Xp Pro Service Pack 2 Has Messed Up My Laptop


Jul 12, 2004
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I've just installed service pack 2 on my laptop and its now saying when i open IE that "Internet explorer cannot open the search page"

The laptop can see my network and connect to this computer but it just wont let me connect to the internet.

I'm using a belkin wireless G notebook network card which is connecting to my belkin wireless access point which is connected to my d-link DI-604 ethernet router. my internet connection is cable

please please help its driving me nuts.
/FreeBSD hat on

two things wrong

1. windows XP
2. internet exploer.

/windows hat on
maybe try to de install the servicepack?
the service pack's installed, there's nothing wrong with XP or the card its a setting that has been changed somewhere and its messing it up.

the command program wont work either so i cant run any ipconfig's anything like that.
Heh. that's the problem I have too ;)

Try a different browser like firefox or netscape or whatever and see if it's just an IE fault- after all, part of the service pack is an updated IE. If your laptop still has network access, it would seem to be an IE flaw. Also try any online games or any other net apps.

Oh! And make sure Windows Firewall that SP2 installs isn't blocking IE (this seems to me to be one quite likely possibility)! I mean, you'd think that being an MS product, it would trust IE out of the box, but, well, IE warns you strongly against using its own ActiveX controls, so I wouldn't put it past it...
What is your home page. I would set it to something else, like google or something and see if that solves it.

I hope you didn't have a homepage hijacker before you upgraded.

Right click on the desktop icon for IE and change the home page to http://www.google.com

then head to the programs tab and check out what activex controls are enabled. Disable obvious malware, dotnet xsearch gator coolsearch etc.
Ferentix posted on Dec 9 2005 at 12:40 PM said:
Oh! And make sure Windows Firewall that SP2 installs isn't blocking IE (this seems to me to be one quite likely possibility)! I mean, you'd think that being an MS product, it would trust IE out of the box, but, well, IE warns you strongly against using its own ActiveX controls, so I wouldn't put it past it...

Any firewall software on Windows can cause this, but I've never seen anyone have this kind of problem with the Windows firewall. Still, turn it off and try. Also, if you have the likes of Norton Internet Security, turn that off too. Whenever I get calls like this at work, nine times out of ten it's a problem with Norton or similar software. It's just shit.
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I had this problem. delete SP2, it's the cause. Even with a differnt browser my connection was fucked. Get a decent firewall like Zonealarm and never bother with windows updates ever again.

I say this because SP2 forced me to have to reformat my computer. I had to uninstall it to get back my ICS (internet connection sharing) but after I did that I went to install some non SP2 update/hotfixes that I thought might have also been part of the problem and suddenly I had SP2 hotfixes which started causing issues again so I used my restore point to move back to a period before I downloaded the updates but it restored SP2 when I tried to uninstall it again the uninstall files dissapeared and I was stuck with it trapped in my computer.

6 hours on the phone with the windows service rep in india had me trying to delete the bits of SP2 manualy which ended up compromising the OS severly. They then had the nerve to blame the problem on me and the fact that I downloaded it by the internet instead of ordering their disk version which I did order just before I called them and it came scratched so badly I doubt it would have installed clean either.

So yeah Fuck SP2, fuck it hard and long with a bardbed wire wrapped baseball bat, it's unnecessary.
lol alpha2 cheers, i rolled it back to a previous XPstate so SP2 is no longer on and it worked straight away, i'm gonna email them knobheads at Microshit tomorrow and tell them they need to learn how to do the updates or just stop doing them all together.
Any firewall software on Windows can cause this, but I've never seen anyone have this kind of problem with the Windows firewall.

Really? I've found at various forums a lot of threads where the cause for an online software not working was that it had been blocked by MS firewall (which denies software in most cases unless you tell it otherwise). Generally this happened with fullscreen games and the like, because then you can't see the "alert" box that asks you if you want to unblock.

I've been on SP2 for about a year now, and didn't have any real problems like this. Maybe I'm just lucky :P
gary.mckeown posted on Dec 9 2005 at 08:20 PM said:
i'd install linux on it but the rest of my family use it
That makes one thing wrong:

1. Your family ;)

Mine's the same, anyway... :P
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i've got SP2 on my main computer and the other XP computer in my house but when it went on the laptop it just cocked up and wouldnt let me on the net. i've taken SP2 off now, its fucked up my AVG anti virus but i'll sort that out another day
whats this windows stuff people keep talking about? sounds like a pain in the butt to me.
Windows is a very old GUI for an even older OS called DOS iirc, I think they still use it on obscure and unfashionable parts of the universe (like Earth), along with Digital watches and VHS video tapes, we sent an interstellar rescue probe there loaded with plenty of Linux Distros, but the DOS GUI infection (called MS localy) is pretty severe due to its viral nature, hopefully we can save the planets inhabitants before too much harm is done to their civilisation, although I understand technical development on Earth has been retarded by about 30yrs so far.

Mentor. (of Arisia)
rule #1: don't use windows
rule #2: if you do so, don't install service packs, if everything runs smooth.

After installin SP1 for win2K3 on my laptop the sound wasn't working anymore, after reinstalling sound drivers, still no sound. After uninstalling the service pack, still no sound. -I decided to format and reinstall everything through the backup I made before...
Silly Mr. A,

Win2k3 disables the "Windows Audio" service by default.

btw, Why are you using a server OS on laptop?