Gp32x Banned From College

The admins at our college know about the exploits.. they just tell us to reset the pc; there is a file called mario.exe which appears when you log on sometimes which gives u full privilages which is nice. Its been like this for months and still not fiked :)
I remember i started a thing where i'd change the nam of an icon the desktop and it would change on all other pc's because of they were all networked and i started writin msg's to ppl in other classrooms i wrote some obscene message about one of our IT teachers at the time and some kid got bollocked when it was nothing to do with him, i obviously found it hillarious.
All these ways of hacking into our skool network and stuff akes me think about what our technicians are actually gettin paid for!
skysnapper posted on May 5 2004 at 10:14 PM said:
nearest we got to compter were BBC computers and crappy 386 with ega gfx cards which were well shite running window 3.1 for turd groups, running crappy apps.

How thing s change in 10 years school must be fun now ;)
We had C64s at school! ;)
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anonymous proxies are all blocked at my school (symantec security), luckily this site is not blocked....
anonymizer wasn't blocked until 2 weeks ago dammit....

could possibly edit ethe proxy settings on the pc under internet options but i don't know if the internet would work if i did this and/or how to do it.
At my school image search on (not is blocked.

So is a load of other crap.

Also photoshop is only on computers in some rooms yet it is accesible for all, so what I have to do is open up X: go through a load of folders and eventually find the exe. It's bloody rediculous how little our techinicians know about computers.
GOOD GOO! i'm glad i'm learning about hacking and the like now so it wonr be such a bitch when i'm in school...(homeschooled right now...) i can't wait until i go to a "real" school..<evil>heh heh heh h4x0ring all the computers HAHAHAHA </evil>
divadsci posted on May 6 2004 at 06:41 PM said:
At my school image search on (not is blocked.

So is a load of other crap.

Also photoshop is only on computers in some rooms yet it is accesible for all, so what I have to do is open up X: go through a load of folders and eventually find the exe. It's bloody rediculous how little our techinicians know about computers.
google was blocked at my college until everyone complained.
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haha, security. A few of my friends are running a ftp server from some of the schools computers. They stay on all day/night with a super fast connection. They are serving gigs and gigs of stuff. including porno. You dont even need to log in to them. this is in the computer department mind you. Makes you laugh to think of how little they do to stop anything.

EDIT: This is a state college in its not like they dont have the money to care.
Rico posted on May 5 2004 at 10:26 PM said:
Jack-ass admins block access to A: drive - it's hidden from My Computer view. Type it in directly!
Coooooooool so this will allow me to access the CD Drives of the School computes? :D Half Life on LAN Here we come :D hehe... Ill give it a go on Tuesday..
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all of those exploits worked at my school, until some fukin twat decided to show them all to the technician blokey. fuckin wanker
Funniest thing to do on a school/college computer:

Use the word correction tool on MS word to change words like and/the/it etc. into swear words so when sum1 is typing something in without looking at the screen they will look up and see all these swear words

evil i know, but i only do it to m8s
does anyone know how i could get any p2p or irc or sumthin 2 work at school. Java irc clients do not work, the ports appear to be blocked, also http tunneling doesnt work.
greenmikey posted on May 7 2004 at 10:49 AM said:
haha, security. A few of my friends are running a ftp server from some of the schools computers. They stay on all day/night with a super fast connection. They are serving gigs and gigs of stuff. including porno. You dont even need to log in to them. this is in the computer department mind you. Makes you laugh to think of how little they do to stop anything.

EDIT: This is a state college in its not like they dont have the money to care.
IP please
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Rico posted on May 7 2004 at 05:07 PM said:
greenmikey posted on May 7 2004 at 10:49 AM said:
haha, security. A few of my friends are running a ftp server from some of the schools computers. They stay on all day/night with a super fast connection. They are serving gigs and gigs of stuff. including porno. You dont even need to log in to them. this is in the computer department mind you. Makes you laugh to think of how little they do to stop anything.

EDIT: This is a state college in its not like they dont have the money to care.
IP please
me too :lol: ....
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Depending on the programs that your school uses to monitor your internet access, just press ctrl H and delete your history. This works well on the computers at my school. ;)

EDIT: Umm, well sorry, I guess that my post was a bit off topic. :D
nerd of nerds posted on May 7 2004 at 11:15 PM said:
Rico posted on May 7 2004 at 05:07 PM said:
greenmikey posted on May 7 2004 at 10:49 AM said:
haha, security. A few of my friends are running a ftp server from some of the schools computers. They stay on all day/night with a super fast connection. They are serving gigs and gigs of stuff. including porno. You dont even need to log in to them. this is in the computer department mind you. Makes you laugh to think of how little they do to stop anything.

EDIT: This is a state college in its not like they dont have the money to care.
IP please
me too :lol: ....
woo! me too :lol:
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Rico posted on May 7 2004 at 11:07 PM said:
IP please

Hey, Thats an Illegal Request :lol: :D :rolleyes: hehe

(PM Me it too please) hehe :P

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Phil posted on May 8 2004 at 09:28 AM said:
nerd of nerds posted on May 7 2004 at 11:15 PM said:
Rico posted on May 7 2004 at 05:07 PM said:
greenmikey posted on May 7 2004 at 10:49 AM said:
haha, security. A few of my friends are running a ftp server from some of the schools computers. They stay on all day/night with a super fast connection. They are serving gigs and gigs of stuff. including porno. You dont even need to log in to them. this is in the computer department mind you. Makes you laugh to think of how little they do to stop anything.

EDIT: This is a state college in its not like they dont have the money to care.
IP please
me too :lol: ....
woo! me too :lol:
me too! PM me!
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