
ok just get them both don't worry about money, money is just something humans came up with (not there best idea) but get them both they both have their draw backs and their bing... ups.... (maybe) just get them both. (me i think the zodiac sucks a$$ balls so i would get a gp32 but still get them both)
futuredestroyer posted on Mar 12 2004 at 10:54 PM said:
ok just get them both don't worry about money, money is just something humans came up with (not there best idea) but get them both they both have their draw backs and their bing... ups.... (maybe) just get them both. (me i think the zodiac sucks a$$ balls so i would get a gp32 but still get them both)
despite money being a human invention its still a fundamental part of our society (note the fact that we're humans) it can be quite difficult to justify buying two relatively similar expensive things.

plus monkeys can use currency....although thats mostly used for prostitution :D
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ahh see you said "can" that means we don't have to use it it's just that we do... just don't argue with me even if i know i'm wrong... in this case no one can really be wrong... i'm still not gonna give up so uh... jut buy them both... yeah... tht's what i'd do... we'll maybe not... i hate the zodiac... ok... if i were you... i'd buy them both... now goo frolic in the medows with your two new friends the zodiac and gamepark 32bit handheld system (maybe gamepark 32bit handheld system front lit unit, hell yeah all they way)...
lizard808uk posted on Mar 12 2004 at 10:05 PM said:
I was lurking on the Zodiac board today (in light of the whole GBA thing) and its really funny seeing them dismiss the GP32 as a one trick emulator pony. Like they have a clue. It'll take two years before Zodiac has anything decent emu wise and the fact that you cant run any code on it without having a "developer license". Utter bollocks. (UK expression). GP32 is hitting its stride now, the coffee is hot and everyone else is jealous.
The forums at zodiacgamer are actually the worst ever, its populated by a bunch of bone idle ignorant children whose mood can change seven times every week.

Up until yoyofr's release of his snes emu for the z they were all bitching about zodiac and its "lameness", from the analogue stick to the lack of anything to immediately do with, they weren't happy bunnies.

Then with announcement of snes and then gba they all jumped for joy.

It filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling to read them praising the games they would soon be able to play to the highest.

Yet when a company exercised its clear rights to get (what any rational human knows is) a piece of software that will lead to illegal behaviour concerning its property banned, they cannot stop cursing Nintendo!

There were at least three seperate topics all flaming nintendo and congratulating the guy whose going to sue them! hilarious reading!
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spray posted on Mar 13 2004 at 01:12 AM said:
There were at least three seperate topics all flaming nintendo and congratulating the guy whose going to sue them! hilarious reading!
I think it is more hilarious that it was actually a member of the zodiac community who turn the emulator in to nintendo and asked them to do something about it, kinda shows the spirit there. Another thing to note is that one of the staff members of zodiacgamer.com sent his zodiac back to tapeware asking for a refund (not a new one) because the analog stick was so crappy.
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pip posted on Mar 13 2004 at 12:22 AM said:
spray posted on Mar 13 2004 at 01:12 AM said:
There were at least three seperate topics all flaming nintendo and congratulating the guy whose going to sue them! hilarious reading!
I think it is more hilarious that it was actually a member of the zodiac community who turn the emulator in to nintendo and asked them to do something about it, kinda shows the spirit there.
is that who Heko is then, i saw people calling for his blood and was slighty bemused as to why!

heard about prophet's problems, i now see him over in the pocketmatrix forums eulagising the benefits of the asus ppc, small world!
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I have a zodiac also, but it has not yet replaced my GP32 completely, but i believe that the Zodiac has just as much potential as the GP32 has/had. It will grow and it will not all be pay for play emulators, take for example that GBAZ emu its now going to be open source and free.

I mean for what the Z cant emulate yet I use the GP32 but for the things that the Z can emulate i would definitely use it over the GP32 (if it has equal/better compatability).
I like both the GP32 and the Zodiac. You have to admit though the Zodiac has a ton more functionality, and the commercial games are much better. I agree the community is better for the GP32 so far though. There is plenty of room for both.

Edit: I also have a Neo Geo Pocket Color but that thing is a POS
Memnoch posted on Mar 13 2004 at 06:24 AM said:
I'd never sell my GP32 though.
Yah neither would I, this is a great handheld, but so is the zodiac
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Perhaps Heko was pissed off that everyone was trying to make money off the emulators instead of being fair and realising they are making money off someone else's intellectual property.

I understand that emulators take a lot of time and effort to produce, but it seems morally wrong to try and make an income from them. I have great respect for emulator writers who spend so much time doing the work, not for money, but for the benefit of the community of which they belong.
By this time next year the PSP will be out and all the money spent on a zodiac will seem kinda pointless.

Why do I say that? Not because it's a bad piece of equipment, I can't say that since I've never used one. but I can say it's half hearted as a gaming device. It's being marketed towards people who want a PDA first that plays games second, NOT a game system first.

