Laptop + Ps2


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
After a bit of googling, I discovered that it's possible to use a laptop/pc as a router for a Playstation 2.

I followed the guide but could not get it to work, I can establish a bridged network and set my network card to compatibility mode but lose the internet as soon as it is all connected. One thing I noticed when running an IPconfig in prompt is that I have no set DNS domain suffix, my laptop is running on a wireless connection, could this be something on the access point end? if so what?

Can anyone help me?
If you use 2 different network devices, you should be able to connect to 2 Networks at once. But since it´s a laptop, it may very well be that one chip controls both network types, what may cause the problem. Try using a PCMCIA Ethernet/WiFi card...
I am using a Wifi card.

The idea is that you bridge all your connections so that you create an LAN within an LAN so to speak the PS2 just connects through it via the network port.

Just doesnt seem to want to work.
I know this is a silly question, but, you're using a crossover cable and not just a regular one right?
I ended up buying a standard 4 port router for the purposes of online play

I have heard that you can use a usb wireless adapter with your playstation to acheive wireless connections, for online play

which should connect to your router directly, thus avoiding the faff of ics, which worked very occasionally for me and ended with me buying the router
Wildheart Baby posted on Aug 14 2005 at 12:33 AM said:
I ended up buying a standard 4 port router for the purposes of online play

I have heard that you can use a usb wireless adapter with your playstation to acheive wireless connections, for online play

which should connect to your router directly, thus avoiding the faff of ics, which worked very occasionally for me and ended with me buying the router

Ah, I do have a spare USB wireless card sitting around but I wrote it off as I thought without drivers it wouldn't work.I guess I'll give that a try tommorow.
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I don't think usb peripherals need drivers on the ps2, though I may be wrong, something to do with the nature of the usb technology I suppose

I bought a logictech headset usb, that is made for ps2, it also works with xp without needing drivers, even though the company says otherwise
Yeah I know my wireless keyboard and mouse work, I just thought a wireless connection might be a little too complex but i'll give it a go later.

I usually use a 4 point router but I'm away from home and have access to a wireless connection so thought I might as well try and get set up.
Nah, the wireless modem didn't work. Powers it but that's it.

Got back into FFX again though so I'm not really too fussed anymore, im sure I'll work out the laptop method eventually.