Save The Gp32


Forum Addict!
Jan 15, 2004
The Netherlands
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Well, if you thought about the Euro-release of the GP32 then you might think the GP32 will fail.
But as GP32 owners, we don't want the GP32 to fail.

Me must take action !

SAVE THE gp32_console

I thought of this:

Post and Spam everything you know with the words:
only that, nothing else.

Each place 1 time, not 100x because you'll get kicked.

:ph34r: just like ninja's do...

Post your GP32 post (link) here !

Were going :ph34r:


You could also mention the GP32 like this:

'Some forum'
Yeah, that game is really cool. But the GP32 rocks.

Or spam every GBA forum, say: G4ME3BO7 SUX, 4R5E CR4CK3RS! GP32 RULEZ
I don't know Dutch, but will post in the other board topics tomorrow. By, the way, if you know Dutch can you please post in the Tweaker forum. They are asking about the GP32's hardware specs. I think.

EDIT: Maybe just post a link to the Wikipedia entry, or translate the GBAX review. (THE BEST review, convinced me to buy the GP32) :P
i agree with craig. why should we have to spam to get more people to buy a gp32. thats like all those emails everyone gets to try and convince them to buy herbal male enhancements. but maby some of you fell for that advertisement and see spamming as the way to get things done.
You REEEEALY want to save the gp32_console ? Do what I do; walking advertising. I've been bringing mine to work nearly every night now, and a co-worker was so intrigued at my "tricked out GameBoy" (as he calls it), that he's going to buy one.

Honestly though, I don't care if the GP32 doesn't take off commercially. I don't care if it DOES either; I play mine for personal enjoyment, and since I use it mainly for its brilliant emulation, I'll have tons of games to keep me happy for years to come.
we have a nice community, dont we?
even if gp fails,
there still are enough gp32s for those who really want them :D

Edit: and yes, nobody likes spam, its just getting you annoyed till you block everything; maybe ppl will block "GP32"-emails as spam now :(

spam just makes everything worse, save the gp32_console as much as you can with deving good and exclusive software! :ph34r:
:huh: the hell is the point in this? people have been saying its gonna fail since i can remember and its still going strong.

edit::: on a second glance this thread really is shit

"Or spam every GBA forum, say: G4ME3BO7 SUX, 4R5E CR4CK3RS! GP32 RULEZ"

wow you used gay hacker talk lets all go and buy a gp32. If i saw that it would make me not want to buy one.


wh4t th3

your just posting that because you don't have anything good to say ?

With spamming I'm not referring to spam as e-mail,
"He, You must take a l-oan to b-uy this GP32"

Thats not :ph34r:

What I'm saying is: Get the GP32 name out into the world.
Post links etc.

If you clicked a link (No I didn't, cause I lazy) of mine, that
you would see I'm just linking to so people with
see the website and might just read about the GP32 and think
wow! I want one of those.
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a topic simply named gp32 just the 1 is pretty clever as its not exactly spam (if its just the 1) + it may make ppl pretty curious.. LIke me because thats how i found out about it
hate to be harsh, but I agree. in a less childish way (:P) but I agree.

I'm admin on some fora, have been for 4 years now, and well, people that pull stuff like that usually gets flamed, laughed at, banned. Imho you can start doing commercial things once you're a regular at the place...

and also imho you're making a fool of yourself, looking like a 12yo retard that likes spamming boards =/

honestly, there are better ways of doing this... don't take this offensively either, I'm just real honest towards you and myself and to a lot of community ppl when I'm saying "you'll surely piss people off"


Gp32 is inderdaad fscking vet! Geef het door! Meer Nederlanders en Vlamingen met een GP32! Meetings! Uitwisselingen! Hoera! Hoera! :P (glad to see other dutchies on the board - belgian myself though :)) (en die moomin kent er niets van :/)
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