Minkoff posted on Feb 7 2006 at 01:38 AM said:How do you make a mini version of a console that doesn't exist yet?
Rob posted on Feb 6 2006 at 11:58 PM said:Did you forget? This is Korea in general and the weird things are absolutely normal there.
Theres only 2 XBox's, yet the second was called a 360, and its not even round ¬_¬Minkoff posted on Feb 7 2006 at 12:38 AM said:How do you make a mini version of a console that doesn't exist yet?
지난해 7월 GP32 의 후속모델 GPX2GP2X, XGP 가 화두에 올랐고, 8월경에 XGP 디자인 발표회가 그리고 연말까지 GP2X 와 관련된 일련의 일?들이 있었습니다. 아이리버의 G10 까지 모습을 드러낸(다소 의문도 있습니다만) 마당에 정작 게임파크의 XGP 는 소식이 뜸해 궁금하던 차였습니다.
오늘 지피지기의 뉴스를 통해 XGPmini 라는 신기종의 소식과 가동 동영상을 접할 수 있었습니다. "게임보이 마이크로와 비슷한 수준", "5월 E3 출전", "GP32와의 호환성은 없음", "2.2인치 TFT-LCD", 정도를 엿볼 수 있었습니다. 자세한 스펙이 나오기 전까지는 뭐라 말할 단계는 아닌것 같고요. XGP 도 "지상파 DMB 지원" 이 큰 강점이 되겠지만 역시 나와봐야 알듯 싶습니다.
[개발사인터뷰] 6편 - 게임파크 홀딩스를 보니 리콜은 200대 였다는군요. 공식발매는 4월로 예상하고 있답니다. (Sage Labrie님은 참고 하시길...), 그나저나 이제 천지를 먹다2 - Tenchi o Kurau 2 (Japan) (wofj), Warriors of Fate (World) (wof) - 를 GP2X 에서 할 수 있게 됐습니다!(MAME GP2X 1.5)
The succeeding model GPX2GP2X of last year July }gp{32 and the XGP rises to a subject, in 8 border crossings the XGP design announcement sliced raw fish and until year-end one of the chain which relates with the GP2X? There was a field. Oh Iri pe until the }g{10 it distinguished features, (the bay where there is also a some doubt) it was when the game green onion khu the XGP news is anxious actually infrequently in the yard. Today it does not make a fire news of the flag to lead, news and movable eastern image of the energy kind which is a XGPmini the possibility of coming in contact it was. " Micro with similar level ", " compatibility of May }e{3 departure for battle " and " the }gp{32 and nil " and " 2.2 inches TFT-LCD ", the possibility of watching for a degree there was game step. Detailed su pheyk before coming out by, what appears not to be being the phase which will talk, the bedspread. The XGP " becomes the strong point where the ground green onion DMB support " is big but it comes out as well and it sees and and it knows. [ Development company interview ] 6 side - The game green onion khu the hall ting su sees li the call was 200 the army bedspread. The official sale is forecasting at April. (The Sage Labrie to refer, route...) The that it limps but 2 it eats recently heaven and earth - Tenchi O Kurau 2 (Japan) (wofj), Warriors of Fate (World) (wof) - There was a possibility of doing from the GP2X and,! D (MAME GP2X 1.5)
nickspoon posted on Feb 10 2006 at 11:41 PM said:Google translator for the win.
"sliced raw fish"
"There was a field."
"green onion"
"infrequently in the yard"
"make a fire news of the flag"
"May 3 departure for battle"
"the phase which will talk, the bedspread"
"ground green onion"
"the call was 200 the army bedspread"
"that it limps but 2 it eats recently the heaven and earth"
You can't make that stuff up.
A short summary: GamePark are releasing a smaller version of their original green onion in a field, and possibly in the yard, though infrequently. Then they're going to set fire to the newspapers and depart for battle against possible GP2X (sorry, red onion) invasion on May 3. The new green onion will be able to talk and function as a bed. It can also be ground to function as a bed for 200 soldiers. They are currently tweaking the green onion's ability to walk, however it can already eat the universe.
:lol: :lol: :lol:nickspoon posted on Feb 10 2006 at 05:41 PM said:Google translator for the win.
A short summary: GamePark are releasing a smaller version of their original green onion in a field, and possibly in the yard, though infrequently. Then they're going to set fire to the newspapers and depart for battle against possible GP2X (sorry, red onion) invasion on May 3. The new green onion will be able to talk and function as a bed. It can also be ground to function as a bed for 200 soldiers. They are currently tweaking the green onion's ability to walk, however it can already eat the universe.
Will they release the source with it?
nickspoon posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:12 PM said:XGP will have a D-Pad. Look in the picture.
DaveC posted on Feb 12 2006 at 08:38 PM said:I can't see much of anything in that picture it is so dark. What I can see is the small screen, meh.
nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:01 AM said:It's hard to make out, but I can definitely see a D-Pad in that picture.