zpk will not install


Still Fresh
Im getting a little irate. I took and hour to go over to a friends house just so that I could use their windows computer and register my gamepark. Now that I downloaded the free launcher zpk, when I double click it in the linker it then asks if I want to proceed with installation, I say yes, I get gp32 error. Great, thats not vague. I have a linker for linux. I have the compressed zpk on my smc card, all I could do was transfer it over. What am I going to do with this Sh**. Has this file already been encrypted for my machine as part of the download? Can I just decompress it and move it over without using darkfaders tool, because that only runs on windows also. Note that my friend had a ME machine.
you will need to use pclink to install the zpk on your gp32. it should have been encoded for your personal gp32 when you registered.

check out the FAQ on this forum for all the deets

edit: sorry just re-read your post.... maybe there's a problem with the usb on your friends computer, thats why pclink isn't working... does it work with any other usb devices?
Well, I downloaded the zpk twice. I dont know anymore. Im going to take this thing to another winblows machine when I find one I guess. If that doesnt work Im probably going to just return it. I honestly cant believe how convoluded this is. I wish I had purchased from a site that preinstalled this crap. I feel like gamepark wants to tattoo my nuts just so I can use the system.
If mulitfw is installed, then theres no point in having freellauncher... Just select PacRom from the bootup menu, then goto File Manager -> GPMM -> Whatever game/emu you want... If not, then you can use gpex to extract the .zpk (dunno if theres a linux version, but you could e-mail @ rcx21000(at)aol[dot]com me with the .zpk if there isn't and I'll extract the files for you) Then once you have all the files, use gplink to copy them to GP32