What happened to the editor on the pc? is it still getting made or is it just going to be made on the gp?
anyhow heres a few ideas for you
the ability to get other charecters on your team following you or for battles like final fantasy.
avi support for movies & cutscenes.
also what music types will be supported by gigas (mp3,wav,midi)
Hiya, the bodyguard AI will make an entity follow you about until its death (or you teleport off somewhere) - im going to code proper team-mates in at some point tho (who you can revive, equip and who stay with you all the time).
the PC editor will be done once the GP32 editor is finished, otherwise if i had the two editors in development at once, if i changed one thing i'd have to then change it two times (on for each editor) - where as if i get the GP32 one finished, it'll make developing the PC editor alot easier as i know exactly whats needed from it.
avi support for movies/cutscenes is something i'll look into, GPcinema shows its possible but i'd have to find some open source or some good documentation to write my own reader/renderer.
as for sound, see above ^ .. midi will be difficult on GP32 has it has no built in instruments, wav should be easy, and mp3 and ogg is something i'll def look into.
i realise it needs sound, so i'll have to find a way somehow

mp3/wav and ogg are the main 3 i'd like to try and support.