Latest news from GP32Spain about the Megadrive emu:
"10/06/2004 - fGen32 WIP (09 de Junio)
Rlyeh and robbrown keep on working restless in the fGen32 in order to provide us the best emu for our handeld.
Latest version runs very fast. Games like Sonic 1 are perfectly playable WITH SOUND @ 133Mhz (auto frameskip may vary a bit) and @ 166MHZ run symply perfect.
Rlyeh hopes he will be able to implement the z80 ASM core from reesy this week, adjust a few things and release a public beta, wich according to his own words will run every game (well, this could be also translated as it will run smoothly, bugless, fast... I don't know exactly what he wants to say, but maybe this second meaning
So, in aprox a week we will have the first public beta of fGen32, with audio, savestates, great compatibility and many things more. Keep your SMC ready."
"10/06/2004 - fGen32 WIP (09 de Junio)
Rlyeh and robbrown keep on working restless in the fGen32 in order to provide us the best emu for our handeld.
Latest version runs very fast. Games like Sonic 1 are perfectly playable WITH SOUND @ 133Mhz (auto frameskip may vary a bit) and @ 166MHZ run symply perfect.
Rlyeh hopes he will be able to implement the z80 ASM core from reesy this week, adjust a few things and release a public beta, wich according to his own words will run every game (well, this could be also translated as it will run smoothly, bugless, fast... I don't know exactly what he wants to say, but maybe this second meaning
So, in aprox a week we will have the first public beta of fGen32, with audio, savestates, great compatibility and many things more. Keep your SMC ready."