Release X-Com: Terror From The Deep


Very Active Member
Nov 30, 2007

I finished porting my static recompilation of X-COM: Terror from the Deep to Pandora.

Download it here:

Original DOS X-COM: Terror from the Deep is required for playing.

Forum topic for newer releases is here.

Edit (06.11.2011):
X-COM: Terror from the Deep was updated to version 1.2.0 with the following changes:
* MIDI playback using WildMIDI
(old MIDI playback using SDL_mixer can be set in the configuration file)
* show the Readme in the Documentation submenu
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Cool :-D
I'll test it right away.

Thx for all the static recompilations. Every time I see a new thead from you, I get grin on my face :-)

May I ask: What is your next target and would "Master of Orion" be feasible?
More awesomeness from M-HT!!!

I just played a game and it is working great.
Thanks again M-HT!
What you are doing here is pure magic. Thanks for that!
god_at_hell said:
Cool :-D
I'll test it right away.

Thx for all the static recompilations. Every time I see a new thead from you, I get grin on my face :-)

May I ask: What is your next target and would "Master of Orion" be feasible?

One more vote to Master of Orion 1.
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Hey great!
So much to try out these days. :)

(You got me dreaming... Would it somehow be possible to make such a static recompile that would run a t a decent speed of Frontier: First Encounters? That would be so awesome!)
god_at_hell said:
Cool :-D
May I ask: What is your next target and would "Master of Orion" be feasible?
I have no more static recompilations to port and I'm not planning to statically recompile other games at the moment - I'll be working on other projects.
Master of Orion is not possible recompiling using my approach.

Blue Protoman said:
How the hell do you do it? And what's stopping you from doing certain games?
Lots and lots of work. Only certain games are possible to recompile using my approach - generally they have to use dos extender, can't use self modifying code, ...
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M-HT said:
I have no more static recompilations to port and I'm not planning to statically recompile other games at the moment - I'll be working on other projects.
Master of Orion is not possible recompiling using my approach.

too bad :(
But thanks for the work you have done already :)
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M-HT said:
Blue Protoman said:
How the hell do you do it? And what's stopping you from doing certain games?
Lots and lots of work. Only certain games are possible to recompile using my approach - generally they have to use dos extender, can't use self modifying code, ...

M-HT: Do you know if Crusader: No Remorse/No Regret are possible to recompile with your approach? What's the best way to find out if they are using a dos extender?
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sepp256 said:
M-HT: Do you know if Crusader: No Remorse/No Regret are possible to recompile with your approach? What's the best way to find out if they are using a dos extender?

They seem to have Playstationports, so maybe not worth the hassle, as they can be emulated.
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mcobit said:
sepp256 said:
M-HT: Do you know if Crusader: No Remorse/No Regret are possible to recompile with your approach? What's the best way to find out if they are using a dos extender?

They seem to have Playstationports, so maybe not worth the hassle, as they can be emulated.

The first game does have a Playstation port, but the 2nd one does not.
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I updated X-COM: Terror from the Deep to version 1.2.0

Download it here:

* MIDI playback using WildMIDI
(old MIDI playback using SDL_mixer can be set in the configuration file)
* show the Readme in the Documentation submenu

Forum topic for newer releases is here.
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