hehe, anyway - we should keep this discussion on gigas
I love coding, its relaxing for me - and i should have every right to say what im working on (on my homepage). i dont feel i should really have to apologize if a project gets canceled or something i attempted just wasn't possible
its a hobby, im not making money from it, and peoples lives dont depend on it - but some people are so obsessed with the gp32 scene, and the politics behind it all, they think its ok to insult thoose who dont do what they want them to.
"release this, release that, prove this, prove that"
i'd rather just stay quiet and get on with it
The only reason i bothered discussing it, is because some feel i mislead them and lied about how much progress i had made on that project, so i felt i should at least admit i said stuff was done when it wasn't (on my website)... i suppose 'done' is a matter of oppinion, i consider something 'done' when i start coding it, rather than when i finish it, as with alot of open source projects they carry on being improved and added to well after the final release, but sometimes you hit a brick wall - which is what happened with that project, and when i say somethings done, and then say its cancelled.. it doesn't make sense to most people, which i can understand.
I've met some good friends here, and i now only discuss my future projects with these people i trust, and if i ever do continue that project - it'll be these people who get sent test releases.
sooooo.. thats that cleared up hopefully
*thinks what hes added into gigas lately to talk about*
erm.. working on a fancy title screen/save game menu system at the moment, going to do items once thats done, writing some sort of story for my RPG which i'll start making with it soonish.
annnnnd i'm in the planning stages for a new ambitious GP32 project, but i've learnt not to discuss about it in forums until i have something to show.. but it wont distract from my work on gigas so dont worry

its totally different.