Your Favourite Games To Play At Bed Time


Active Member
Nov 6, 2006
Just before sleep I like to play games that have a relaxing feel. This usually involves a pleasant soundtrack and slow paced game play (and not too much thinking).

My faves at the moment are Boomshine (homebrew remake) and PilotWings on DrPocketSNES.

Boomshine's relaxing piano soundtrack is almost like a lullaby and watching all the colours explode is very soothing.

PilotWings has a wonderful, natural feel about it. Gliding through the air in a hang-glider or rocketbelt feels really great at that time of night. The soundtrack is amazing and very gentle and wistful. The game runs smooth enough if transparencies are turned off and I clock to 260 MHz.

What games do you guys find relaxing at bed time?
Doom II.

Seems odd, but I pretty much play whatever I've been playing, which (recently) has been Doom II.

If I'm not playing anything, I usually play a game of Squaresliding, Sqdef, or Road Smash 2D. :)
I've played a lot of Cave Story in bed recently. The missus started getting pissed off though because I'm struggling to destory the Core at the moment, and I get too annoyed (with the game) when she's trying to sleep...

An alternative to Boomshine, although slightly less chilled is Friq...
not gp2x, but before bed i have a go on 3d mini golf xbla its reallyrelaxing when you know the holes, and i get to beat some american too.
Gruntfuggly said:
An alternative to Boomshine, although slightly less chilled is Friq...
Yes I forgot all about Friq!

I definitely agree with this choice.
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Picross on the DS is good for falling asleep to. Action games and RPGs usually keep me up to the small hours but puzzle games send me straight off to sleep :)
With my GP2X I've playing nearly everything in the bed before sleeping. Since a long time much much "Advance Wars 2" via GPSP. But I've also played many Puzzle Games, the new Freecell for example or other Emulators or Cave Story, even Quake2X...not many people are playing Quake while laying in the bed I think :lol: