Few Years Ago I Bought Littlewizard Game With My Blu...


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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a few years ago i bought LittleWizard game with my blu ( the downloaded version)... i always keep the original official game in a backup cd. Can i use it in my new gp32 (nlu version). the game is in zpk format. but i know the game was encrypted with my gp32 blu. Can i use the zpk installer that come with the freelauncher to encrypt it to my new gp32 nlu ? can it work ?

thank for answer.
bourbon said:
I wouldnt call it illegal just its in a grey area :P

well i didn't want to get into a legal battle, just wanted to write more than just "no" :P

renejr902 said:
anyway,i own the original game, i paid for it.

Often with software what you are paying for is the license to play the game, in this case, on the specific GP32 it was encoded for. Do you have your original BLU? If not, did you sell it with the Little Wizard game? If so, there would then be two copies of the game (which you didn't pay for). Anyway, this is where the "grey area" occurs. Of course, if this IS the only copy of the game, and you were able to crack it, you would probably be content morally, and I don't think any korean lawyers will come and get you.

But all that is irrelevant really, the answer to your original question is still no ;)

But if you look in the right places you might find a copy that you CAN play, encryption removed.
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