Yafl? Win-ups?


Still Fresh
Mar 23, 2004
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:huh: I must say, I like the Win-Ups 1.0, very nice config, I have a sweet background I converted from PC wallpaper, can create icons that are just freakin snazzy! But I'm not able to use commercial games like D&G, Tomak, and such w/out switching to pacrom (which isn't that big of a deal but.....).

So yafl, who's using it and have you compared to Win-Ups? Which do you like better and why?
Well, you won't be able to play commercial games with YAFL either, so you know..

Otherwise, I'd take YAFL over Wind-Ups. While Wind-Ups is nice and flashy with wallpapers and such, I think it has a clunky interface. The icons never seem to line up correctly (which is a pet peeve of mine), and moving around the cursor can be a chore. YAFL has a nice, quick navigation system, automatically detects anything new you put on your GP (unlike Wind-Ups), and has about the same amount of aesthetic flash with theme, icon, background, and font support.

The only thing I still use Wind-Ups for is Age2K. I like being able to store my friends' numbers and info and such in one little program, and being able to put up a picture is cool, too. I wish Age2K was a seperate program. =/
Well i use Yafl and the tone dialer for my number needs.

Maybe you can ask Virtualeech to change the program to have address book with email and and phone and picture.

Then u can click dial and it will tonedial there phone number :)

I had a project going on ages ago call GP32 PDA which had all the basic functions

of a pda system and i wanted to have a palm OS style interface which launched the programs then when finished actually launched the palm os again.

I was working with Guyfawkes on this he offered his windows replacement to have an options for these but i never got it done.

we had a txt viewer a phone book a paint program and alot of other things including a mpeg player.

if an when i finally get time to learn c++ i'll try to do something but dont count on it :P


there is the old homepage its dead :P

but yafl is everything that i wanted and i like it better over windups but windups has done a great job 2 im not gonna put them down they have all done a great job even guyfawkes windows version.

great job to all :)

I use YAFL 0.3. The custom theme support rocks and it is really easy to manage your GP32 games/emulators/programma's.
Don't think YAFL's got add/delete/copy etc but it's quite easy to load up a file manager to do it.

My vote -> YAFL :)
I dont use either, and I haven't even tried YAFL yet.

I use PacRom (MultiFW), but if GPFM was ever made into a firmware I'd use that. Wind-ups isnt too good IMO...

Id better go download YAFL now...

@NiN^_^NiN: It says some of the things are still active on your site. :o
How many characters does YAFL support in the file name of an icon?

It's 12 characters :)

@NiN^_^NiN: It says some of the things are still active on your site.

well somethings basiclly are i did get permission for a few things and there status is active basiclly but the program has been scraped :P

I like windups although I am sorely tempted to use yafl. Atm, I am using yafl as a start menu in the Windups......the jury is still out....
Downloaded yafl....w00t! I must say it's much "smoother" than wind-ups, and the customization is getting groovy. I miss the "wallpaper" I had w/my wind-ups but shee-at, yafl is quick, nicely integrated so far. Thanks to the makers since I'm not skilled enough to code this stuff myself *cheers!* Can't wait for further releases B)
Evangelion posted on Mar 28 2004 at 06:42 AM said:
Downloaded yafl....w00t! I must say it's much "smoother" than wind-ups, and the customization is getting groovy. I miss the "wallpaper" I had w/my wind-ups but shee-at, yafl is quick, nicely integrated so far. Thanks to the makers since I'm not skilled enough to code this stuff myself *cheers!* Can't wait for further releases B)
Did you know YAFL support wallpapers?
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