Gp Cinema - End Of May Early June


Still Fresh
Feb 25, 2004
Somewere in Canada
Visit site
It's not free, yet. They will sell it till the END of April. Then you'll have to wait till the Euro launch which will be around the end of May or beginning of June.

azure(2004-04-28 10:6)

So anyone who was waiting has a bit longer
Yes I am, and that's my post from JoyGP. New Media announced that they will sell the GP32 along with six games at the end of May.

BTW, here's the BLU box (from GP32NEWS):
AWww...its not the solid white I was hoping for. There were some pictures in some ads that showed a unit with white buttons and framing around the screen. Gamepark should most def release the albino unit, if not other colors too.
I want a black one! Will they make it or only white?
Mebbe their sales are not hig enuff. If they produce multi colors and some don't sell, they lose profit. If they make one color, you have no choice but to buy the white one.
Akuma , if we base our opinions on Entware sayings :

"GamePark announced that GP Cinema be supplied as a free-ware in GP32's European Launching. If you want GP Cinema for free, you'd better wait till GP32's European Launching."

This clearly means GPCinema will be free, even for owners of "old" gp32s ...

Or else, that means that their English skills are not as good as they should be to right in English ....

I do think that Gamepark will put Gpcinema on their website to download just the way we can download FreeLauncher and Textviewer .

(but I might be wrong, i'm not an insider) (^-^)