get lost in translation too - something that was meant as flippant ends up sounding angry. Something that was meant as an innocent question ends up sounding like a demand. Cue a million bitchy replies...

I'm sorry if this sounds like *yet another moan about how friendly the community is*, but come on, let's cut Johnny Foreigner a bit of slack eh?


[Apologies if this should have gone in Off Topic Discussions ;) ]
Flaming for improper use of English sucks. I think 20-30 percent of the users here, dont speak English at home :)

But everybody should at least try to communicate in good English. I come from Holland, but i trie to give my best (English) shot

Agree, abeit i know how irritating it is to hear people f%#^up your native language.:P

For example, in some james bind movie someone in Holland appeart to speak GERMAN :blink:
Yeah, I was going to mention, maybe 20% of users set their location to something 'amusing' defeating the point of the tag. If you're gonna make it compulsory, make sure it makes sense!