With that said the GP32 is good for right NOW, it's 100 bucks cheaper, it does a lot of good things now that the Z probably wont for another 6 months and by then it'd be a moot point to blow 300 bucks on a glorified PDA with an analog stick when a fully functional PSP with 3D graphics and who knows what else rolls out in the US in early '05 for potentially the same price or lower.
I'm hoping the Zodiac's price will drop with the release of PSP. If the PSP was open like the GP32/Zodiac I'd be interested in one instead of the Zodiac. Hmm ... I'll probably just end up with both at some point. :P
I seriously doubt there'll be much open sourceing with the PSP, unless the built in memory is large enough and accessable without the use of their proprietary storage medium.
the zodiac community are far less welcoming than the gp32 one. i dont even have a gp32 yet but i find all the help i need here, all zodiac users (well the ones on the forums) seem like people with big egos who only bought the system to try and lord it over someone else.
I have both a Zodiac2 and a GP32. I bought the GP32 AFTER I already had the Zodiac. They both have their plusses and minuses. I wouldn't have too much Zodiac envy just yet. The GP32 has some definite advantages and not just software.

The things I have found: The Zodiac has much better screen contrast when using in the dark. In a lit environment though it is not as bright. The Zodiac has a higher resolution screen. This is great for native (non emu) Zodiac games. BUT the Zodiacs higher res actually HURTS it for emus. Why? because when you run an emu like PC engine for example and you run it 1:1 on the Zodiac you have a small postage stamp sized screen. When you run it on the GP32 it fills the screen nicely at 1:1 (native res). Yes you can scale the image up to fill the screen on the Zodiac but because it is not an even number of pixels you get alot of ugly pixel distortion and rippling when scrolling.

Also the thing I hate the most on the Zodiac is the DRM software key system. If you were to have to replace a defective unit or upgrade your Zodiac all of your purchased emulators and other software stops working. Everything is locked to a code imbedded in the unit and every one is different. You then have to re -register everything which is a pain.

The GP32 also uses standard AA batteries which are easily obtainable forever.

The Zodiac uses non user replaceable proprietary LiIon batteries. When they stop working (they have a limited number of recharges) you need to send the unit back to have them dissasemble your unit and replace them (Ipod anyone?).

The GP32 sound out of the speakers sounds louder and fuller.

Zodiac has no external volume control, you must pause the game, get out the stylus slide the on screen control, unpause. I like on the GP32 you can just move your thumb down and adjust while playing.

I do like the larger capacity SD cards on the Zodiac. 128Mb is a bit small

The Zodiac does have nice PDA functions that the GP32 will never have though and the screen is sharper for Zodiac specific games (I don't like it as much for emus) and a bit bigger.

So I guess the thing is yes if you can afford both that is the way to go. I wouldn't recommend giving up the GP32 for it though.
zodiac may be better graphcics.it will never compare to the gp32 gba emu.people are trying to develop a goood 1.why waste money buying emus for trhe zodiac wen near full speed ones are avialable or are being worked on for the gp32.
from what i gather the zodiac emu is far more advanced than the gp32 one, can the gp32 one even play commercial games? i know what you mean tho, why would anyone want to shell out for emulaters if they can get them for free on other systems. differant strokes....
DaveC posted on Mar 13 2004 at 10:27 AM said:
Also the thing I hate the most on the Zodiac is the DRM software key system. If you were to have to replace a defective unit or upgrade your Zodiac all of your purchased emulators and other software stops working. Everything is locked to a code imbedded in the unit and every one is different. You then have to re -register everything which is a pain.

Re-registering is not that big of a pain, all you have to do is click an "unregister your device button" type in your new serial number on the back of the zodiac and anything you bought at the tapwave store will work again (simple eh?)

DaveC posted on Mar 13 2004 at 10:27 AM said:
The GP32 sound out of the speakers sounds louder and fuller.

I Disagree with this fully, the GP32's sound has too much high end and over modulates when pushed to its limit. The Zodiac on the other hand does not overmodulate when pushed to its limit.

DaveC posted on Mar 13 2004 at 10:27 AM said:
I do like the larger capacity SD cards on the Zodiac. 128Mb is a bit small

Thats internal RAM, there is no other device (that i know of) with 128MB of built in RAM. How much does the GP32 hold MAX? 128. Also on the Zodiac there are 2 SD slots, so if you want to have 2 1GB SD cards you can.

why waste money buying emus for trhe zodiac wen near full speed ones are avialable or are being worked on for the gp32.

Because full speed will NEVER be achieved with some of the emu's being made for the GP32. The Zodiac also has emulators that will NEVER reach full speed, but the emu's that can reach full speed are greater

This is why i believe the Zodiac has so much potential, but im not saying its replacing my GP32 yet, it just has the potential to.
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