Hiya, im currently busy at work on the next release (0.6.5) and figured i better give you a word of warning,
to save people alot of grief in the future - im making changes to the file format. im basically adding alot of NULL fields into all of them, so if in the future i need to make an addition which requires info to be saved, it'll be compatible with OLD game data as it can just use some of the NULL fields
its a pain in the ass when a new version comes out and you suddenly discover you can no longer use the stuff you've spent ages building, so that'll avoid it all.
Sadly, as i've made these changes now - Gigas 0.6.5 will have compatability problems with the current 0.6.0 beta, but fear not - if you want a game converted i'll create an e-mail address for you lot to send it to and then i'll convert it to 0.6.5 format and send it back
just wanted to annouce that now so when the time comes you dont all wonder why your stuff isnt loading properly 
Heres the current list of what'll be new in 0.6.5 (i'll keep editing this to keep it upto date)
Changes for 0.6.5
+ Multiple Game Support (each game just goes in its own subfolder)
+ Larger character sprite file (allows for 3 times as many characters)
+ Multiple Tilesets (infinate)
+ Improved AI (NPC Allys and Enemys will now attack each other)
+ L&R now brings up tile picker when in a layer editing mode
+ 'A' brings up hotspot subwindow as well as select
+ Attack Animation editor
+ Tile Animation editor
+ Hotspot Creation easier (no longer have to type in cords manually)
+ Triggers (to record key gameplay events, so conversations can change)
+ Teleport cords now relate to centre of player sprite, not top left corner.
+ Optimisations
+ Transparency Colour changed to pink
Bug Fix's for 0.6.5
+ Teleporting no longer loads the map if your already on it
+ Buffer Overflows in saving/loading routine
+ Creation of new maps more reliable
+ Flip Map function to fix mappy exported maps appearing sideways
+ Hit/Death effects are now read correctly
+ menus wont glitch anymore and stay visible when changing modes
+ Attack templates fixed (were 2 pixels too short, well spotted)
More to come as i code it
im planning on getting it 0.6.5 out before the weekend.
to save people alot of grief in the future - im making changes to the file format. im basically adding alot of NULL fields into all of them, so if in the future i need to make an addition which requires info to be saved, it'll be compatible with OLD game data as it can just use some of the NULL fields
its a pain in the ass when a new version comes out and you suddenly discover you can no longer use the stuff you've spent ages building, so that'll avoid it all.
Sadly, as i've made these changes now - Gigas 0.6.5 will have compatability problems with the current 0.6.0 beta, but fear not - if you want a game converted i'll create an e-mail address for you lot to send it to and then i'll convert it to 0.6.5 format and send it back
Heres the current list of what'll be new in 0.6.5 (i'll keep editing this to keep it upto date)
Changes for 0.6.5
+ Multiple Game Support (each game just goes in its own subfolder)
+ Larger character sprite file (allows for 3 times as many characters)
+ Multiple Tilesets (infinate)
+ Improved AI (NPC Allys and Enemys will now attack each other)
+ L&R now brings up tile picker when in a layer editing mode
+ 'A' brings up hotspot subwindow as well as select
+ Attack Animation editor
+ Tile Animation editor
+ Hotspot Creation easier (no longer have to type in cords manually)
+ Triggers (to record key gameplay events, so conversations can change)
+ Teleport cords now relate to centre of player sprite, not top left corner.
+ Optimisations
+ Transparency Colour changed to pink
Bug Fix's for 0.6.5
+ Teleporting no longer loads the map if your already on it
+ Buffer Overflows in saving/loading routine
+ Creation of new maps more reliable
+ Flip Map function to fix mappy exported maps appearing sideways
+ Hit/Death effects are now read correctly
+ menus wont glitch anymore and stay visible when changing modes
+ Attack templates fixed (were 2 pixels too short, well spotted)
More to come as i code it
im planning on getting it 0.6.5 out before the weekend.