I have thought about hinging the chatboard and i agree that that would be the best way to do it, however it would be rather complicated to put into practice, especially with no equipment for moulding/milling custom parts etc so im afraid the cable will have to do.
elementchen, i believe what you are asking is if i have bought the bits from nigelbrown and am just assembling them, well the answer is no, i was origianally planning to do this around february and as far as i know that predates nigelbrowns service, ive had to find somewhere that supplies the connectors and im having to build them from a standard cha-001 with standard supplies, i did however not design the wiring personally, this credit goes to mr spiv as i used the resources on his site to put all this together. so basically aside from making the ericsson chatboards themselves which ericsson kindly did
i am making them from scratch.
onto the reservation list, well i still have the original copy and there are about 50 people on it, the main reason i wish to abandon it is it has been a long time and some or many may either not want it or have left the scene so it would require a lot of effort on my part to update it to a current list so at this point im not sure, however i do have time to think it over as i still have to make most of these chatboards because my exams only finished under a week ago
next, propping it up, yes it is possible to prop it up though you will need something to prop it up with, some sort of stand would be best but it is still relativly easy with a micellanious item or leg if you not at a desk
phew, i think thats me answered everything
elementchen, i believe what you are asking is if i have bought the bits from nigelbrown and am just assembling them, well the answer is no, i was origianally planning to do this around february and as far as i know that predates nigelbrowns service, ive had to find somewhere that supplies the connectors and im having to build them from a standard cha-001 with standard supplies, i did however not design the wiring personally, this credit goes to mr spiv as i used the resources on his site to put all this together. so basically aside from making the ericsson chatboards themselves which ericsson kindly did
onto the reservation list, well i still have the original copy and there are about 50 people on it, the main reason i wish to abandon it is it has been a long time and some or many may either not want it or have left the scene so it would require a lot of effort on my part to update it to a current list so at this point im not sure, however i do have time to think it over as i still have to make most of these chatboards because my exams only finished under a week ago
next, propping it up, yes it is possible to prop it up though you will need something to prop it up with, some sort of stand would be best but it is still relativly easy with a micellanious item or leg if you not at a desk
phew, i think thats me answered everything