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Guyfawkes posted on Mar 6 2006 at 03:07 AM said:
This forum is using a quite old version of Invision, its actually a beta version just before Invision started charging for use of the software. I have a licensed version on my site and I know that since the betas there have been a few software updates which in part fix these types of hacks.

The hack itself should be easily fixable for anyone who has access to the Admin CP, just need to Revert the templates back to their original code. Only problem is that until the software itself is updated there is nothing to stop the person doing the same hack again.
Rico said about 2 weeks ago that the board should have been upgraded about a week ago. :lol:
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yeah a webmasters work is never done :) upgrading invision is fairly straightforward, should take an hour at the most as its updating from a quite old release. upload the new files and run the upgrader script, its all automated and ive only had one problem which was my own fault (run the wrong file to upgrade, doh!).

ive been playing with Invision most of the weekend to do a new site for emuholic, put about 6 hours work into learning how invision works and writing some custom scripts. It should be pretty good once its finished, everything is integrated into one member account for the site, forums and new blog software amongst other new features.
in answer to the statement about ppl too lazy to install another browser.... alot of ppl surf from work too. I am behind a firewall and a proxy server at my work and without complete access to the firewall/proxy information firefox won't work.

Anyways... forget the browser debate... load up X + Xterm and type
links -g

or if your hardcore type

links is the only browser for me :P
The forums are still infected, by the way. I forgot, visited the forums on one our test beds at work today (I fix laptops), and it was instantly pounded with this exploit. Good thing we have Norton Ghost images of all of our hard drives, haha.
nickspoon posted on Mar 5 2006 at 01:57 PM said:
If you're using Firefox, get Adblock if you haven't already, click the Adblock thing on the bottom-right corner of your browser and choose the entry that begins with http://traffsale1.biz. Click OK, and that pesky iframe goes away.

nickspoon posted on Mar 5 2006 at 03:40 PM said:
It's even nicer to ditch IE altogether, but some just cannot let go of their beloved Microsoft...

Thanks for the tips. :)

I've finally changed over to Firefox and downloaded adblock.

I have both mcafee anti-virus and mcafee firewall programs set up.

For a new user of firefox is there any other add-ins you recommend, and also are there better solutions for firewalls and anti-virus programs? Free or overwise.
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NeoStuey posted on Mar 6 2006 at 04:35 AM said:
For a new user of firefox is there any other add-ins you recommend, and also are there better solutions for firewalls and anti-virus programs? Free or overwise.
My Firefox Information

Last updated: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 03:42:10 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/

