The Ultimate Question

Ur Fave

  • Snes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Genesis

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I had to vote megadrive, I love both, but i have such fond memories of playing megadrive with friends as a really small child.
Well, the SNES is more powerful and has a better controller IMHO, but since hardware means jack squat without games, I'll decide like so.....

Mario > Sonic
Mario has more substance. Sonic is flash and dazzle platforming for the ADD-afflicted. (not that Sonic is bad, it's just not as good as Mario.)

SNES wins!
Megadrive all the way!

I can still remember the christmas it was released here in the uk, my granddad got one, i wan in nirvana shoving in sonic for the first time!

My best mate had a snes but i never got into it, the controller was a big reason, but i also found the major platformers too bitty and unforgiving, and no toe jam and earl!
Sorry nothing beats sonic, streets of rage, Phantasy star and any other sega game. Oh and all the other games that didn't come out on Snes like Gunstar hereos etc :P Genesis it is.

Sure SNES had more colours but Genesis had a better processor.

Mario=slow and boring
Damn, Sega all the way!

The Genesis had "blast processing" baby!!! And it actually did whoop SNES's ass in the US market (and maybe Jap, im not sure) The problem with all the GREAT RPG's for SNES, most of them were either JAP release only, or super rare. So ask yourself, have you played the system itself, ot just an emulator. Damn, the SNES, looked so clunky and "Space-2000!" esque. Console and games. The genesis was sharp, and cool. Quick and hip. Sonic, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Heady, Contra Hard Corps (definatley better than the alien wars! by far) Not to mention it has my new favorite game, Panorama Cotton, on it. And the controller was much more solid and well built. And I dont know who said "they cried themselves to sleep when they played Street Fighter II on A gen pad" but there frikkin nuts. Sega DID make a six-button pad for the genesis ya know?

Target Earth, Earthworm Jim, Comic Zone, Garfield Caught in the act, Phantasy Star, Devils Crash, (although better on PCE)

or megadrive here in the uk rocked big had cool fast action games.I HATE RPGS so thats not an argument.

rpg= 0]read for an hour, 1]move, 2]read for an hour, 3]encounter random battle, 4]choose attacks from list, 5]goto stage 4 six times. 6]returnto stage1, aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!!!! noooooooo!!!!

megadrive also outsold snes by about 2 to 1 here in the uk nuff said.snes was good but always second to genesis.
Snes definatley outweighs the Megadrive. I could rattle off a list of games but there are way too many. This doesn't mean I hate the Megadrive/Genesis. It is my second favorite console :P
My reasons for the Genesis love:

1) Kid Chameleon
2) Phantasy Star 2
3) Starflight

^ those 3 games kept me more occupied than all my SNES games combined.
w8, Are you talking about the Snes and Gen as in which is best to play on the GP32 or Snes and Gen as in the Actual Actual console ??
I had both, and I played both equally, but I enjoted the MegaDrive more coz I dont like a lot of Old fashioned RPGs like Final Fanstasy and chrono trigger

I played a lot of platfoms games on my Megadrive (Mickey Mouse TCOI, Another World) but i still think the SNES was better coz it had the SUPERGameboy, and the Satellaview, which is redundant now, but it makes my SNES look fat enuff to sit on my Megadrive, which just has a measly 32X on it
The success of these polls, when people are honest, usually just affirm the relationship in sales to both consoles. Not much room for surprises I guess. Anyway, SNES all the way, baby!

EDIT: BTW, V3X, took me a while to realize your sig line didn't read: "I want Tekken 3 PORN!" Which, come to think of it, I do. Just kidding, and back to l337 speak 101 for me.