Your Holy gaming Grail for Pandora 2..?

^ The Android bubble will probably burst soon though.

I don't know, maybe the fan following might diminish... I remember when I used to get excited about new windows releases... not fake excited, but saving my money waiting in line before the store opened for windows 98 and agian with xp ... waiting at our local computer shop money in hand. (Just to find out I needed to upgrade my memory) that I needed to go home and beg for money

But after a while it just became more of the same... but it still is useful and in my mind never superceded by anything other than a newer windows (queue Linux fan boys) but it became a standard and a tool rather than a new shiney thing to play with.

Me and all my android fanism is starting to fade... i dont feel the need to have the latest and greatest phone or version of android like i used to... I however don't expect to ever convert from android as a main mobile os... its just a tool though... it is the windows of mobile handhelds... you can disagree.. but look around... its everywhere its useful and it allows users to use their device as they see fit.

As I stuck it out with windows xp for over a decade, im not 100% sold on ics and I still run gingerbread on a couple of devices I own by choice

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2

Too many shit apps, just like there were too many shit games on Atari 2600, etc.

And, ICS isn't ground-breaking at all. In fact, Ginger-B and Honey-C have better compatibility and are more stable, imo.

Bring on Jell-O!!!

And what exactly is this reasoning based on?

Please see above.

Something new and innovative will take over.

Brain apps: Applications that are embedded into your brain, so your brain is the OS.
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Brain apps: Applications that are embedded into your brain, so your brain is the OS.
I call that 'thinking' :P

Whatever comes next, it will involve a box of (semi)conductors and a screen.
Honeycomb was a mistake I think.... ics feels like they are trying to fix the problems with honeycomb. I agree with stability of gingerbread statement. Main reason I like it better is I get lots better battery life on gb as opposed to ics.

Battery life wins for me over most any feature something has. That's what attracted me to the Pandora, its ironic that is now what's broken on my unit till I replace my board.

I don't agree with the app comment though. They're all the same apps same android market too... but regardless even if all the home brew apps on the device are crap or overshadow the higher quality commercial ones ...that doesn't mean its going to kill android? I don't understand how the two are connected or different from say windows or iOS?

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
For retro gaming the options are way better on android.

I do notice more higher quality apps on iOS but its major downfall is the restrictions as far as what you can install on it. Having a ecosystem based off lockdowns and having to hack into it to install what you want i don't feel that's an even trade off.

If they where to have a side loading option on iOS as stock then it would get my vote I think.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
First thing first guys...I think Pandora 2 should be more ergonomic. After playing a bit with this baby my hands are getting stiff. The design is good for first version but we should focus on a design which is not stressing the hands. I think this is the first part we should think about :) . Than the software ;)
First thing first guys...I think Pandora 2 should be more ergonomic. After playing a bit with this baby my hands are getting stiff. The design is good for first version but we should focus on a design which is not stressing the hands. I think this is the first part we should think about :) . Than the software ;)
what aspects make it uncomfortable? Size? control positioning? roundness of corners?
I'll second the question about what others find uncomfortable. I'll play my Pandora for hours on long bus and plane rides and find it to be one of the most comfortable systems I've ever held.
I find Pandora pretty comfortable compared to other handhelds but I'd prefer something with wider/more rounded edges (for contrast, something like Wiz is the exact opposite of what I want and I found it pretty uncomfortable). Note I have very small hands for an adult male, which might sound strange since I want to increase the travel distance for my thumbs.. but it could still make me a bad sample.

I've used a grip with PSP which I find makes it very comfortable, although it's okay without it.
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I find Pandora pretty comfortable compared to other handhelds but I'd prefer something with wider/more rounded edges (for contrast, something like Wiz is the exact opposite of what I want and I found it pretty uncomfortable). Note I have very small hands for an adult male, which might sound strange since I want to increase the travel distance for my thumbs.. but it could still make me a bad sample.

I've used a grip with PSP which I find makes it very comfortable, although it's okay without it.

You should like the Vita's shape then.