Yafl Problem ...

davey g

Bitches and hos
Jun 25, 2003
Staffordshire Uni, Stafford
I'm using Aqua's latest multifw and am booting straight to YAFL.

Whenever I replace the config with this one here the names of the sections dissappear in the menu and even though I can select them the .fxe's don't appear in them. Is something wrong with my .cfg?

I took the .cfg off my smc after using YAFL and it had been changed to something like this :


Cheers for any help.
It works without the config, it also works with an unedited config. The only problem is I can't set it up to use the different sections like games/apps etc. If I even change the .cfg to add one .fxe to a certain section it forks up like I said in the first post.

I did reflash it but it was no big deal as I have an adaptor but it didn't fix it.
Does this happen with all files? I can move all files around without problems but had a problem moving compact file manager. As soon as I moved this to a custom group YAFL would hang while scanning the SMC. If I renamed the file however (from comi.fxe to whatever) it would work fine so I'm wondering if you might have a similar problem.