Extensions (enabled: 24, disabled: 1; total: 25)
  • Adblock Filterset.G Updater -- This provides a brilliant adblock list which is automatically updated by the extension. [MUST HAVE]
  • Adblock Plus -- An improved version of adblock with whitelists and some other features. [MUST HAVE]
  • Add Bookmark Here 0.5.5 -- Adds a button into the bookmark toolbar. [MUST HAVE]
  • Ambience 0.4.6 -- Experimental extension that changes firefox's colours to look like the current webpage.
  • Autofill 0.25 -- Automatically fills in large forms - I don't really use this.
  • CustomizeGoogle 0.43 -- Allows you to customise Google completely - very cool.
  • CuteMenus 2 0.6.2 -- I don't use it right now, but it is nice to have and then disable when you are not using it.
  • DOM Inspector -- blah.
  • Disable Targets For Downloads 1.0.1 -- Must have, prevents download links opening up in a blank window. [MUST HAVE]
  • Download Manager Tweak 0.7.1 -- Must have, looks so much nicer. [MUST HAVE]
  • Download Statusbar 0.9.4 -- status bar on the bottom half of the screen with your recently downloaded items, so you can click on them to open and so on - it is only visible when there is at least one download on it.
  • External Application Buttons 0.7.2 -- Have buttons on firefox that launch other programs, for example your favourite RSS reader.
  • Fasterfox 1.0.3 -- Speeds up firefox - this one actually works.
  • FlashGot -- Allows you to download stuff using your favourite download manager.
  • Full Screen 0.3 -- Adds a button to switch to full screen mode.
  • IE Tab 1.0.8 -- Adds a button to the bottom right of the screen which switches the current tab between using the Gecko rendering engine and the IE rendering engine. [MUST HAVE]
  • Image Toolbar 0.6.3 -- Yes you too can have the silly toolbar that IE has on firefox. lol
  • InfoLister 0.9c -- The extension I used to list my current extensions. lol
  • Nightly Tester Tools -- An extension which I use for its feature of forcing extensions to run on a version of firefox they are not certified to work on.
  • NoScript -- Makes firefox even more secure by prompting you about javascript and so on (kind of annoying to be honest)
  • StumbleUpon 2.4 -- Press a button and randomly surf onto a website that has been recommended by other StumbleUpon users - fun!
  • SwitchProxy Tool 1.3.4 -- Includes a button that can be used to switch between different proxies - if you have proxies.
  • Tab Mix Plus -- Sort of like tab extensions but fast. :) [MUST HAVE]
  • del.icio.us 1.1 -- Add a new favourite to your own del.icio.us page - nice to have a favourites list that is independent from your browser?
Themes (6)
  • Apollo -- Ganty.
  • Firefox (default)
  • Gantzilla [selected] -- Ganty
  • Internet Explorer XP -- Guess!
  • Pluto -- Cartoony
  • iCandy Junior -- XPy only much much nicer
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Java(tm) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 3
  • Microsoft Office 2003
  • Microsoft® DRM
  • Mozilla Default Plug-in
  • PCMan's IE Tab Plug-in for Mozilla/Firefox
  • QuickTime Plug-in 7.0.4
  • RealPlayer Version Plugin
  • RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
  • Shockwave Flash
  • VLC multimedia plugin
  • Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
Seems like a lot maybe but its not that complicated once you know where everything is, and uses up less room than the original firefox uses up.

Best pay solution for a virus scanner is either Kapersky or NOD32 - Kapersky has the reliability edge while NOD32 is the fastest. Both are very very good.
I am currently using the Lavasoft Firewall - it is based on Outpost (which is also very good).
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i use firefox witht he following extensions:

gmail notifier - speaks for itsself

foxytunes 1.2- AWESOME! controll any mediaplayer from the firefox (cant think of word) bar thingy at the bottom

chatzilla - IRC chat thing, useful sometimes

sage 1.3.6 small RSS aggregator that i dont use

download embedded- handy for saving embedded stuff like flash animations and background music

active stop button - makes stop button always active

crash recovery - just in case, recovers all windows after a crash

G translate - translates selected text using google translator

thas about it, i use the normal skin and stuff i really love firefox, i cant stand having to use IE at the school (fortunatly they have seen the light and most of the PC lab has switched over to firefox! woo!)
ThorC posted on Mar 6 2006 at 11:54 AM said:
For those considering switching to firefox but are used to IE (Such as I was a while ago) I found this to be quite helpful. This is the result :)

Hope someone may find this useful :)

You evil man.

For anyone interested I've got the following plugins installed on firefox for this computer:
CuteMenus - Crystal SVG - It makese the menus pritty
Mouse Gestures - Since I used Opera I've not been able to live without this
Adblock Plus
Adblock Filterset.G Updater
IE Tab - I use it for testing websites I'm developing.
View Image Backgrounds - Good for nabbing images hidden behind other images.
deviantART : Koh33 Extension - Grabs images from deviantart and shows them in a tab for quick access.
Fasterfox - Speeds stuff up a wee bit.
WikiPedia Lookup Extension - I love the wiki
Menu Editor - Remove options from menus that you don't want.
DOM Inspector - Used for when I'm developing websites.
FireBug - Used for when I'm developing websites. Great for debugging Javascript.
ReloadEvery - Reload a page after so many seconds.
Firefox Showcase - Press a button and a screen pops up showing all of your open tabs. A bit like that Mac thing which lets you see all of your open programs.
PDF Download - Lets you select whether you want to view or download a PDF document.
Remove It Permanently - Remove an element from a website that you don't like. I've used this to strip down experts exchange, so it only shows questions and answers onscreen.
Window Resizer - I use this when developing websites. Resizes firefox to the specified resolution.
Translate - Translate web pages
Translation Panel - Adds a sidebar to firefox which you can use for translating phrase.
Image Zoom - Zoom in and out of images quickly in firefox.
NoScript - Disable javascript, java and loads of other crap.
Tab Mix Plus - Fiddle with your tab settings
Download Manager Tweak - Stick your download screen in a tab, sidebar or a new windows.

