Rlyeh's emulators


Feb 9, 2003
Does anyone know if Rlyeh is gonna release any of his emulators soon? He has like 6 out there and most I hear are pretty good.
I'm actually curious (and anxious) too. :) But he is a pretty busy guy probably, and I'm sure when his emulators come out, that they'll be near bug free. But it would be nice to have something to tide us over in the meanwhile :) *hint hint*
In this case... I can wait!

It'd be great to have some nice (almost) bug-free emulators released for a change!

I like early alphas, but it's also nice to get something that's very usable right off the mark...
I am really looking forward to his nes emulator. Infones is ok and is playable but Just from what I have read his nes emulator seems to be very well done. The orignal nes is still my favorite game system and it0 would be amazing to have a near perfect emu for gp32. It seems like he has been pretty busy working on emulators in genral and I can't waite to try out some of his projects.
Although I look forward to his fGen32 and MAME emulators a full speed on frameskip 1 (with saves) snes emulator just sounds too promising ;)
I think my only concern, and probably that of most people, is that these emulators will never see the light of day...or at the very least for 6 months. That wouldn't be so bad but it seems some would-be authors are delaying their projects because of the 'imminent' release of Ryleh's emulators (although it is quite clear they are not imminent).
is he working on a snes emulator also? Darkgod I think you might be confused about the nintendo emulator that he is working on. I'm almost positive the emulator you are thinking of is an 8-bit nes emulator and not a snes emulator.
kram posted on May 7 2003 said:
Does anyone know if Rlyeh is gonna release any of his emulators soon? He has like 6 out there and most I hear are pretty good.
Good question.

I dont know really when to release them.

I proposed Tyke (my official betatester) to hang WIP betas in his web eventually, to keep people happy.
I'd release the "public" betas in my web when they will be done.

Better this way?


Note: Tyke's site is under construction.
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wow! NICE! that would be amazing ryleh! we'll get to see some of your amazing emus in action!
*sends the ryleh a box of fruit*
Sounds good to me...don't get me wrong, I don't mind waiting...it's just that too often in emulation do things never see the light of day...um, not that I can think of any examples. I know there are some :P
woohoo! Can't wait for some betas to play with :) Personally I'm excited about the nes emulator. Playing zelda with music would be awesome!
COOOL !!! B) Can't wait to try out those WIPs ! Thanks for sharing your work, Rlyeh !! :)
(long rant)

wow.. the GP32 scene has been getting white-hot since GPengine released...

alright, so we're on the brink of another "breakthrough" (well -- we'll see -- not to put the cart before the horse!) but with all that's happened lately (2600, Frodo, Atari ST, hell even a Vectrex emu!) then the next level (Mame, Genesis) oculdnt' be too terribly far behind!!

I am drooling to see those two emu's (esp. Genesis..!) BUT -- I notice something. People have been clamoring for this stuff for a while, and now rlyeh is considering to release betas to keep the dogs at bay. That's cool! The thing is, not to take away from the other marvelous work of the other emu authors out there - stuff like Genesis and Mame, that's pretty high-profile, hell many of us bought the GP32 specificially with the hope that such systems might be playable on it ("when, when, when??") And we all know how vapor goes of course. We've been patient, and then of course that bullshit happened last week that set GP32 emu development back a bit...

anyway, in my usual round-about-sort of way, what I am trying to say is be CAREFUL everyone! Fellow GP32'rs, appreciate what an opportunity we all have to converse on this forum (around the world) and further, with the people who actually develop the software FOR us to enjoy.. for free!! Be respectful, sure we're all impatient but don't nag the *#!&@#* out of people to keep updating "when's this game supported, when will that game work, fix the controls, speed it up PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE etc. etc. etc.) Congratulations and support and hell, friendly thank-you notes are always in order but let's not be a mob eh?
Been watching this group for a couple months now, it's been pretty nice and low-key (and VERY helpful!) but with the emulation of themore popular systems (again, genesis and mame) comes the "war3Z k1dd13z" and they are generally not so polite.. we've got to temper them a bit you know?

Rlyeh, no one wants to see your work more than I do but if you want to spend time and polish it, then so be it, we all appreciate your decision. I'd rather that would happen then you release the emu's and they die an early, unfinished death cause of some lamers... anyway, now's a good time to set up a secondary email address for that stuff, heh heh.

Thanks to all the dedicated emu authors for giving us the tools and support, to hando and craig for the board/community/news + service etc, and to the rest of you folks out there for (likewise) supporting this cool little device that we're all obnoxiously addicted to - here's hoping for more progress and better emulators!

(pardon the sappiness, it's late)
I proposed Tyke (my official betatester) to hang WIP betas in his web eventually, to keep people happy.
I'd release the "public" betas in my web when they will be done.

Probably a good idea, I bet Tyke is really busy if he has to test 6 (or however many emulators you have in development) all on his own ;) I don't see how public beta testing could be a bad thing, look what "daily" releases have done for Castaway GP :)

Another good thing about public betas is that noone can "leak" them. So you never have to worry about "quitting the Sk3n3".
rlyeh posted on May 8 2003 said:
I proposed Tyke (my official betatester) to hang WIP betas in his web eventually, to keep people happy.

Sounds like a great idea :)
Ofcourse, my opinion is motivated mostly by greed (perhaps lust is a better word?) and my unhealthy desire to play genesis games on my handheld ...
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I've got to say, although the Skeezix approach isn't right for everyone, releasing a beta to the public is about the same as releasing it to the selected few, if the feedback goes to the right place. Leaked betas tend to be more scandalous, nobody bothers with feedback, they just play them. If ryleh released a beta with the specific purpose of beta testing (maybe even with crippling debug info over the screen :) ) it would benefit him overall, IMO.

I just can't wait ... ryleh I love your work with fMSX and I am really looking forward to fGen especially.

- Rico
If I were going to do public beta testing on a project as big as this, I think I'd set up a message board somewhere (not unlike the gp engine and castaway ones here) for message traffic. That way, your regular e-mail account isn't flooded with BS, and heavy testers can help answer questions for beginner noobs.
Agreed... much better than getting 70 emails a day telling you exactly the same thing :)

Public beta's are great, all the way behind them etc - but that's primrily because I like to play on the things faster. That said, if they need some non-public polishing before any form of public release, that's fine in my view too... I've got Magic pockets and Elite to keep me busy atm :)
heh, its always great to see a beta come out like this, not only is it good for the person who wants to play all the sonic games on their gp32 (^_^) but it's also good for the developer because they get a larger feedback from a larger amount of users which allows them to pin point problems (which there probably won't be) :D