YouTube @ 8K resolution


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
My computer won't play just freezes :(

Imagine playing a remastered (for 8K) Call of Duty 4: MW (PC) on a 100" Sony 8K TV :wub:

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Wont' be enjoyable on porn movies with such a high resolution that's for sure ;)

TheTube is fine for me :)
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I have 2Mbit DSL that's only enough for 480p so no fancy youtube for me. ^^ We are not that technological advanced here yet in germany for fast internet. ;)

And with such High-Res stuff the Web is getting even more crowded and full, can't be good.
Have to try that on my pc at work. Let's see if octacore xeon is up to the job...
My PC play the 4K version fine, but the 8K is choppy, what a shame (it may be the network, I haven't waited long enough the preload maybe)...
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I can't select more than 4k, there's no 8k... and while 4k "seems" to work (with the video being much faster than the caching speed...) I only see a green screen... strange
hum, swizerland... just tried from work with a different PC and an out connection point from UK, it's exactly the same, nothing over 4k and at 4k only a green screen
It plays not that smooth but I dont have an 8K screen and there is no option put it at native size (only full screen) curious how it will look only covering a part of the full image.
At 33 megapixels per frame (16 times as much as fullHD), how big do movie files get if you encode them with reasonable compression? Presumably  at 60fps and with 12 bit color? Something like 200-300 GB for an average movie or something?
From what I could see the 7680x4320/mp4/h264 version of that video requires the download of 316 MB of video data (+ audio)

So depending on your connection that might take forever to download.

I used the following command to download that particular video resolution of the video

youtube-dl -f 138
and tried to play it back in VLC, but my ancient computer couldn't handle the size - Couldn't see more than a static frame and I didn't want to wait to see if it becomes a slideshow x)

PS: If youtube-dl is not in the package manager of your OS/Distro or if you want the most recent version, go here -->
At 33 megapixels per frame (16 times as much as fullHD), how big do movie files get if you encode them with reasonable compression? Presumably  at 60fps and with 12 bit color? Something like 200-300 GB for an average movie or something?
Who has the Internet connection to upload such big Videos.


I wouldn't want to wait that long for a resolution nearly no one can view anyways.

Who the **** has an 8K screen???
At 33 megapixels per frame (16 times as much as fullHD), how big do movie files get if you encode them with reasonable compression? Presumably  at 60fps and with 12 bit color? Something like 200-300 GB for an average movie or something?
it seems a perfectly acceptable size for cinema... still a bit high for home users at that moment...
At 33 megapixels per frame (16 times as much as fullHD), how big do movie files get if you encode them with reasonable compression? Presumably  at 60fps and with 12 bit color? Something like 200-300 GB for an average movie or something?
it seems a perfectly acceptable size for cinema... still a bit high for home users at that moment...
8K is a rather insane resolution. Here are some quick calculations:

The world's largest IMAX screen is in Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia, and measures 35.7 m x 29.7 m.

To get an insane viewing angle of 60°, you would have to sit at a viewing distance of 31 meters away from that screen. This is a scenario where you're sitting way too close to the screen (e.g. recommended THX viewing angle is 36° which corresponds to a viewing distance of 57 meters).

Still, even from that close, you get a PPD (pixels per degree) which is 31 meters * 7680 pixels / 35.7 meters * tan(0.5°) = 58.2 PPD, which is above the 57 PPD Apple defines as "Retina".  If you would view at the THX minimum viewing distance (49 meters, to get 40° viewing angle), you get 92 PPD which is more than any Apple Retina screen ever made. If you would view at the THX recommended viewing distance (57 meters), you get 107 PPD.

To put it in other words: even if you have the largest screen that exists, if you sit at the recommended distance from it, 4K is already enough to reach "Retina" resolution. 8K has 4 times as many pixels, but I doubt that anyone can see the difference while looking at the whole picture.

The only possible application I can see for such an insane resolution, is for side-by-side encoding of 3D movies to be displayed at insanely large screens which are viewed from way too much up close.

Anyway, it's interesting that technology is now capable of reproducing visual information in a sufficiently realistic way to fool the human eye. We already reached that point for audio some time ago. Now the other senses! Tactile, scent, taste are lagging behind!
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