I've got the following additional ones on another computer:
DownloadThemAll! - An awsome download manager, built into firefox!
DictionarySearch - Dictionary be waht it is!
Wayback - Lookup the current webpage on the internet archive.

With all of these plugins Firefox is has almost all of the features of Opera + tons of extras. The only feature of Opera I miss is being able to search directly from the address bar using abbreviations. eg "g big busty ladys" would search google for big busty ladys.

Edit: added a few extensions I use on another computer.
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Hanz, triton, ThorC and Javacat thank you very much guys. :D

I am working my way through your suggestions right now.

To anyone else who hasn't swapped form I.E. The switch is painless, the Firefox browser feels very intuitive and the download is only 4.93mb (I'm on dial-up so the small size was greatly appreciated).

Just give it a try, you can always go back to I.E. if you don't like it. :ph34r:

edit: added Javacat to the list who posted just before I did.

P.S. I don't think I will be making firefox look like I.E. but thanks anyway.
Switched over myself...

Done it once before, but I develop Web apps internally and am foreced to make them check for IE when they start up...

One question, now I'm using FireFox, the icons in the listings (not the sub sections, but the main listing) won't tell me when new posts have been added. Just shows the same thing as when I came here the first time with FireFox... (some with the little red cross, others without)
Using the "Mark This Forum as Read" doesn't clear it either and doesn't seem to clear the thread markers either..

Any ideas? (treat me as a newbie to FireFox :) )
I've had similar problems recently aswell, but it's been the actual posts all showing the read icon, even though they haven't. The strange thing is if I log onto the forum on another computer they show the unread icons again. I thought it was something to do with javascript being disabled, but now I'm not so sure.

On a side note, after making my previous post listing all of the installed plugins I went and clicked on the "IE Tab" icon and almost infected my computer. Luckely my virus guard picked some stuff up, but stuff was still flooding my screen, so I ended up pulling my power cable out :D. Done a complete scan of my C drive and all seems to be well.
Javacat posted on Mar 6 2006 at 06:09 AM said:
The only feature of Opera I miss is being able to search directly from the address bar using abbreviations. eg "g big busty ladys" would search google for big busty ladys.

You can do that with the Quick Searches in Firefox... it comes preinstalled with several, just look in Bookmarks->Quick Searches to get the idea of how they work, then you can make your own easily.
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DijiTao posted on Mar 6 2006 at 04:07 PM said:
So it's Monday - and the forum is still hacked?

Well It managed to infect my PC at work today, so I'd say yes :D (Glad I'm on a mac at home)
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Mudi posted on Mar 6 2006 at 04:44 PM said:
You can do that with the Quick Searches in Firefox... it comes preinstalled with several, just look in Bookmarks->Quick Searches to get the idea of how they work, then you can make your own easily.
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The site started working fine again in Opera yesterday, but now the problem is back. So back to Firefox for a while...
To anybody who has IE installed at work/school: use Portable Firefox.

Portable Firefox can run directly from a flash disk and is a fully-functional version of Firefox. I use it at school and it's amazing. It also used to allow me to bypass the filter but someone informed the network admins and they patched up the hole.
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