ZX Vega +

it does appear to confirm that some of the RCL staff have not taken any pay yet, and that the manufacturer has been given a shedload of cash for unit production, but I'd still take much of that with a pinch of salt for now - neither side are likely to tell the whole story until the legal wrangling has been sorted out.
it does appear to confirm that some of the RCL staff have not taken any pay yet, and that the manufacturer has been given a shedload of cash for unit production, but I'd still take much of that with a pinch of salt for now - neither side are likely to tell the whole story until the legal wrangling has been sorted out.

It indicates to me that Levy and Martin have taken a salary. The accounts are too early to really show anything for Janko, so who else from RCL is there that didn't take a salary -Clives company?.

By the way, when yolu recovered web assets from andrews etc, did you have any issues doing that, or was it plain sailing?
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By the way, when yolu recovered web assets from andrews etc, did you have any issues doing that, or was it plain sailing?

No, it was quite difficult as not all of it was archived and the data provided by Andrews was seriously incomplete. We're still rebuilding it all now.
The £15,056.40 refund / payment shows they have no scruples about being dodgy.
Yeah, saw that - my favourite part was:

RCL has failed to deliver after more than a year of apparent inactivity, social media updates and court cases aside

I love El Reg, I really do, but they're definitely the bottom of the tabloid tech reporting barrel :D
I beginning to wonder if this is dead, no updates on indiegogo for weeks from anyone involved.

The only light at the end of the tunnel I can see is that they're still selling pre-orders on their site, if they are and don't plan to deliver surely that MUST be some kind of fraud.

So apparently RCL have said they will deliver the Vega+ to backers by mid Oct. Have you heard anything about whether this is going to be true this time
I've not heard anything to the contrary, but I've also not heard anything to confirm it either. I'll make some enquiries.
I've not heard anything to the contrary, but I've also not heard anything to confirm it either. I'll make some enquiries.

Cool, let us know what you find out, hopefully it's true

Did you see the twitter dude who has been leaking (claiming to be real) RCL bank statements?

He's releasing snippets in dribs and drabs
Well the project just gets more and more bizarre. RCL are claiming that all units will be shipped within 4 weeks from now. And while this is being said, a twitter user by the name of Anon y mouse has been leaking what he claims are actual RCL bank statements showing out going cash transactions (including payments to directors , etc) and balances. The last reveal has the balance at pretty much zero (333 pounds) as of July 2017

Not sure what to make of all this,.on one hand you have RCL saying it's about to be delivered, and on the other hand someone leaking supposedly real bank statments showing they are out of cash.
Could be RCL lying or the leaker has forged the statements or is being deceptive.

Needless to say, the shit is hitting the fan.
Well, maybe they've spent all the money on the Vega units? A bit of a stretch, I know...
Well, maybe they've spent all the money on the Vega units? A bit of a stretch, I know...

Well the leak, if you believe it's real, says they were practically out of cash 3 months ago. You can see the supposed leaks here: https://twitter.com/LevySexRobot/media

Have you heard anything from RCL that confirms or otherwise , whether they have made the units and are about to ship them out.
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Those accounts, according to my source, are real - and it's Paul Andrews apparently who is leaking on twitter. The bank has initiated a police investigation as he got them illegally, I'm told. What he doesn't have is the statements for the accounts where the money is actually being held - according to his leaks, the bosses haven't been paid for four months... He's also redacting any payments made to production costs.

I suppose we shall have to wait and see what happens.
Those accounts, according to my source, are real - and it's Paul Andrews apparently who is leaking on twitter. The bank has initiated a police investigation as he got them illegally, I'm told. What he doesn't have is the statements for the accounts where the money is actually being held - according to his leaks, the bosses haven't been paid for four months... He's also redacting any payments made to production costs.

I suppose we shall have to wait and see what happens.

Not sure if we are talking the same thing. Paul Andrews leaked bank transactions on his twitter account in June - See below. The leaks above are recent and from a new account by the name of Anon Y Mous. Paul andrews has denied that the Anon Y Mous account is him.
