Your 4gb Card


Oct 15, 2005
Just curious to know what you guys prefer.

If you had a 4gb sd card and thats all you had what would you put on it. Mine is as follows.

1gb - movies
1gb - music

1/2gb - snes
1/2gb - gba

1gb - hombrew / other emu's

BTW, I am also curious if anyone knows if the sandisk high capacity sd cards work on the gp2x. I checked the wiki and it only covers the sandisk ultra 4gb cards (ultra 4gb's dont work).
I just put on what interests me, I don't look at the size of things..
I already have a mp3 player and a Zodiac for music/movies, so I have all 4gb free for games anyway.
whiskthecat said:
Just curious to know what you guys prefer.

If you had a 4gb sd card and thats all you had what would you put on it. Mine is as follows.

1gb - movies
1gb - music

1/2gb - snes
1/2gb - gba

1gb - hombrew / other emu's

BTW, I am also curious if anyone knows if the sandisk high capacity sd cards work on the gp2x. I checked the wiki and it only covers the sandisk ultra 4gb cards (ultra 4gb's dont work).
I think I'd go with this:

2Gb - Movies/ TV shows
1/2 Gb - GBA
1/2 Gb - ScummVM
1Gb - Homebrew/ Misc. EMUs

Or something along those lines. I'd keep my current 1Gb cards for music only.
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I'm not sure what the point of this is... It's my card, so I'll put whatever I like on it. I'm fairly sure the same applies to anyone else. What, someone's going to say "No, put 1.25Gb of GBA ROMs on your card!" and you'll do it? Come on. If you're bored, just admit it :P
fishybawb said:
I'm not sure what the point of this is... It's my card, so I'll put whatever I like on it. I'm fairly sure the same applies to anyone else. What, someone's going to say "No, put 1.25Gb of GBA ROMs on your card!" and you'll do it? Come on. If you're bored, just admit it :P
Yea a little bored :P . Also wondering about the high capacity sandisk cards and if they work.
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I have a 4 gb card with only games. I'm not using the gp2x for video, only sometimes for music (I have a spare 1 gb card for testing and mp3's)

I start with
a huge C64 pack (about 10.000 games)
1 gb Mame games
1 gb Picodrive games (incl. Snatcher)

The rest: the best of Atari ST, Neogeo, NES, SNES, homebrew, etc etc..
On my 4gb card, I have:

Mame - 18 games
SNES - 1 game
NES - 1 game
GBA - 1 game
Megadrive - 22 games
Spectrum - 152 games
PCEngine - 1 game
NeoGeo - 2 games
CPS2 - 1 game
Gameboy - 183 games
Amiga - 4 games (two of which are double disk images)
ScummVM - 4 games
Atari 2600 - lots of games, but no regional duplicates
Atari ST - 35 games, most of which I'd prefer to use the Amiga versions if it were fast enough

And then games -

Doom II
Super Methane Bros
Super Tux

No movies, about 70mb of MP3s. Plenty of space left :)
With regards to SDHC support, use the search function.. there are plenty of other posts/threads discussing this.
i got like
every nes
every cps2
metal slug's on neo geo
20-30 gameboy
20 mame
every megadrive
most homebrew games
200mb music
the dig on scummvm

usually i also have every snes, but im re-downloading them...
brings me up to 4gb
i`ve got only 2gb KingstonSD

500mb - mp3
500mb - sega/nes/snes/neogeo...
200mb - scummvm
100mb - progs/homebrew

and about 700mb free for movie or PSX-iso to test new emu when it pops up
961 MB - ScummVM
432 MB - Other native and interpreter games.
362 MB - Neo Geo
200 MB - Sonic CD and Earthworm Jim CD (Picodrive)
154 MB - Atari ST
151 MB - NES
102 MB - Gameboy & GBC
101 MB - GBA
64 MB - Mixed apps & demos
61 MB - SNES
76 MB - Amiga
41 MB - Megadrive, SMS and GG
30 MB - Commodore 64
848 kB - SIDs
+ Loads of stuff
- 908 MB free
no dissing the n-gage
had loads java games on that + megadrive emulator + good commercial games (tony hawks, virtua tennis, spiderman, cud get all free if ur a pirate)
it was awesome at the time + it had phone stuff
but u looked like a complete faggot wen phoning ppl with it ><
still good tho, dont diss it until u tried it.. wouldnt be good now, but at the time, it rocked
Why only one card?? :) 2GB ones are dirt cheap now.

Pretty anti-DRM discussion here, but I'll go along ... :P How about every game Rare Games have ever made and all the emulators required to run them? B)

freddykreuger666 said:
no dissing the n-gage
had loads java games on that + megadrive emulator + good commercial games (tony hawks, virtua tennis, spiderman, cud get all free if ur a pirate)
it was awesome at the time + it had phone stuff
but u looked like a complete faggot wen phoning ppl with it ><
still good tho, dont diss it until u tried it.. wouldnt be good now, but at the time, it rocked
Just forwarding a rumor from a programmer now, but apparently Nokia is re-releasing N-Gage in a new form where they got everything right. Haven't really investigated the rumor on the web, so I don't know the hardware/software specs.
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Henrik Erlandsson said:
Just forwarding a rumor from a programmer now, but apparently Nokia is re-releasing N-Gage in a new form where they got everything right. Haven't really investigated the rumor on the web, so I don't know the hardware/software specs.
I've heard about that as well. Don't know if its true or not though.
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I have a 4 gb card and data as follows

2,5 gb for emulation : nes,snes,gba,genesis,neogeo,mame,amiga,c64,sms/gg

1,5 gb for mangas : one piece,negima,eureka 7,naruto,death note and some more
a quick question where do you get your 4 gb cards that work for the gp2x? becuase i thought anything above 2gb used sdhc