9th June Is It Now?

sam fisher

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2004
Bristol, UK
www.gp32eu.com whether true or not has now set the blu release as June 9th. I am not going to wait this long. Do you think gbax will let me cancel my order?
How much is a zodiac anyway?
Thanks I just want it before my holiday in july. And you cannot get rid of me that easily! I still have a partially working flu!!! I'll be here a good while longer. mwhahahaha
It will be released the 15th, you can see it on Virgin Play official website. Delayed and delayed again...
pocket posted on May 27 2004 at 05:51 PM said:
It will be released the 15th, you can see it on Virgin Play official website. Delayed and delayed again...

Lets see it at Christmas season ...

1. there is not eaven one BLU unit released, nobody can proove, if BLU units are "real"
2. gamepark always delayed the euro launch last year, and then canceled it :(
3. there are no "european languages" games ready...

I really dont want to say it, but in my opinion gamepark is a lame company with good hardware...
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mr.mirko posted on May 27 2004 at 06:04 PM said:
1. there is not eaven one BLU unit released, nobody can proove, if BLU units are "real"
there is at least one (craig have one as far as i know)
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sam fisher posted on May 27 2004 at 05:37 PM said:
Thanks I just want it before my holiday in july. And you cannot get rid of me that easily! I still have a partially working flu!!! I'll be here a good while longer. mwhahahaha
Oh, I can get rid of you very easily. *bans*
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mr.mirko posted on May 27 2004 at 06:04 PM said:
I really dont want to say it, but in my opinion gamepark is a lame company with good hardware...
Seconded. We all know how inept and idiotic Gamepark are. Without coverage by Slashdot and b3ta, as well as the work of dozens of developers for free, they'd be screwed.

And of course, that's what happening. The Europe launch will be started with many less coders and virtually no press coverage. Oh well.
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I spoke to them yesterday and they are supposed to be arriving next friday/monday. (that is not this friday, but next week)


sam fisher posted on May 27 2004 at 07:59 PM said:
Cool!!! Only about 1 week till I get my blu!!
*does little I'm going to get a blu dance*
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
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Craig has not one at all... <_<

It's rubbish because GBAx has no contact with Gamepark or Virgin... as far I was told...
They do have contact with virgin. I founf out when I emailed them and they said that virgin had said nothing about a delay but that was a while ago.

Edit: and he doesn't have one as he would be asking people if they want the OC'ing mod done to their blu.
craigix posted on May 27 2004 at 07:48 PM said:
I spoke to them yesterday and they are supposed to be arriving next friday/monday. (that is not this friday, but next week)


The operative word here is *supposed* ;) I don't trust Gamepark...
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